ITT: Yea Forums childhood crushes

ITT: Yea Forums childhood crushes

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I was in middle school, okay?

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the first

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Are you even 18

I only ever heard my grandma’s records until I was like 13/14.
So her I guess.

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how are you even still alive?

her and pic related

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I listened to Ignorant Art when I was 12, and that was released in 2011. I’m 20 now

this a million times
sk8r boi actually gave me hope playing pro skater and learning basic flip tricks would get me a girlfriend back in grade school
also jeans are hella underappreciated

did you end up getting a gf?

What the fuck was I thinking.
>do dodo dodo
>do do

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yeah but i ended up getting annoyed and broke up after 2 days

Nigga I’m 21.
My grandma bought her records when she was a teenager in the 60’s.

Were you raised by your grandmother too?
I love you gram gram ;_;

this man directly contributed to my sexual awakening

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But this is a male

were you 14 when you discovered vampire weekend

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woah really? i didn't know that

Hayley Williams looks like the girl that you had a deeply crush back in the teenage years. She has that "Girl Next Door" aura

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Amy Lee is my forever crush

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Look at her fucked up nose

3 years older than me
went to my small very republican christian school in the middle of bum fuck mississippi

Mariah Carey, especially in the Fantasy and Always Be My Baby music videos