Best albums for overdosing on nicotine?

best albums for overdosing on nicotine?

Attached: We Were Exploding Anyway.jpg (1200x1115, 190K)

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Definitely not generic manufactured third wave post-rock.

Attached: Camino Del Sol.jpg (879x878, 663K)

sweet fucking christ that was the worst
I overdosed on nicotine a few weeks ago (night before a job interview) and fuck that sucked. i didnt wanna do shit, i literally just laid down for 2 hours and did nothing but feel like i was gonna puke

That doesn't describe 65dos at all

It does and you’re a fucking retard.


Attached: 1561756975011.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

Have you listened to them? There is much more going on at any given time in their songs than the generic "bwooooooooooooooooo fweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" 3rd wave post rock is known for.

Who are you quoting? Methinks all the tar you’re smoking got to your head.

I was playing No Man's Sky for 12h in a row trying to find something different from the casual stuff while 65DOS was playing in the sound track.

I think we felt the same symptoms

This copout nonargument of “y-you haven’t actually listened to them!” reminds me of the same shit Beatlesfags pull when confronted with the idea that anyone could dislike their favorite band. Maybe there’s a correlation somewhere.

>hasn't made a single argument
>shocked when responded to with non-argument

Who? You? Not me, that’s for sure. Take some reading comprehension classes sometime.

Still waiting on that argument. You've been patently wrong about everything you've said so far by the way.

lol, you're either le ebic troll or a complete sperg

Attached: retard.png (645x729, 68K)

What do you want me to argue against? Are we in the halls of debate now? I didn’t know we stepped foot into reddit, or are you just mistaken in thinking we’re on your homepage?
Sick wojak meme bro, mind if I save it?

>le rebbit
excuse me, I had no idea I was responding to a lobotomite. This will be the last (you) that you will receive from me

Being unaware of your surroundings is one of the many symptoms of autism. Get checked.

retard son of a bitch

Attached: 3DA230A8-B0C9-496A-A7D1-9E7D765A3F0B.jpg (1099x1195, 479K)

Woah that anime girl is so cute and funny I’m gonna post it on /r/anime is that ok?

Attached: How Lonely Sits the City.jpg (300x300, 15K)

95 days of static is reddit core crescendobient

Don’t say that, you’ll wake them up.

Literally no crescendos in most of their songs and all of the bleeps in their tracks are too sporadic adhdcore to be ambient.

Right on schedule big guy.

Attached: Front.png (395x356, 154K)