how can I get into death/black metal? I like classic heavy/doom metal bands, mostly the ones with slightly more intense vocals like iron maiden, but most of them sound like they just want to be wwe theme songs.
considering I like more intense vocals, I really wanna get into death/black metal, but it literally just sounds like screaming. I come from a hip hop background and I'm used to people saying "its just a guy talking over a beat and rhyming", and not understanding things like flow and counting bars or whatever
so is there anything I should know as an outsider to make me appreciate the vocals of black/death metal more? and feel free to recommend albums
Tl;dr how do I learn to like death/black metal?
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Listen to Tampa death metal.
Listen to Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy and/or Symbolic until you worship them.
Bolt Thrower is very accessible from War Master, but IBTISNL and Realm of Chaos are great too.
I'm not very knowledgeable of Black Metal though, so I can't help you with that.
Remember though to just give it time, most people don't click with the styles with ease (I did, but not my friends)
>it literally just sounds like screaming
That's because that's what it is. In my personal experience that vocal style really grows on you, now I can't stand clean vocal in my metal. Don't even bother trying to understand what they're saying at first though. While the lyrics can be great sometimes, trying to follow along on a first listen isn't recommended. A lot of people say to just consider the vocals as another instrument, that could help, or pretend it's a demon or something kvlt.
If you're enjoying the actual music, the vocal style will eventually become more familiar and even enjoyable. The self-titled Burzum album has the best black metal vocals of all time in my opinion, he held nothing back and as a result they sound very tortured, which is always a good thing for bm.
No niggers or nigger lovers allowed, fuck off and die boy.
Death Symbolic and Carcass Heartwork both got me into death metal, black metal is hard to get into without being into screams or growls so I say start with death metal
Find albums that you like musically and eventually you'll start enjoying the vocals. Next time you listen to Nightside, go take a night walk. That might help it click.
Impaled Nazarene - Suomi Finland Perkele
Total comf
chill with blood is thicker than water after
generally an astounding album
I might be alone here, but I always saw harsh metal vocals as more of an accompaniment to the music rather than the focus like in most genres.
Overall the music is trying to communicate some sort of darkness, or aggression, or pain, etc. The vocals being a vague human expression that embodies that.
Music with vocals is generally more popular than instrumental music because of the inherent human connectivity between listener and voice, instruments alone don't really have that to the same degree. And these genres are creating these dark sounds, the add a vocal style that compliments it, not as a communicator of lyrics, or melody but of just a human reflection of the darkness in the music.
In Hip Hop the vocals and lyrics are the main attraction, along with the beat. In these extreme metal genres, you can't go in with the same mindset. In Black Metal the focus is more on a cold and dark atmosphere, in Death Metal more on the punching brutality and power. Vocals are secondary, just there to add human connection to the feeling evoked by the music.
Bow to no one
try some black/death metal that's less aggressive instrumentally so that you can get used to the vocals
I second Symbolic. One of the more accessible Death Metal albums out there, its borderline catchy even.
Its matter or habit I would say, I didn't get it at first and now it's one of my favorite genres, I guess you just need to learn it in away.
And when it comes to black metal at least, try to look at vocals like an instrument instead of something with lyrics and all that, a screaming instrument.
Try Ulver - Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler, it has a mix of the classic black metal vocals but also some clean sounding ones
Burzum - Filosofem
Drudkh - Blood in our wells
Batushka - Litourgya
These were the ones that got me into the genre
>black metal is becoming trendy
>niggers asking about "how I get into black metal bruh?"
When did this happen?
thats a good goat
Nobody gives a shit that you don't like it. You're not supposed to like it.
The vocals are genuinely an acquired taste, it's not a matter of forcing yourself to like it but most people aren't that into it at first i'd guess. If you find albums with instrumentation you enjoy just look for similar stuff and eventually you won't mind the vocals, then you might start to like them and one album you hear the vocal style will probably click with you. It's certainly not for everyone though.
The first death metal album i loved was Gorguts - Obscura but it clicked with me because i liked experimental stuff. Black metal was I think De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, you probably heard it already but i loved the riffs so much and thought Atilla's vocals sucked. Now I still don't think they're perfect and they are goofy at times but it's a good example of a vocal style growing on me because I appreciate them a lot more years later.
i never got why War Master seems like the most popular bolt thrower rec, I find IVth crusade and Mercernary are a lot better.
>borderline catchy
lots of death metal has catchy riffs, leprosy title track is catchy as fuck
kvltfag detected
I'm gonna go off of this and say that the atmosphere and emotional state that death/black metal is trying to convey is going to be a COMPLETELY different thing than with hip hop or some more traditional bands. If you want to listen to it, you have to go in with a totally different mindset and expect entirely different emotions to be evoked by listening to this music. Loneliness, anguish, terror, depression, invigoration, disgust, even bittersweet contentment.
Lol mercenary is easily their worst album. It's so dull it made their singer quit the band.
Powder Burns and Laid to Waste are a couple of my favorite Bolt Thrower songs. I shouldn't have said "way better" though, most of their albums are pretty close if i had to rank them. War Master is aggressive has more energy but Mercenary has some jams, I kinda like how it's more laid back
Powder Burns is lit ngl
I remember back when I was a teenager I got filtered by Dave Mustain and Tom Araya's vocals of all things. Extreme metal is my genre of choice nowadays, and cleans in my metal actually kind of irritate me. The albums that broke my growling cherry are:
Death - Symbolic / Sound of Perseverance
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Florida death metal definitely came easier to me, and eventually I came around to black metal.
Listen to Bathory until you fall in love with Quorthon and everything will fall into place.
Sigh is lit af
Honest answer is you don’t. Anyone who likes black metal is a cringe edgelord with no social skills.
2bh there doesn't seem to be a lot of rhythm going on
like how do you tap your foot to it, or hum it, or sing the lyrics in your head? I'm utterly lost as to hope people enjoy it
listen to burzum OP
this is true. source: i listen to and make black metal
They enjoy it because it makes them different and they feel superior and “””misunderstood”””.
Proof: I’m the head of my unis alt music soc and come across lots of black metal fans. Luckily I won’t let any of them join next year :)
>he can't discern the riffs behind all the distortion and lofi recording quality (or a shitty bandpass filter slapped on the whole thing instead if its made by poseurs)