Confy Synthesizers

>no synth thread
Come on, friends!

Post your gear!
Post your synths!
post sound clips!
post your ideas!

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This is a music board fuck off

Sorry I don’t have any irl synths just VSTs like Massive and Sylenth1.
Here’s some of my pedals though.

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Sup bigg faggit


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The Grandmother is pretty good. Lots of sounds and lots of utility. REALLY fun with the sound on sound mode on my strymon el capistan.


Sick pedals bro/bruh

whats up?

>blues driver
>big muff

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Stupid fucking altoids tin there bud

keeps the signal fresh

still need 2 try the rat

>not wanting that MINTY fresh tone

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Anyone ever play one of these? Its the Organelle by Critter & Guitari. Watched a youtube demo and thought it sounded godly.

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i own an mxr delay too
i know everyone complains about the lurid blue light in the middle of it, has yours ever acted weird? mine works but that blue light just completely died.

I have a pocket piani that's pretty cool, I bust it out in shows where I'm not playing as much guitar between parts

*tun tun tun tun*

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Hardly anyone on Yea Forums owns hardware synths and if they do it's cheapo chintzy shit like you have or it's one or two guys like Gearspammer who own nice shit but don't have the capacity to make anything approaching music with them.

what should i cop

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The Roland easy, those things are mint.

Mine hasn’t acted up, but the one my guitarist uses has the same problem yours does.

>Post your gear!
prolly gonna get roasted but what the hell why not

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Not too experienced with that gear in particular but that Roland TR-8S looks pretty rad.

Hell nah; that's pretty sick!

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Hot Dog

>he hasn't transcended to the virtual eurorack realm
unbased and moneypilled.

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I'm watching a demo now and it's fucking amazing.

What would you all say are some essential synths/things like the Organelle to have? idk what the organelle is

How can you deal with that work-flow, user?
Can you adjust more than one thing at a time?

Physical knobs/faders > virtual

Name of software ?

>map knobs to midi controllers
how can you deal with not having an endless supply of vca's is the real question


What’s everybody setup this evening?

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how much

My laptop with Ableton Live and the Arturia V Collection 6. Some reverb from the Valhalla DSP Shimmer and Vintage plugins also.
Nice Mellotron and Strymons.

Thanks, though my favorite of that lot is the Metasonix drum machine.

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Mainly cheapkeys because I’m poor and enjoy the aesthetic. Got a few booky homemade pedals too and a couple of Volcas.

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Did you finally get an OP-1 user?

Just bought one of these on Craigslist. Sounds pretty good with my psr 2.

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I don't have enough money to get a grandmother. Do you think it would be worth it to get a used sub phatty instead for Moog stuff or are they not comparable?

if you just want the filter you could get a werkstatt
imo feature-wise an ms-20 mini does most of what the grandmother can, notably 'phat vintage bass'

But I also want something that will last me a while and the ms-20 mini i've been around has awful build quality. I've heard Moog is better but I haven't actually gotten to use one so who knows

Moogs are nice, I've played a lot on a Rogue
personally I don't really need a "nice" keyboard so the ms-20 mini build quality doesn't bother me
if you don't mind a sequencer interface there's the Mother 32 and Roland SE-02

the se-02 does seem pretty nice. the build quality isn't great but I've seen some people mod it to make it a lot better, and the sounds are pretty unbeatable for the price.

isn't this pretty much just pure data in a box

1965 electromechanical additive synth reporting in

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Korg volca drum (the relatively new one) is the most fun and versatile drum machine I’ve ever used, way cheaper than anything else on the market too

pretty much. the wooden buttons give it that analog warmth tho.

>Ekdahl Moisturizer

>Ekdahl Moisturizer


I've been really aching to get a nice analogue synth to play with.
I was a retard and passed on a grandmother for a great price. Now i'm considering a sub 37 for an ok price. I generally play guitar though so getting a model D might be a more reasonable first synth, the Sub 37 might be a bit much.

This is the day your life will surely change...

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>I generally play guitar though
we don't want your kind. you're probably thinking about playing actual notes and shit. gross dude.

wtf with those shoes?

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Do pirated VSTs count? Lately I've been loving the Dune 2 synth.

Are you australian?

Gear I use to gig with:
-MPC 1000 (with jjos2xl)
-EHX 720 looper
-Lexicon MX200
-MiniKaospad 2s (just for the mic)
-Zoom G1ON (dont actually use it but it's good backup)

Gear I use at home:
>all of the above +
-Kaosspad 3
-Boss SP-303
-Alesis SR-16
-shitton of pedals

Got pretty much all my bases covered but whis I kinda miss having something portable and battery powered so I can jam in bed, but Volcas suck donkey balls (had them all), the Circuit looks alright but not into grooveboxes with no screen, OP-1 is overpriced AF, etc. Someday I might just get an SP404sx but they aint cheap, the digitone look fun too

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They're cool but most ppl I know that had one ended up selling it because they couldn't fin a proper use for it

The TR8S of course, the other is a glorified Volca Sample (which is shit on it's own)

You'll get bored of it in a month of two, it's the evernal volca cycle. They're intentionally crippled (see midi implementation on the sample or FM), also the rarely last more than 2 years. You have no idea how easily those knobs break

The Model D is alright but the fact that they made it smaller than the minimoog but kept the names might make it really confusing to get into. Knobs and their labels are too close. If your experience with mono-synths is limited you're in for a learning curve. But it's worth it for the price

But what's wrong with the Zoom G1ON user?

Also I bought my Digitech RP-7 multi-effects pedal 20 years ago, and although it was a little cheesy at the time it has aged so well. Those now-vintage reverbs and modulation FX sound so fucking aesthetic lately

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>But what's wrong with the Zoom G1ON user?
Literally nothing, just that the Lexicon sounds a lot better and you can play around with the delay. But it's not the most comfortable thing to carry around and can be a bitch sometimes with the PSU, so when I need to get everything set up in a small table or something like that I just pull out the g1on that's battery powered and problem solved.
A lot of ppl recomended it for the Microbrute, but I prefer to run it straight to a bass amp, you loose that insane low end with most digital pedals. The DD3 and OD2 can be fun and add some stuff but dont feel like carrying a multi-psu and lots of cables to each gig like I used to

I got this piece of shit for free and really dislike it. It's extremely bright and has lots of sizzling artifacts. Moreover it sounds hollow like there's a constant vocoder like quality to it. I've been looking at some other synths but there really isn't anything nice sounding and polyphonic out there that doesn't cost roughly 2000 bucks. One digital synth that intrigued me is the Roland D50 which I'll probably get as a boutique.

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Mine works fine and fulfils most of my synth needs. Maybe you got it for free because it was broken?
The Microkorg is a gr8 synth and analog polyphony is overrated (you really dont need much more than 4 voices) but if you REALLY want to press 10 keys at at time maybe a ROMpler might be what you're after.
Or a Blofeld if you want affordable hardware and love to go into menu-diving hell

No, I hear that sound quality in every microkorg video. The blofeld does seem interesting but suffers from the same issue to my ears. Not a very sweetspot heavy synthesizer. 9/10 demos showcase extremely ugly sounds throughout the entire video. The good stuff I was able to count on one hand. It's so cheap though that I might just fetch a desktop unit to satiate my curiosity and to see wether or not the users were the problem but I don't have high hopes. Also one audio out only despite 16 part multitimbrality. Waldorf seems to appeal to out of touch boomers for techno, berlin school and trance in terms of sound to my ears. Considering the rompler, I've already got one sitting here which I love a lot and the 4 voice polyphony is simply too much for sketching and tracking live where I'd like to play multiple parts simultaneously.

I made this a few weeks ago... I like the second movement, the rest was more a learning experience

i know everyone hates it but i really love this thing. i used to take my e2s around if i was taking a flight or a bus somewhere but now i can take this and it’s just better in almost every way. (i just miss the pads and knobs, but i’d rather be able to take it with me and have those at home)

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Maybe substractive synths are not your thing, the Blofeld is more aimed at ambient, for example, oscilators and filters are hard-panned in most patches and the overall sound is so thin it only works if its all the gear you're using. No matter what you do, it always get lost in the mix.
Have you considered switching to FM? A tx81z shouldn't be so expensive and fit your needs, or a Digitone

gay thread

What’s you playing with this afternoon lads?

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Yeah, recently I've been looking into FM synths a lot. It would cover clean pads, plucks and keys well and fit into my ambient and dungeon synth projects nicely alongside the rompler. I'm currently looking into the different interfaces and workflows on these synths to see how immediate they are. The lack of knobs on more complex digital synths usually makes me gravitate towards VST solutions. Combined with a simple sweetspot analog mono I could probably look past that though. If only the DX wasn't 32 slots. What a stupid design decision.

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The DX7 had only 32 slots due to limitations of the time. The fact that modern FM synths copied that is pointless, but they do it anyway for some reason. Volca FM being the worst offender, it gives you only 32 slots and does not allow program changes, now that's being an asshole.
The the Reface DX has proper midi implementation but if it only holds 32 slots you're better off with any old module. The TX81z is like having 8 dx7s in one module, and it's not the only one, just one of the best.
If you play dungeon synth maybe a digitone + keyboard is all you need...