He’s right y’know.
He’s right y’know
as usual yes, hoes mad
The best part about that ipad tweet was the faggot in the comments who said something a long the lines of "i was listening to bandana thinking you were the greatest producer and then you throw THIS shit on me?". What an absolute retard.
Diarrhea tea
hip-hop is a joke and shouldn't be considered music let alone an art.
fucking based
Look @ that schnozz
what apps are there to make music on your (pleb android) tablet?
What's wrong with that? Am I missing something?
Retard alert
Kike alert
Gearhead poseurs BTFO. They mad
Anyone can cook
love that rat movie god damn
bug alert
Unironically this. IMO they are most upset because they have all the same tools yet can't figure out how to make them work.
it's like he has some talent & worked..... daaaaaaaaamn
Sounds like he was jesting in admiration.
>he has some talent
then why is he making (c)Rap?
I wish I had a tape deck
It's what he enjoys. He's a more than capable musician, but he likes hip hop. Aesthetic criteria is not up to me.
Would you like me to run something of yours through tape?
Nah, I just want one so I can fuck around with tape loops and shit like that really. Thanks though.
He got sick of rap for a while and made electric jazz shit.
this guy looks cum-scented
Yeah a lotta dumdums misreading that tweet
What app do you even make music on an iPad with?
Garage Band?
based as fuck
Why is Madlib defending himself against literal who's on Twitter?
he's educating them bro