Music for this feel?

>Start new job.
>Ask if I can listen to music with headphones while working.
>Boss says "you can wear headphones at work, as long as it doesn't become a problem."
>3 months go by, genuinely enjoying myself as I listen to music 90% of the day and always get my work done
>Boss makes announcement at beginning of the day.
>Unfortunately I've been seeing some people not paying attention to their work lately, so i'm going to have to ban everyone from wearing headphones while on the job.
>I'm the only person who ever wears headphones at work.
>TFW I thought I was doing a good job.

Attached: download (2).jpg (225x225, 10K)

That Smiths' song where he says he's never had a job because he didn't want one.

get another job

your boss couldn't tolerate your pleb taste op.

speakers + merzbox and they'll be begging you to put the 'phones back on

or you'll get fired

I use one of those portable Bluetooth speakers at work. I clip it to my shirt.

Serves you right. If i see you listening to music while you're making my pizza i'd outright chin you ya shmuck. Pay the fuck attention

I work in a warehouse though. I just spend all day moving boxes from one place to another.

why do you give a fuck about if you're doing a good job or not? does you busting your ass so that the CEO can buy his new yacht give you life and purpose?

I'm already "That guy who wears headphones all the time" I don't want to be "That guy who plays his weird ass music openly."

It's called taking pride in your work user. I like the notion that by working hard I make the world run just a little bit smoother for everyone else.

t. brick in the wall

Your hard work should be put into improving yourself. The sooner you realise that your job is just there to pay your bills, the sooner you will start to build your own future instead of busting your ass in a dead end job.

Negotiate for a single ear-hugger in one ear.

this is why socialism doesn't work

does the illusion of potentially becoming a billionaire one day make it easier to fall asleep at night user?

lmao I literally sang this like 10mins ago before seeing this thread

intentionally being a shitty worker both makes it harder for your fellow coworkers and doesnt keep you from being able to do something meaningful

there's a difference between being a shitty worker and only doing a job since it pays the bills.

I feel no intense drive to "Improve myself" whatever that means. My job pays the bills (With a little left over) and isn't really that mind numbing. It's just now instead of listening to music I'll have to actually engage my co-workers in small talk to amuse myself. I'm content with my life as is.

Airpods painted with your ear color

This is sadder than any incel shit ive ever seen

this but unironically. I don't want to fucking talk to people all day.

I dunno, I do know blaming rich people for your failure of a life is probably soothing though

>t. 14 year old that still has dreams

Why is it sad that I've reached a place in life where I'm happy? That's the whole point right?

Just get a pair like these and find a way to conceal it within your ears or camouflage them with your ears, hell, even fucking paint them. Also just put one of them in at a time to reduce your chances of getting caught.

Attached: OP headphones.jpg (569x569, 15K)

>just a little bit smoother for everyone else.
lol you are a dumbass if you think your labor isnt just lining the pockets of some rich piece of shit exploiting you. theres no pride in working. i work just at a level so i dont get fired or make other laborers of my same class's life harder but try not to exert too much of my energy into work.

I work as a cashier. I wear wireless IEMs and my longish hair conceals my ears. Makes my job so much more bearable. I'd suggest you do the same, and find a way to conceal them. Wear one in and listen to your music in mono if you're concerned with not hearing stuff around you. I usually have both in but listen at a fairly low volume.

You've Got Everything Now btw


what kind of job? How many workers? You work the entire time the business is open? How are you sure that you are the only person? Answer all of the questions even though they are mostly pointless.