King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is the biggest rip off band of the decade. Bigger than Greta Van Fleet. There’s no band that has stolen from another band as much as King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.
Look at the genre trajectory of King Gizz, and that of Thee Oh Sees. Oh Sees started as a psychedelic garage act, as did King Gizz. They jumped around genres a little bit, mostly shifting towards a psychedelic hard rock sound, which Gizz also adopted. After this Oh Sees begins experimenting in prog rock. King Gizz subsequently does the same. Krautrock soon follows, first for Oh Sees, then for King Gizz. All leading up to last years release, in which Oh Sees leaned harder into the heavy metal sounds that could be found on their 2017 album, most notably with the song Overthrown. Now, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard will be releasing their own high octane thrash metal album, once again stealing the ideas Oh Sees touched upon.
Seriously, listen to this
And then this
King Gizz hasnt only stolen from Oh Sees sonically. Their entire image is lifted from them. The two drummers that made people start talking about this band? Oh Sees did that first. Everything, including the way they dress, is ripped from Oh Sees. Even their live performances are the same.
This band is nothing but talentless rip-off artists. John Dwyer should sue them. Their music is nothing but a boring, uninspired imitation of his.
King Gizz only released one album that didn’t follow in Oh Sees footsteps, released this year, and it fucking flopped. That should tell you everything you need to know about this band.
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard is the biggest rip off band of the decade. Bigger than Greta Van Fleet...
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aren't they just acid mothers for brainlets?
acid mother?
Oh sees didn't have a nonagon infinity, also thrash metal is abysmal
the oh sees didnt have quarters or paper mache dream ballon ether
haha based
How is Nonagon Infinity any different than the sounds explored on albums like A Weird Exits? Because it loops? Because it’s basically only one song all the way through? These are just gimmicks, the music is still unoriginal.
>thrash metal is abysmal
Don’t see how that argues against my point.
Select songs off of Castlemania absolutely sound like shit off Paper Mache. Just actually inspired and with energy.
King Gizz essentially just takes the sound of one or two Oh sees songs and then makes an entire album out of it.
do these bands have a beef or something
Not that I know of but they should. Gizz has stolen a their sound, added some more gimmicks and Reddit humor and turned a massive profit.
god bless OP for bringing justice for my boys Sees, their discography is legendary, John Dwyer is legendary, Coachwips, OCS, Damaged Bug all great stuff.
Oh Sees don't have anything like Fishing for Fishies either. I'm not even a fan of that album.
>t. didn’t even read the op
>band has two drummers
>they play the same thing all the time
what's the point
even though king gizz may or may not be ripping off the oh sees they have a far better understanding of rhythmic values than the oh sees
>a single sentence tacked onto a wall of text
Can you blame me?
this doesn’t sound like anything Oh Sees. I’m a fan of both bands
the one that doesn't sound like the oh sees is the free one
really dude? you don't know shit about psych
What are you even talking about?
The drumming is maybe the best part of Gizz but Oh Sees still beats them out in that category. Unless you’re referring to something other than the actual rythym section, in which case I have no clue what you mean.
Not as overt of a rip-off but they still decided to switch to a more krautrock influenced sound immediately after Oh Sees did.
Ok but do Thee Oh Sees have the sick riffs?
no i mean like the time signatures and some of the music theory that comes with it
Their riffs are the sickest.
Also another thing I forgot to cover-the yelps and hollers that Stu has made part of “”””his”””” signature sound. Completely stolen from Dwyer as well.
that is a killer track though
Used to be so into Gizz and was honestly baffled with how've they've blown up with their worst shit. last thing of any note imo was Sketches. Find them very cringe now. Also, Stu does take alotttt from Dwyer.
More like King Jizzard and the Bigger Squidward lol
The most ”krautrock” song they did came out earlier that year months before the release of Orc
This sounds nothing like Krautrock. It sounds like shit
sure the two bands use similar ideas but king gizzard has a far stronger execution of those ideas
I can’t imagine thinking this. King Gizz has a handful of good songs and a shit ton of bloated, lazy, forgettable albums. Even if I didn’t know how hard they ripped off Oh Sees I would still think they are a shit band.
I love Gizz a lot but god damn John Dwyer a fucking legend. Dwyer knowingly endorses gizz as castleface records (his label) helps with us distribution of Gizz
It's very odd to me that Gizz is making thrash metal. The first album of theirs I ever heard was Gumboot Soup and it's hard to break my mind away from that being their default music.