Will rock ever be mainstream again?

Will rock ever be mainstream again?

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>Old Town Road
>still number one
Memes ruined everything

no and thank god, rock is for boomers and incels and has always been a terrible genre

not a fucking chance unless an extraordinary band comes along and switches shit up. there are literally thousands of rappers and producers that can pump out bOpPable tunes to zoomer's taste at any given time.

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If “mainstream” means topping charts, no. The internet has totally fucked the way music charts. Most people worth discussing music will actively listen to rock, and anybody over like 35 obviously listen to it. Stop caring about the shit mega corps and the charts put in front of you.

I know we all see it but nobody give him attention

No and That's Okay because now it has a chance to become actually interesting

Old Town Road BTFOing everything else for the whole summer is based.

give me like 5 years I got this

Ringo needs to hurry up and die so the rest of Beatles can get out of limbo and be reincarnated together.

What do you listen to

>rock is for boomers and incels and has always been a terrible genre

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Knows that Paul is already dead. Based

>Insustry plants, total crap and meme music.

Not surprising at all in top charts really. Maybe rock will come back as a meme too like with Greta Van Fleet


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maybe in ten years it'll make a comeback again, like it did in the 2000's

We believe in you Thom

That jiggle tho

>old town road BTFO'd Taylor Swift

Your average 2019 woman, stronger than your 2019 basedboy

you are trying to hard user

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imagine falling for this bait

imagine getting punched by a woman and not whooping her ass

there are good rock bands out there, you just need to know where to look.

a gay nigger is at the top of the charts oh well

and no rock will never be mainstream big ever again accept it faggots

>he uses the cliched "you just have to look for them meme"

>angry slut hits someone just having fun and enjoying themselves
Why are women like this again?

I think its time to confront the possibility that you may be a boomer

lol it doesn't matter what I say, you'll make fun of it to be contrarian, but nice try user

I won't; you can tell me.

The kind of rock Yea Forums likes was never mainstream. The Velvet Underground were fucking broke. Indie and alternative rock is about as commercially viable as it's always been.

Yes. Don't listen to Yea Forums ive only been on this board for a short while but i can already tell you fags are hipsters to a t and like or dislike stuff just to impress strangers


Indie is more mainstream and toothless than it's ever been. It ends up in Apple commercials for christ's sake.

Rock is dead. And all the subgenres of it are dead too

White people only listen to rap now. White girls are gonna fuck all these black guys, getting knocked up by them, and create a bunch of Logic clones (the reality is there not gonna look like Logic, there gonna look disgusting, ugly mutts, but whatever) running around. The top white guys are gonna procreate, but their grandchildren are still gonna procreate with a bunch of darkies and mutts. The remaining white guys are either gonna racemix (aka, picking up the scraps) with asian, spic, negro women, and create another mutts, and the remaining white incels are gonna kills themselves, thus ending all the rock, goth, punk, emo, metal, all the white genes.

You will not see any of these genres coming back because there's not gonna be any white people for it to listen to. All the mutts are going to create something new, the next step of music. Something with the mix of spics and nigger culture. Some muttcore.

he was sexually harassing her with the vulgar way he was moving his hips

Didn't Jack White's last solo album go straight to number one on release?

why do you want it to be mainstream? Do you sell guitars and drum kits or something?

>muh rock
There's more to music than face-melting guitar solos.

It did.

god i hope not

is that old town road song a joke? i thought it was some parody song

Anyone punching Fortnite dancing faggots has to be pretty based.

That was so satisfying to watch

at the rate zoomer taste has been developing, highly doubtful. meme music, electronic music, hiphop/trap music, and soulless pop are this generation's mainstream jams.

mainstream music has been terrible for decades though so i don't see this as a huge issue, just a nuisance when i have to hear it and be around people who don't delve into art and music past surface-level vapid shit.

Jonas Brothers are pop rock so yes.

no, white people are dying out and with them rock will die out also

idk and idc

All hope is lost.
Mongolism everywhere.

Rock is dying DESPACITO.

OTR is based fuck roastiepop

>Jonas Brothers still exist
What the fuck