Does Yea Forums like Ween?

Also, three favourite Ween songs.

1) Stallion pt.3
2) Big Jilm
3) Waving My Dick In The Wind

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>overheard colleague say “ween is a band for intellectuals”
Oh yeah, sounds like a real band for the educated.

>judging a band on the basis of a personal experience with someone completely unrelated to the band

Are you 12 or something?

Theyre my favorite band.
1. Fat Lenny
2. Did You See Me?
3. Voodoo Lady (9.1.94)

1) Tender Situation
2) The Mollusk
3) Transdermal Celebration

Live version of Tender Situation > Studio version of Tender Situation
Every time

Ween is based and the ultimate ADHD band

Yes I love them
1. Right to the ways and the rules of the world
2. Birthday boy
3. Alcan road

i like the out of phase guitars and the sudden jolt of the synth
the live version seems too dumbed down

Mr. Bungle is more adhd

Posting god-tier Live shit

Tender Situation
Cornbread Red
Japanese Cowboy

they're one of my favorite bands, listened to them so much that it'll be a while until I can listen to them again
Pumpin' 4 The Man
Dr. Rock
With My Own Bare Hands

1) Old Queen Cole
2) Cold and Wet
3) I Play it Off Legit


this based shit right here

I love 'em
1) Stallion pt.1
2) Mourning Glory
3) The Mollusk, maybe?
I love all their stuff honestly

Awesome sound is cool too

Live Request version of Awesome Sound is sooo good.

ween's the best and their music has aged beautifully

1. tender situation (patrician choice)
2. the argus
3. what deaner was talking about

Is Pure Guava the perfect album?


1. The one that was in Spongebob
2. Buddy Holly
3. Teenage Dirtbag

>old queen cole
very good picks, alcan road is underrated
>cornbread red
yes along with the rest of the ween discog

ween is the greatest band of all time and all their songs are top tier so this list doesnt mean anything
1. sketches of winkle
2. licking the palm for guava/mushroom festival
3. the argus

1.The Blarney Stone
2.The Blarney Stone
3.The Blarney Stone

So many BASED Tender Situations in here, good job anons

Holy shit that’s even better than the studio track

1. Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)
2. Mutilated Lips
3. The Argus

If you're into ween most of their stuff sounds better live thats why their live albums are so based

They’re ability to jump in an out of almost every genre is astounding.

Nearly impossible to pick a top 3, but I always find myself playing The Blarney Stone, Exactly Where I'm at, and Birthday Boy quite a lot.

1. i gots a weasel
2. the blarney stone
3. it’s gonna be a long night (caesar version)
4. anything with that manic gravely voice

They're great, and The Mollusk is one of my few 10/10s
1) She Wanted To Leave
2) The Blarney Stone
3) Roses Are Free

>They're great, and The Mollusk is one of my few 10/10s
What are your other 10/10s?

I cannot decide which one is better between Chocolate and Cheese, The Mollusk and quebec, they're all fucking good

1. Ocean Man
2. Ocean Man
3. Ocean Man

Since I Left You, Laughing Stock, Pornography, and Pink Moon

>The Argus
>What Deaner Was Talking About
>Birthday Boy

1) Buckingham green (can't believe nobody said this yet)
2) The Argus
3) Dr Rock

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Ole queen Cole
Sketches of winkle
Little birdy

t. Only heard Ocean Man

depends on my mood and my mood is;

(no order)

tender situation
she fucks me
transdermal celebration or something

1. Flies On My Dick
2. Exactly Where I'm At
3. Happy Colored Marbles

Ween is god tier music

I'll Miss You
The Blarney Stone
If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)

Tender Situation and Chinese Woman are up there for me too

>she fucks me
Best pick ITT

Ween is one of my favourites
In no particular order-

Brown as fuck

It’s tough, but at the moment
1) the goin gets tough from the getgo
2) awesome sound
3) buckingham green

Ah, I see you too are an intellectual like me


I know why you made this thread today, OP.

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happy colored marbles
buckingham green
big fat fuck

Birthday Boy
Ocean Man

They haven't released an album in 12 years, I'm bored talking about them/ranking their albums/songs. It's basically like le comfy Simpsons threads now

This is the definitive version.

1)Tender situation
3)Demon Sweat

I thought the spazzy son in Breaking Bad looked familiar...

Get out.

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1. Demon Sweat
2. The Argus
3. Birthday Boy
Runners Up:
You Were The Fool
Happy Colored Marbles
Pork Roll Egg And Cheese
So many awesome songs.

Ween fucking sucks

Ween are gr8
1) Sketches of Winkle
2) Don't Get 2 Close (To My Fantasy)
3) Buckingham Green

>the argus
>the mollusk
>object or someday

you're the ultimate fucking contrarian aren't you

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Fucking based