The great debate

The great debate.

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this is better than both

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literally no contest
[spoiler] rust in peace [/spoiler]

I like Ride The Lightning more, but I think everyone agrees that Rust In Peace is just better overall. No real debate to be had anymore

Metallica's first three studio albums are better than anything Megadeth has every done. Only childish contrarians disagree with this.

Mustaine raises the cheesier aspects of thrash (and metal itself) to much more intolerable levels.

lulu is superior

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why dont you kids like the deth

Ride the Lightning
worst out of their first four, stop this meme pls

Yeah, nothing cheesy about Metallica

Holy Diver is better than both

Master of Puppets > Ride the Lightning
Rust in Peace > Master of Puppets

no and no

Ride the Lightning has trapped under ice tho

Awful opinion. Never post again.

lol no, Killing is My Business blows any Metallica album out

ha noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo






most underrated album by far

Both are inspired by a concept and the album feels complete. What theme better pertains to individuals?
For me, it's Rust in Peace. Religious competition, authority, disease. Foreign fears. It's not like life is riddled with these things, but they're on my mind. I also think Megadeth has better lyrical quality than Metallica.

Seconding this, leave this place and never come back

agreed. megadeth is still fun though.

Rust In Peace obviously, though Ride The Lightning has a few killer tracks

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Maybe at one point. Dave's lyrics are trash now.
