*breakups your band*

*breakups your band*

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she looks like an omelette

Why is she so smug for being so irrelevant?

Man not to white knight or anything but fuck yall she still looks great for her age

>its a new direction bro

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404 ass not found

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>*breakups your band*


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collab when?

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its literally just cocaine. annie is trying to "david byrne" the sleater kinney cannon and the drummer is probably just not comfortable with the cocaine use

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what's with annie's obsession with latex?

I love both, but SK doesn't need St Vincent bullshit. What a shame

I will protect Carrie with my life

is that her real ass?

Man, that sucks. Janet's drumming brought so much of their music to life. She was the most musically competent of the three. I want to believe but I really doubt St Vincent is gonna do SK any justice. She's all style over substance.

The worst part is that if this album is a swing and a miss that might spell the end of SK altogether. I don't think Carrie and Corin can carry the band with some random drummer.

SK as we know them was Carrie, Corrin and Janet.
No Janet = No SK

janet didnt even play on the best record

Too bad Tracy Sawyer stopped doing music.

was probably sick of seeing annie and carrie fuck in the studio

She played in The hot rock, so you are wrong

She was on The Woods though


neither of these are Call The Doctor

I just listened to their new singles. What a shame for such a storied band to lose their way like this. At least Janet has a chance of moving on to something better.

Shes already in Quasi

I just bought tickets last week they can't do this to me

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you can probably get a refund

I thought she was italian

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Honestly, you're right. This isn't SK anymore.

janet leaves - 30 posts
lil nas be gay - 300 posts
I luv yu mu

With the sole exception of Sonic Youth, Sleater Kinney is probably the most cringey band of all time.

Go to post on your "Lil whatever" flavor of the week rapper thread, stupid zoomer,

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this is why we will win when the revolution comes

I'm glad Thurston Moore is dead

have sex and read hegel, cunt

>behaves like a cunt
>gets guitar thrown at her
>quits the band

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Sam Coomes is not very consistent though. That said, I have to catch up to their latest records, and Janet's drumming has always been more adventurous on Quasi than SK.

I was hoping SK would do a percussion focused album and give Janet more room, instead this happens.

Have you heard Drumgasm? Janet Weiss + Matt Cameron + Zach Hill

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St. Vincent is fucking awful. MASSEDUCTION is the worst album of this decade, and yet critics fucking ate it up. Pure pop trash.

Sleater Kinney sucks, based St Vincent

wow this pic really reminds me of my ex. who is this?


the proper grammar would be "breaks up your band"

w-who's your ex?

That's what happened with Kim?

I'm surprised anyone cares. S-K were amazing in their prime - Dig Me Out, The Hot Rock and especially The Woods are fucking great. But they should've left it there. That reunion album was a snooze.

Some girl from my old university. Couple years younger. Austrian.

So the drummer is basically saying she hates the new album


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>BRAAAPS your band

Well it didnt exactly happened that way , but kim did leave to go form the breeders some time after pixies hiatus. And the guitar incident did seem relevant enough, I think everything went to shit from that point onwards.


Is Sleater Kinney that lesbian band?

what did she do now


Janet LITERALLY carried The Woods

Not true btw. Her drumming is great on it but come on it’s really the production on the album that transforms it into something beyond the previous SK albums

based Dave Fridmann seemingly ruining all your favorite bands but you later realize he actually made them better

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The Woods was a group effort.
For once the musicianship, the performances, the production & the songwriting all gelled in a way that they never had before.


Carrie wants to go to Hollywood. She doesn't give a shit about the band anymore.

This is just embarrasing lmao

it's a new age, bro
catch with the flow, if you mean what i know

you can see on the new songs/performances - everyone is just part playing for the whole - not bad, but not the same.

I think No Cities to Love was a pretty good record. Bury Our Friends was way better than the new singles they just put out.

The production for The Woods is interesting but I think it hurt as much as it helped. I wouldn't have minded someone else producing that album.

lmao, it's way too late for her to do that, she has no mainstream clout and she's too old

can I get a quick rundown?

clout is such a gay term

t. nigger and/or niggerized zoomer
(she is ugly though)

It's pretty crazy that it even exists. It's like a wild jungle of sound.

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zach hill is wearing a death grips shirt wtf

janet is officially cooler than zach


What is she gonna do in Hollywood?

>Won't be able to see all three of them at the crystal ballroom
>Will never be able to see Janet's highlights and hair dancing live
it wasn't supposed to be like this

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Have the other two always been this out of place looking or is this picture really just this bad

You're right about most of the woods
But rollercoaster and modern girl just have this annoying production that's just physically painful to listen to. The live versions are amazing thankfully

this pic is just really really bad

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You tell me

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Well she is

Same as the rest of Hollywood: be Jewish.

She carried most of their albums. Her drumming was rock solid.

Eh, hit or miss.

It is now

Sleater Kinney is trash though

What don't people like about the production?

what happened? Don't understand the post


How did St Vincent even get involved with Sleater Kinney?

they had sex.

I literally just bought tickets a few days ago.

nigga fuck

Who would win in a fight? Her ass or Yoko's?

lets get chant of ASS FIGHT going

it was alright, the best thing about the reunion was the tour

idk, but Annie Clark produced the new Sleater-Kinney album and all of a sudden the drummer leaves because "they're going in a new direction"
I bet Annie made them use a drum machine and just completely ignored the drummer all together.

my vote is this: not everyone wants to be a 'musical ensemble' when they could be a rock band


and fuck it two songs about having a smart phone? jeez

She was on portlandia whenever that was made