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Literally nobody:

Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

OP: I made another epic s o y meme

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more like have sex twin



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I think Trump is a complete idiot but I’d take that any day over being a söycuck


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Great stuff guys.

>I’d take being a söycuck over being a söycuck
Lol ok buddy

>Being affiliated with a right-wing political ideology (which I already clarified I’m not) is the same as letting tyrone fuck your wife because you’re an insecure, borderless weakling with no moral standpoint

what's wrong with aphex twin


Aphex is for people who have never listened to electronica

op is a schizophrenic retard

that's blatantly disingenuous

There are more artists out there, saying Aphex is the best or even top 15 is fucking stupid

Let me guess, Aphex is bad but Autechre is the best thing ever. Contrarians are so predictable.

>this much projection
I'll say dubmood is better

I agree with that statement

Downplaying the quality, importance, and influence of Aphex Twin is the real fucking stupid thing to do. He's definitely one of the greatest for sure. Who the fuck else though? Pan Sonic? Orbital? Jeff Mills? Regis? Ilkae? Shit man go ahead and list out your top 15.

Pan sonic, ryoji ikeda, the list goes on

thats dumb

Real niggas listen to jungle only. Fuck all these IDM wanks.