>only keeps Helpless Child and The Sound
Ah perfection
Only keeps Helpless Child and The Sound
Other urls found in this thread:
I know this is bait but if you were only gonna keep the centerpiece tracks surely you'd have Animus and The Final Sacrifice too?
>deletes everything but the part on The Final sacrifice where Gira shouts "step inside me now"
ahh NOW it's perfect
>Deletes the whole album
Hey...where'd my music go?
the songs with jarboe suck ass
>deletes any live performances and any Jarboe vocals
Finally, Peace
It's really a shame that people only talk about the 10 min pieces on this album, I appreciate the industrial/dark ambient/sound collage parts just as much, maybe even a bit more. Live Through Me is breathtakingly beautiful and one of my favorite pieces on SFTB
This. I Love You This Much is probably my favourite track. So fucking ominous. Sounds like Tim Hecker before Tim Hecker.
2:30 sounds like something out of an Alien film
*deletes everything except blood section and shortens it to one minute*
Incredible piece. Those organ chords scare the shit out of me every time
Red Velvet Corridor is my favorite track next to The Sound. It's so eerie and somber and is the perfect opening track for the album.
I don't get this album, it sounds influenced by a lot of music I do like but it's just missing something
hypogirl and yum yab killers are trash and not pleb filters
>deletes everything except "I love you this much"
ahh finally a 10/10
Get pleb filtered BIITCH
>deletes everything but Volcano
Alright, that's a hit, folks.
Like cohesion?
you deleted it dumdum
>It's obnoxious, so it must be a pleb filter!!!1!!1
It doesn't lack cohesion, just some songs/vocals could have been removed and the album would've been better
my thoughts exactly
live through me, mellothumb, how they suffer, minus something, and empathy are all horribly underrated
>deletes everything except for the scream at the beginning of hypogirl
>deletes nothing, leaving the album as it was originally created, with all 26 tracks in place
Ahhhh, perfection.
>Leaves out Red Velvet Wound and How They Suffer
Yeap, cringe
does anyone have the spongebob screenshots depicting each of the tracks
I dont wanna say you're right but these two tracks are clearly the highlights of that album. Delete these two and it would never be as revered.
somebody please
it gets posted in every Yea Forumsmor thread
Maybe you don't get the point of soundtracks. Its strength isn't much on the single tracks but in its whole. It's like a developing pièce. Otherwise go listen to their latest stuff and you find ambitious single tracks. I enjoy more their ambient/shortest tracks on sftb because of their nature inside the work
lol what a pleb
I have always liked volcano also jarboe cute
if you don't like volcano you hate life
>inb4 suicide maymees
based based based
came to post this
develop ears
>gets rid of live performances already on the album
>add Blood Promise and Feel Happiness from Swans Are Dead instead
>remove Red Velvet Wound, YRP 2, Surrogate Drone
>get rid of All Lined Up
>gets rid of jarboe tracks except volcano
Much better
>keeps album exactly the way it is
ahhhh now it’s perfect
>Blood Promise from Swans Are Dead and not Blood Promise from TGA
not even a funny attempt at being contrarian
>Deletes everything but Surrogate 2 and Surrogate Drone
It's objectively better you fucking pleb
>deletes own life