Remember when he didn't shoehorn political commentary into every episode?
Remember when he didn't shoehorn political commentary into every episode?
>mfw i stop watching NC and start watching Todd videos
>mfw they are sctuwlly entertaining and funny
>mfw he also joins into the PC bandwagon
I don't like his pop song reviews but his one hit wonderland series is good.
By his own admission, he grew up reading snobby hipster music bloggers and magazines, so it's no surprise his conformist taste and political interjections are what they are.
If you're referring to his latest review, it's kind of hard to not do that considering how political charged that song is.
You're probably butthurt because his views don't align with yours. We're living in politically charged times, and the music the released during this period reflects that.
this, i also like his trainwreckords videos or whatever they're called
Remember when /pol/ didn't post on Yea Forums?
His pop song reviews have gone downhill of late. But OHW and Trainwreckords are still great.
he kinda has to if he is talking about songs with politically charged lyrics that have caused tons of political discussion and/or backlash (like the new Taylor Swift song).