Why is she always the victim?

She needs to calm down

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Not this shit again

lacking attention to her shit career. Gotta bait with something I guess. /shrug

At least she makes money at it, here you are doing it for free

That doesn't make sense. Pointing out a victim doesn't make you a victim. Whores make money, so what? They're still whores.

Because she grew up a sheltered little princess and was then lauded as the ultimate pop princess.

She's a typical spoilt little entitled slut, basically

The posts she was making on /pol/ were basically confirmed. She was netsoc as fuck early on. This is a safety swing back the other way for protection #fuckblumpfguysiwasonlylarping


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bourgeois white women love the fantasy of victimization

Why it make me mad tho

>everything is permissible if you get money from it!
Sometimes you can just tell when an American makes a post...

And you are crying about it on the internet
For free

Ah... So you also saw the latest Todd in the Shadows review, right?

Uh no not all

That’s basically all feminism is

It's like you're trying the same insult again but at least this one has some semblance of making sense.

What is she entitled to, exactly?

Sometimes you just know when a burger doesn't understand logical inferences..

It’s like you are slow, and only now starting to catch on

I think you're the slow one. Your insults don't even make sense. Are you from Mexico or something?

I'm American and I agree. That user is an idiot. I apologise for him.

Meaning you see what you want to. Nice samefagging though

>n-n-n-no you

I meant no direct offense to him. I hope I didn't embarrass him into deleting his post. Sometimes this site makes me meaner than I am or want to be.

You're not making sense.

You just aren’t very smart

He deserves to be embarrassed.

I wish to see the look on her White, Christian, Southern, descendant of slave owners face, as it enters her. A pussy only ever giving passage to white pencils for thousands of years, now will experience something totally foreign, from another land that isn't her own. It will be a body shock, an electrical spinal overload.

I want to see her mouth gape open, her head tilting back as she gives in to her primal urges, eyes gently closing in absolute euphoria as the black leathery 8.5" horse cock unexpectedly begins the invasion and takes command of her every submissive bodily sense, her ridged velvet walls and fluids strategically and lovingly encompassing the black hammer, hugging it and directly apologizing for slavery in the deepest and most metaphysical way humanly possible, so much so her ancestors will do a 360 in their graves like a drill bit. The engorged testicles and love milk will be drained from this oppressed man, oh bless him, for his ancestors have suffered and he is being repatriated accordingly. The body will eventually be forced to deploy more lubricant to sufficiently handle the matter, but the reward will be plenty. She will never turn back, and rightly so.

The historically oppressive, racist white man is over, the end is now. and black, is the future.

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This album is going to be hot garbage

She's not Southern or Christian. She is from Pennsylvania and moved to Nashville. She put out a song making fun of Christians recently and she promotes homosexuality.

He means Parawhore, not TS.

more like YOU are not making CENTS

Actually some jew makes all her money now.

That’s the music industry though

You couldn’t make this up. Taylor gets screwed over in business by blacks and Jews, yet continues to pursue the pop audience they control.

My cock

>where the big money is

Are you her publicist because you need to be fired.

Accusing others of what you are, retard.