Right wingers have lower cognitive ability

>right wingers have lower cognitive ability
Music for this feel?

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But I have higher cognitive ability than you. How do you explain this? Honestly curious.

What about Autism and right-wing ideology?

That's leftwing propaganda my man

>tfw want to discuss music
Boards for this feel?

Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off

How do you define right and left wingers?

music not allowed
politics only

>Right wing
Straight white "people" (especially men)
>left wing
PoC, LGBTQ+, women


/pol/ in a nutshell

Hard hitting metaphysical structure bro, I'm sure all ur lw ideas come directly from Straight white "people" (especially men)

I know man it sucks
doesn't really matter though this board is trash at discussing music anyway and has been for a while


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needing science to prove the obvious

news to no one

lil b

It's impossible to completely separate art and politics

of course they do. otherwise they wouldn't subscribe to a wrong view of the society and history.

Even better than that left wingers destroy their minds with drugs porn and shitty media

Bitch got a penis really sent these trannies into a rage lmaaaooooo

based incel

Watch righties immediately stop caring about IQ lmao

t. brainlet

Right wing iq still higher than non white


I disagree with you but I don’t want you to die so I won’t call you out

By that logic, it's especially impressive that lefties outrank conservatives considering they have disproportionately more nonwhites bringing their average intelligence down. Like white liberals must be way WAY smarter than white conservatives lmao

Autists are very realistic and fact -oriented. Thus Realpolitik or conservative viewpoints is what most of them prefer.

people like free stuff

nobody said that isn't true
but does that mean we need to call each other nazis, bootlickers, cucks, fascists, snowflakes, etc etc all the time because that what this board's nuanced political and artistic discussion inevitably regresses to all the time

could you actually consider the discourse on this board healthy in any way and not completely toxic and redundant?

Also theyre retarded.

t. brainlets

i bet most of you dropped out of high school

is this who is telling me to dilate?
am i getting bullied by a 10 year old

more than likely

t. Frank "Read One Paragraph Of The Communist Manifesto" Zappa



Imagine wasting your formative years of energy and hormones sitting in a classroom

Someone post the study that says right wingers are usually more /fit/

these are the fuckers that we argue about politics with every day

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This is an even more retarded name than “Intelligent Dance Music.” Anyone who uses this term without embarrassment definitely has lower cognitive functioning

uhhh what does this mean

they also have higher testosterone and are taller

I'm conservative socially and left wing economically. Neoliberal economics (current right and left economic policy) doesn't change with either an American Republican or Democrat at the wheel. The alignment to 'left or right' is ridiculous and obviously needs more personal introspective analysis. People who are left leaning socially are almost always knee jerk reactors, bent on rules and large government "ban x because I'm not guilty of it and it won't affect me" tier bullshit. Conservative right is usually against a welfare state.. which is sensible when you realise that the 'dont feed the birds, they become dependant on hand outs' signs apply to humans as well and that's unsustainable given the globalist, neoliberal economic system.

It's not as simple as hurr left hurr right orange man bad #berniebro

Grow up. Sorry for grammar and spelling I'm phone posting on the go.

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Not true, women vote more conservative as soon as they have children.. because they stop being selfish

>social conservative
off to the gulag

>The alignment to 'left or right' is ridiculous and obviously needs more personal introspective analysis.
first clever thing relating to politics said on this board in a long time

>I'm conservative socially
based retard

Also just a fucking bit of follow up. If anyone wanted to know what the correct system is..

1. We can't talk about it, it's literally becoming illegal to talk about this part of history
2. It would immediately redistribute wealth away from banking cartels
3. It's propelled a country from deep, deep economic depression to super power, with zero unemployment and with such a large happiness factor that they elevated the leader to some kind of God and followed him in to some really messed up war shit.

Protip. It's absolutely ok to talk about national socialism as a political and economic ideology, completely separate from war type actions that occured AFTER the system allowed it grow to such prosperous levels that it took half the world to defeat it.

It's illegal to talk about. You get called a Nazi. We've eliminated it as an option and that's a god damn shame.

they literally built their economy around going to war
I'm not even on the left but this is a completely manufactured view of national socialism


National socialism works in the scandanavian countries socialists love to jerk off, and look how easily the system breaks when you introduce foreigners ie sweden

I know lefties are stupid but you don't even bother to read the own bullshit you post. That statement never claims right-wing people have lower cognitive ability, it says retards are more likely to express their prejudice through right-wing ideology. But that's completely subjective on what their definition of prejudice and right-wing is. There's tons of retarded racists on the left. Only a retard would allow themselves to be outed as racist anyway, they are not the people society needs to worry about. Imagine thinking you make yourself look good by claiming that your opponents are all retards and also still oppressing you? Most people are retards.

>the dude is an unironic nazi
ahahahahaha, oh wow...

the picture you posted is a retarded simplification, like the ones you just claimed you hated. Trying to sound all high and mighty when your entire mental process around social services is gibsmedats bad, humans just like animal and everyone knows socially conservative means loves the war on drugs and thinks christians should be able to ban whatever in the name of degeneracy. Youre not the enlightened being you think you are simply because youre not a cheerleader for whatever fossilised props are fighting to get elected