chill out a bit man
Is it still taboo to say that The Beatles' entire discography wasn't 10/10 and absolutely perfect in every way? They release some real stinkers desu
Unbased thread
You really got me seething, not gonna lie.
It will always be a taboo orchestrated by sjw npc against white male.
>Drive My Car
>Doctor Robert
>Here, There and Everywhere
>Getting Better
>Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
>Maxwell's Silver Hammer
>The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
>She's Leaving Home
>All You Need Is Love
All absolutely shit tier songs
>Here, There and Everywhere
>She's Leaving Home
>shit tier
low iq faggot detected
Who thinks otherwise (outside of nostalgia blind boomers and literal 12 year olds)? They made some great music, but ever record they dropped has at least one dud, and several of their early records are barely worth listening to at all.
>Drive My Car
>Here, There and Everywhere
>Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
>Maxwell's Silver Hammer
>The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
>All You Need Is Love
Holy shit what a pleb
It seems the prevailing opinion. It seems that people are often hesitant to criticise The Beatles in any way. From my experience, if I say anything negative about The Beatles, no matter how small, I receive "Yeah buts" and "what abouts". We should be comfortable in talking about the pitfalls and blemishes in The Beatles' music. They weren't infallible and immaculate musical messiahs that awakened us to the light of modern music. They released a lot of rubbish, and we should be comfortable in admitting that.
Here there and everywhere is absolute shit though
Obvious McCartney pop shite
Girl’s main melody reminds me of some other song, as if they ripped it off something
What song?
George Harrison best beatle
go back to plebbit
>Here there and everywhere is absolute shit
prove it
absolutely shit tier taste
it's a pisstake John wrote after hearing "Michelle", from the same album
It’s a typical slow Paul song. The lyrics are pretty bland and vapid, as is typical of McCartney, the melody is very slow, too drawn out and too sugary on top of that - it’s a simple 50s pop melody put in the middle of the bustling revolution of the mid to late 60s. Very uneventful and sedating
And no, I’m not scaruffi
I would say that the Beatles albums after rubber soul are a lil bit overrated but still pretty-to-very good
While the albums predating rubber soul are mostly, save for a few singles, pure overrated trash
The best is posting their shit lyric online and watching normies lose their minds. I Crecommend:
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you
the problem of the Beatles was of good taste for editing, not talent
they have a shitload of great songs, but no album you can listen to without skipping a track
They were obviously much better than the Beach Boys (except for vocal harmonies), but Pet Sounds is better than any Beatles album.
itt: shoyuruffi pedos and r/lewronggeneration numales are positively SEETHING that the absolute mad lads from Liverpool are /ourband/ forever and always
>Pet Sounds is better than any Beatles album
LMAO Pet Sounds is literally one track that repeats itself like 10 times i swear. Maybe two tracks aside from wouldn’t it be nice
Don’t forget the deep and powerful lyricism like “Sometimes I feel very sad, sometimes I feel very sad, sometimes I feel very sad” which really seems to speak to the type of “man” who goes to cry and pine in the “art hoe” threads.
>Believes lyrics need to be complex to be powerful
>Likes the Beatles
Pick one fag
Nothing you've said is inherently a bad thing. Still not arguments whatsoever
>nothing you’ve said is inherently a bad thing
nigga can you read
>The lyrics are pretty bland and vapid, as is typical of McCartney, the melody is very slow, too drawn out and too sugary on top of that - it’s a simple 50s pop melody put in the middle of the bustling revolution of the mid to late 60s. Very uneventful and sedating
>>The lyrics are pretty bland and vapid, as is typical of McCartney, the melody is very slow, too drawn out and too sugary on top of that - it’s a simple 50s pop melody put in the middle of the bustling revolution of the mid to late 60s. Very uneventful and sedating
Drive My Car is the reason the American version of Rubber Soul is the goat Beatles album.
Fuck that song.
There is literally no reason for you to enjoy it. It’s a very simple, very boring tune put on a roughly 2 minute loop. 1 minute of the song passes like 10 minutes of better songs, and there aren’t any lyrics to make up for all that drowsiness this song ensues
>There is literally no reason for you to enjoy it
>very boring
>and there aren’t any lyrics to make up for all that drowsiness this song ensues
Dude holy fuck first off you’re speeding as fuck and it’s cringy funny lmao
Secondly, if these lyrics aren’t shitty and bland for you then like
Cmon my nigga no way
>To lead a better life
I need my love to be here
Here, making each day of the year
Changing my life with a wave of her hand
Nobody can deny that there's something there
There, running my hands through her hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking, but she doesn't know he's there
I want her everywhere
And if she's beside me I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share
Each one believing that love never dies
Watching their eyes and hoping I'm always there
I want her everywhere
And if she's beside me I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share
Each one believing that love never dies
Watching their eyes and hoping I'm always there
I will be there
And everywhere
Here, there and everywhere
t. non musicians talking about music
>Believes lyrics need to be complex to be powerful
[citation needed] my (furious) little friend
>Secondly, if these lyrics aren’t shitty and bland for you then like
Cmon my nigga no way
I like that you are trying tho. For some reason you keep pushing it. Kudos for you.
Except the music is pretty great.
Lyrics don’t *need* to be complex and powerful. When the instrumental line is shitty and bland though, it sure does need to be enough to lift the whole song outta garbage
I suppose it's less embarrassing because it's one idiot instead of three
There is no need to insult anyone.
Protip for you my little tryhard:
If you need to be a musician to enjoy a certain song, then it’s pure shit
Irrelevant goalpost shifting
If you were an actual musician, you'd know why the song is genius. I'd explain it to you, but you probably wouldn't understand anyways
So Pet Sounds really is just lounge music?
how do normies love the beatles despite john lennon beating his wife? it should cause an immediate short-circuit
Why yes continue humiliating yourself dear pleb
He didn't actually beat his wife, it's just a meme you diptard
Style and Form
Next note This song is remarkable for its bitter-sweet tune, clever harmonic scheme, and understated arrangement. It is a landmark triumph of the soft rock genre. No kidding.
Next note It opens with one of those (relatively rare-for-the-Beatles) ad-lib introductions, but the form is otherwise the classic two-bridge model, with only one verse intervening and no instrumental break.
Next note The lyrics make a rather John-like structural use of the title words.
Melody and Harmony
Next note The tune uses a wide variety of rhythmic values to convey an impression of the naturally spoken word. It also manages to maintain a nicely fluid melodic feeling through its mix of stepwise motion, long leaps, rhetorical dwellings on a single note, and some triadic outlines.
Next note The home key of the song is G Major, but both its relative minor (e), as well as the parallel minor (g) and its relative Major (B-flat) make important appearances. Both Paul and John were fond of these types of key schemes, and there are many songs we've looked at that use one or more of these tricks. This is a particularly rare example in which all of them are used in the same song. Granted, in the formal context of the two-to-three minute song, there is relatively little room for the full-fledged modulations you'll find in larger forms, but this in no way precludes a more furtive and no less restless exploration of alternate tonal centers.
Next note The opening measures of the verse make use of a jazzy chord stream of the sort that harkens all the way back to early numbers like "Ask Me Why" and "P.S. I Love You".
The arrangement subscribes to the aesthetic of "less-is-more", with restrained yet carefully placed details in all departments. This accomplishment is made to seem ironic and all the more impressive given the extent to which Lewisohn reports they fussed over the arrangement in the overdub stage. Even without access to the bootlegs of so-called Monitor Mixes, you can get a feel for this by simply listening to each of the stereo tracks on the official release one at a time.
Paul's lead vocal was recorded on the low and slow side in order to make it sound higher and much whispier on playback. Both this lead vocal and the lead guitar licks of the bridge are selectively double-tracked. You'll note places in which the second track either drops out or provides a harmonization with the primary track. Enjoy discovering these for yourself!
The backing vocals provide their much talked about, deceptively simple block harmonies on the phoneme, "ooooh". The slight changes they make in their articulation of the chord changes in measures 5 and 6 of the verses make these backing vocals sound somewhat instrumental. And in the instrumental area we have a subtle patterning of the guitar chords, and a bunch of just-right gentle touches in just the right places from Ringo. Did you ever notice, by the way, the addition of finger snaps in the final verse and the outro?
Next note The intro gives away, in its first two chords, the secret of what will soon unfold as the songs characterizing harmonic restlessness. The B-flat chord provides a pleasantly surprising cross relation against the B-natural of the preceding G-Major chord, and also foreshadows the later flirtation with this "relative Major of the parallel minor" that will appear in the bridges:
|G |B-flat |a |D |
G: I flat-III ii V
[Figure 96.1]
Next note There's an interesting comparison to be made between this intro and the one from the much earlier "Do You Want To Know A Secret".
Next note The verse is a fairly traditional eight measures long, though its phraseology contains some subtle internal patterning. The overall structure is 2 + 2 + 4, AAB, but the B section is itself subdivided into its own AAB, though the durations are halved down to 1 + 1 + 2.
Next note The harmonic structure of the verse opens up to V after flirting in the second half with the relative minor, e. According the "stricter" theorists who argue that the home key isn't officially established until both I and V have been exposed, this verse doesn't establish G Major until its very ending:
|G | C |G | C |
e: VI
|f# B |f# B |e a |C D |
ii* V ii* V i
G: vi ii IV V
[Figure 96.2]
Next note The chord on f# in measures 5 and 6 (indicated by *) is a so-called "half-diminished" seventh; i.e. the triad itself is diminished (F# - A - C) but the seventh (E) is minor. I "grep" in vain, through all the preceding notes in this series, to find another use in a Beatles' song of this somewhat jazzy chord type.
The Beatles didn’t actually know any music theory. They just jammed around and checked what they liked and what they didn’t. Their music is literally to be taken at face value - that’s how they made it, that’s how they intended it
So tryhards like you make me laugh my ass off
>The Beatles didn’t actually know any music theory. They just jammed around and checked what they liked and what they didn’t
Sure is amazing they could produce such complex music then!
Also nice damage control my man
Precisely, it’s a waste of time and effort. Simply pointing out that Piero Scaruffi is a pedestrian hack who’s “notability” comes solely from memetic quips and hebephilia is accurate, effective and succinct.
no one thinks this except die hard obnoxious fans. people can still enjoy their music without being labelled as such. i think abbey road and revolver are 10s though
Ehh. They're alright. I think they're a bit overrated though. This might be a normalfag answer, but Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band was my favorite album out of all of them and I found that one to be decent. Even then, they aren't atrocious. I feel like the only reason people talk about them 50+ years on is because teenage girls wanted to fuck John, George and Paul and cuck Ringo in the 60s. That and boomer memes. I honestly don't get the hype in the modern era people have for them and I feel when the boomers die out, people will start being more honest with how they feel about them: They're not bad, but not as good as they were hyped up to be.
Your opinion is not as good as it's hyped up to be.
literally nobody says this
Lol such a pussy response. You got wrecked bro
In the realm of rock music they were lower-mid-tier complex for their time, bottom-tier by today's standards, and non-existent-tier compared to jazz and classical.
See Read the thread before posting
if I broke down one movement of a Beethoven symphony it would take over 50 posts.
Ye thanks to george martin
WHOA careful shiftin those goalposts they pard!
Not really. The songs were fully written when he recorded them.
None of this is particularly complex. You could make a similar analysis of "Take Out to the Ball Game."
>None of this is particularly complex
For rock and pop, of course it is
>You could make a similar analysis of "Take Out to the Ball Game."
Do it.
Lmao this must be bait
Fucking idiotic opinion. It has an absolutely gorgeous vocal melody, is sung by Paul like a sweet angel in one of his most beautiful vocal performances, the lyrics are full of love and affection but in a genuine way (not like in some dumb "Good Day Sunshine" bullshit) and the backing vocals and dreamy guitar run upon the chorus add a legitimately SPIRITUAL element to it. It's one of their best songs. And I don't even like the Beatles.
Implying that my opinion has anything to do with the existence of boomers. If anything boomers being gone will only make the contrarians disappear with them.
>t. butthurt beatles fan
lol, john lennon beat his wife AND son
and his best friend ;_;
No, not really. Look it up
Yes, it sounds angelic (by the way, it doesn’t). It sounds sugary. It sounds kitschy. It sounds too jangly and too boring, monotonous and it just drags on and on and on with no chord progression and that annoying falsetto
>Doctor Robert
>Here, There and Everywhere
>Getting Better
>She's Leaving Home
>Doctor Robert
>Bungalow Bill
the only shit tier songs but the rest are easily 8+/10 sorry your taste is shit
Listen to this boomer retard say so himself:
Beatles fans are honestly so delusional
Cynthia herself said he only pushed her against a wall, never actually beat her.
Lennon has contradicted himself so many times, he's unreliable
>t. seething beatles fan (formerly calm)
lennon says from his own boomer lips he beat women and you disagree because he's your hero. please go back to facebook
See Already addressed. The "victim" already clarified what actually happened.
Show me new facts otherwise your argument is void
>CTRL+F altright buzzwords
>36 results
here is his exact quote:
>"I used to be cruel to my woman and beat her", that's me, because I used to be cruel to my woman and physically... any woman. I was a hitter, I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men, I hit women, I was violent...
you're referring to a single case as a way of ignoring the fact he freely admitted to a pattern of violence against many people because you are invested in the worship of a deceased boomer. I say again, back to facebook grandfather
>he freely admitted
See Already addressed.
Not only is the comment 1) non specific, it ignores that 2) he felt guilty about things he didn't do and used that as a social championing and 3) we have the actual "victim" giving her account.
You are having some reading difficulties. I'm sorry user. How can I help you? You seem to be in some sort of pain, and I'd like to spread some positive and good vibes to you.
>"I used to be cruel to my woman and beat her", that's me
here's your hero's deathmask, hope you enjoy seeing it again. death to all icons of boomer culture, and all nu-boomers begone
Getting better is shit
Also idk what you guys hate about Obladi and especially about Bungalow Bill. The former is a fun simple and CATCHY, very catchy tune, exuding a kind of ska feeling, while Bungalow Bill is just a standard solid Beatles song
Non sequitur
I don't know what that is. I don't like The beatles.
Out of arguments?
Goodby user.
see you in the next thread
john lennon beat his wife, and child, and best friend
Wait, your evidence says it was non specific, now you are claiming specific victims.
Source for those three specifics?
cringe and bluepilled
... john lennon beat his wife
Nice meme
>she's leaving home
>here, there, and everywhere
"john lennon beat his wife" is a meme-killer. the meme that the beatles were exceptional in any sense besides marketing
t. non musician
here you go, user. you dropped your taste in music
Thanks. There's a lot of great albums in there.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da is my favorite beatles song unironically
>Good Morning Good Morning
>Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
>I'd explain it to you, but you probably wouldn't understand anyways
You just made yourself look like you're mentally handicapped. Okay!
Sorry did you just reply to me after I went ahead and explained it anyways?
>Any minor criticism of the Beatles whatsoever
>It is followed by a flurry of "Yeah buts" and "What abouts"
My earlier post rings true. Why can't Beatles fans admit that at least a portion of their music is less than perfect?
>Why can't Beatles fans admit that at least a portion of their music is less than perfect?
Will you admit that a large portion of it is?
No, because it's false. They did write some good songs, though.
Wow, typical Scruffydrone, ignorant of music history
I feel sorry for you, honestly
Why do you assume I listen to Scruffi? I don't care what he says. Is it impossible for you to consider that some people just don't think The Beatles were as great as many people mythologise them to be?
>Why do you assume I listen to Scruffi?
Why do you assume I'm a Beatlesfan?
>Is it impossible for you to consider that some people just don't think The Beatles were as great as many people mythologise them to be?
Well, that's why i attempted to show you how you were incorrect. I don't know why you are making an issue about this.
I never said you were a Beatles fan. This red herring won't work.
You're saying that The Beatles discography is perfect, without blemish, as a matter of fact?
>I never said you were a Beatles fan
See >You're saying that The Beatles discography is perfect
Quote me where I said that
I never said you were a Beatles fan. I assumed you were. Keep up.
You stated that I was 'incorrect' in my claim that The Beatles' music is less than perfect. Therefore, you posit as 'correct' that the Beatles' music is perfect. Something being either correct/incorrect concerns fact and truth. Therefore, you claim it as a fact that The Beatles' entire discography is perfect, and thus Piggies is literally one of the best songs and musical masterpieces ever written in modern music. If you can't keep up with your own logic and 'argument', we're done here.
>You stated that I was 'incorrect' in
Not what I asked for. Keep up.
Try again. Quote me where I said it.
Maybe the problem isn't Beatlefans, but you idiots putting words in other people's mouths?
I stated my argument, and you said you attempted to show me how I was 'incorrect'. If that wasn't what you asked for, then you should make it a point to learn to express yourself clearer.
>I stated my argument, and you said you attempted to show me how I was 'incorrect'
You really do have trouble reading, don't you.
I am asking you to quote me where I said what you claim I said. NOT some of your own logical gymnastics.
>If that wasn't what you asked for, then you should make it a point to learn to express yourself clearer.
Well lets' review:
>You're saying that The Beatles discography is perfect, without blemish, as a matter of fact?
>Quote me where I said that
Seems pretty clear I am asking you to show me where I said this exact thing.
this board is so fucking reddit. I'm done here.
Unfortunately many people do.
People do that for any band they like. Why single out just one group?
I read that thumbnail as, "John On Violent Lennon His Past"
Are you ESL and don't understand the finer points of the English language? I literally showed you.
We're done here. You're wanting to discuss the red herring instead of the original contestation. You have failed to sufficiently argue against my position and now you're trying to slide the argument away. The Beatles released a lot of shit music and their discography is far from perfect. This is the argument which you have failed to refute. Goodbye user.
Nice damage control
I'd advise not being a faggot around people smarter than you if you don't wanna be BTFO
>insult and grandstanding
Yep. We're done.
They are the greatest band of all time. Cope harder faggot.
Is this how schizophrenics perceive Beatles fans?
>>Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
People have been killed for less offensive crimes against humanity than your taste, user. How do you feel about that, user?
Mate just lie down, stick on some Beatles and relax yeah?
>tfw plen
all that granny music shit
You know what I'm gonna say it FUCK ELEANOR RIGBY
there's nothing complex about any of these chord progressions. and a half-diminished chord being "jazzy"? lol what? they're everywhere. usually when I think jazzy I think 9ths, 11ths, 13ths etc.
That's not to detract from The Beatles, though. Their genius is in the twists and turns of their chord progressions that fit perfectly with rhythm and melody like a puzzle.
you're a fucking retard
pop music, by its definition, can't be good
listen to yourself.
>Before Rubber Soul
Meh albums with some great hits
>Rubber Soul and after
All kino albums with many hits. Yes I enjoy Let It Be
"Extended note from 2010. The Beatles were not a terribly interesting band, but their fans were and still are an interesting phenomenon. I can only name religious fundamentalists as annoying (and as threatening) as Beatles fans, and as persevering in sabotaging anyone who dares express an alternate opinion of their faith. They have turned me into some kind of Internet celebrity not because of the 6,000 bios that i have written, not because of the 800-page book that i published, not because of the 30 years of cultural events that i organized, but simply because i downplayed the artistic merits of the Beatles, an action that they consider as disgraceful as the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Jakub Krawczynski sent me this supportive comment in 2010:
I find it quite amusing that almost all of the Beatles songs have their own entries on Wikipedia (nothing wrong with that in itself, actually), even if they are not singles, and each of them is meticulously dissected as if there were transcendental suites exceeding human comprehension, yet bands like Faust or Red Krayola, etc. have biographies even shorter than just one article about any random Beatles song. Needless to say, none of their songs have any articles on them, yet I'm sure there would be a lot more to talk about. Moreover, if you had put any bad review of their album on the site with the intention to show the broader scope of opinions, you'd risk your "life" there, since such fanatics don't accept any single sign of trying to be objective. You are seen as public enemy number 1 to them. It is like your article is one giant cognitive dissonance to them and vandalizing your bio was the only way to reduce this dissonance."
Scaruffi on Beatlemaniacs
>I learned all the Beatles songs in guitar when my Beatle-shirt-wearing dad beat the hell out of me to do so sweetie you can only talk about them if you do that UWU
this but unironically but witht he the death grips instead of the beatles
People that are ignorant of music history think the Beatles are worth half a damn
its no use arguing with the beatlesautist,he comes to every thread talking shit about the beatles to dump walls of text that say nothing and put words in other people mouths,and then claim "victory"
wow...so experimental...
>goodbye user
>posts again
wow must have really stung
>trying this hard
>that say nothing
Learn theory
john lennon beat his wife
Nah, it's just a meme
See We already addressed this.
who's we? the JIDF (john internet defense force)?
I haven’t seen shoyuruffy SEETHING this hard since he discovered U.S. age-of-consent laws.
Yea Forums isn't one person
Lurk more.
ok, I will continue to post the fact that john lennon beat his wife and assmad beater fans will continue to reply. enjoy the skinnerbox
>the fact that john lennon beat his wife
Well, it's not true, he actually didn't.
he admitted it in many interviews
rest in piss john
You wouldn't understand the size of my cock
john: I beat my wife
cynthia: I left him because he was a violent asshole
julian: my dad was a violent asshole
beatles fans: no he wasn't
2 centimeters is easy to understand
Then put it in your mouth already
Spotted the fag
Taking off the wojak mask
>Abbey Road and Revolver
What a fucking pleb
None of the Beatles are boomers. They’re all silent generation (the oldest Beatles were born 1940, the youngest was born 1943)
not him but deny that abbey road and, especially, revolver are not 10/10 is apex contrarianism
If your music has guitars in it you're a fossil and it's trash by modern standards
Dude Revolver is a 10/10 and there's little room for discussion there