KPOP generals are the most active threads on Yea Forums

>KPOP generals are the most active threads on Yea Forums

the absolute state of western music

Attached: eunha.jpg (1276x2048, 213K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's a shame because jpop is better

it's an obsession - they're literally mentally ill

Kpop isn't good music, people just watch it for the visual performance

theyre just yellow fever incels

Fuck off, you don't even talk about music in your shitty generals. You just salivate over the (literally) plastic Korean pop whores in a pathetic circlejerk of (literal) incels.

i like the gidle
very sexy in the uh oh song

Attached: kpop gidle (2).jpg (564x705, 119K)

not gonna lie, i would

I know. I'm so embarrassed

Attached: 1561875836117.jpg (636x657, 42K)

If you wouldn't you are truly a fool

and you only post about fantano and pitchfork rappers

they aren't, it's literally just 30 samefag posting.

Go fuck yourself, you have no idea what I post you virgin koreaboo shit


Ah, just like EDM shows, got it.

I took the Korean waifupill after years of Grimes and Lavren conditioning

Attached: DSC_0953.jpg (1500x1001, 307K)

KPOP threads are trash. They barely even post kfeet pics. It's sad honestly.

>waifu threads get the most replies
surprise retard

That’s great faggot, go the fuck back to it

K-pop is a cultural sinkhole

Attached: 9314AB02-0BFE-46A4-8524-C1EEAD8B97FE.jpg (287x369, 33K)

Western music doesn't have fuckdolls like Eunha

Attached: Eunha.webm (678x1080, 2.65M)

who this


they're literal incels with yellow fever circlejerking over plastic whores. not only that but the videos of their idols interacting with each other works as a friend simulator for their sick minds. they're truly subhuman