Sup mu what do u think of my music
Sup mu what do u think of my music
damn that SHIT SUCKS
stop making theads faggot we already told you what to do to be a better musician and you clearly won't listen
the smell of the shit fumes I stay in my room all day and eat laxatives and shrooms I like the shit and mushroom fumes
nice reddit spacing faggot
I can’t play in time I don’t understand how to I don’t care about that I care about chords and melodies and lyrics more
Didn’t post this I love everyone who takes the time to listen to my gusic
Got a nu les Paul today btw
shit spilling out of my anis
okay fair enough
come on man i thought you fucked off months ago please learn to take constructive criticism and not to blow off what people tell you, this is why you get so much shit. you lack any self awareness
he likes the smell of the fumes
he likes to stay all day in his room
eating mushroom fumes
and shit fumes
I appreciate ppl trying to help me I don’t know how to play in time I downloaded a metronome app and made an effort t doesn’t make sense to me n I know. My voice sucks
you realise he is skitz and has autism right?
the autism prevents him from having any self awarenes
>I can’t play in time
well fuck that dude
you've lost before you even started. give it up
i have a fat load of shit in my pant right now
That songs old af I have a new soundcloud with better recording quality now n I abandoned like half my songs
do you like the smell of the fumes?
do you spend all day in yer room eating laxatives and shrooms?
do you like the smell of those fumes while eating the shrooms and the shit fumes?
Nah there’s more to music than that I care most about melodies and guitar parts
where are the mods when you need them.
he likes the smell of the fumes
bruh just take an asprin or something, i had a cold once and it went away with dayquil
im not op tell him that
maybe he shouldnt have gotten that flu shot
good for you jimmy
I do hope you have the time I dooooo
I continue to shit out my buttholle
I’m like 500 plays away from 20k my old soundcloud had almost 50k
I’m sorry for shitting up the board with my bullshit I know my musics not perfect it’s just self expression my dream is to get some kind of recognition and success for all my passion and work then fuck off forever and be a recluse
i need someone to wipe my ass
this shit was so bad its like knockoff nirvana riffs and screaming and offbeat and shitty singing and shitty levels aaaaaaaa this ruined my day
My reddit ads almost at 1k comments and they’re all along the lines of this
>27 replies
>5 posters
Go to bed OP, quit samefagging your own thread
Thanks for giving it a chance
wipe my fucking ass
Didn’t write this I love all my commenters
Eat my poop
mr poopy buttholio at yer service do I needa sum tp for my bunghole?
how the hell haven't you been banned yet
are you threatening me? ehuhueuheueheh I need a tp for my bunghole I have no bunghole
No more mr nice guy. I am officially telling everyone in this thread to eat my shit
I appreciate your creativity scatposter
OP here, just wanted to say all the criticism has gotten me pretty down. please stop commenting, and dont bump this thread. if you do, type sage in the name bar of your reply.
Not me
Why do so many people impersonate me
can I have tp for my bunghole? I am the GREAT CORNHOLIO
more like type shit in the name bar hahahaha get fuckin shatted upon!
>God SHITEs you
do you have sum tp for me cause I have no bunghole?
don't you mean gobshites?
I have no tp. I need someone to wipe my fuckin ass
eat my shit dude
I think yer music needs work man
Thanks for checking it out
I think my ass needs to get wiped
so you need tp for yer bungole too?
cornholio huhuhuhuhuhu I have no buuuunghole
you need tp for yer bunghole?
I am cornholio I need tp huhuhuhu for my bungggghole I have no bunghole auuauauuauuuuuuauu
I WA NNA GET FREE asflsdfkjsfjerer out of calfifornai
calm down and wipe my ass
i fucking hate Yea Forums
i will now keep bumping this thread to piss off /pol kpop posters
I love the vines
I have tp for my bunghole
no I AM cornholio I need tp for my bung hole I have no bunghole
I need to shit im just gonna shit while sitting in my omputer chair
ineed tp for my bunghole tho am I cornholio?
ah ah here it cums *sharting noises*