see I don't respect men that can't grow chest hair and so I have a rule to never listen to any music made by a man that can't grow chest hair the problem is I'm accused of being racist because I have don't listen to music made by black men or an East Asian man
so how do I get past this ?
I have problem Yea Forums that I need help with
Other urls found in this thread:
you have pics of every male artist with his shirt off or something....or do you just listen to freddie mercury and robimne williams you retard
I’ve seen a blck guy with chest hair before
If you see a man with chest hair theirs a good chance that he's partially white
That's actually super based, I have to start doing that too
god, prime Selleck is GOAT
Quit crossboarding
i shave my chest hair
Honorary white?
I'm 70% white and don't have chest hair at 27. Feels nice desu. It makes me look young, clean, and sensitive.
mc ride of death grips has chest hair and he is black
Wat song is this at 3:10?
Hairy blacky here, you want me to make some music for you OP? What do you listen to?
i grow extremely hairy chest and a full thick beard and i always shave it because it seems like people only listen to twinks without it like bowie
>I’m a spaghetti armed cuck
How insecure are you to actually write a reply like that? What a loser.
>someone makes fun of me being a numale weakling
>h-haha they’re all p-pathetic and insecure
Damn must be lots of insecure people around you
>Damn must be lots of insecure people around you
you do realize in the real world most adult don't mock each others physique
You seem like someone troubled in social interactions and exclusively confined to your own group of friends who are just like you.
Yes, in the real world people get mocked for their physique. Not openly but on any other level. Especially subconsciously.
The world isn’t your little magical place where you can be a gay fat weakling without any social consequence.
>inb4 the next generic assumption/insult after „insecure“ (usually „stupid“)
Dude, you're just parroting words you've seen on Yea Forums, that' so boring and unoriginal. You went out of your way to write a comment on the size of my arms completely and now you're insisting on this immature numale/alpha/beta/onions thing. For your own good, take a step back and look at how pathetic this behaviour is.
post body
oh my fucking god you are beyond pathetic you will die alone for sure