Music for this feel

music for this feel

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No molesto el ratto.

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Wipers - Return of the Rat

The Stuart Little soundtrack

Late 90s or Early 00s drum and bass you left in your car's cassette player at 80% volume. When you are still sort of fucked up. As if you had sex (did I?) it was bad. And the next paycheck is too far away. And haven't had any breakfast. And you aren't sure if you could hold it down if you ate it.

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what the fuck

And you may or may not be the rat.

I can't tell if this is based or animal abuse

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god i wish that were me

which one

How the fuck can you not tell this is clearly animal abuse you fucking furry

Dude no not fucking cool
Not fucking funny

I kept thinking she was just lightly holding it in her mouth and that she was going to let it go. Jesus, what the fuck. She's the fucking devil. I hope that mouse left its body early on and went to heaven so it didn't have to endure that shit.

but its okay when snakes do it? fuck off

heaven doesn't real

U stupid fucking idiot, if u can't figure out the difference u are an imbecile, I'll give you 15 minutes to think about it.

there is no difference it's just spooks

based concerned poster

nah bro I'm going to bed. though good luck fighting for the rights of some mouse in a ten year old video bro

U are the spook

was that racism

hi reedditeveryone's first time on Yea Forums tonight I see :)(

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Not the heaven like the books, but back to being connected to everything and experiencing and understanding everything. Do you think mice see their loved ones and families when they transition from this plane?
No, that was some Yea Forums tier shit that needs to stay on Yea Forums

lmao fucking dialate

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mice don't have loved ones or any capacity for emotion or understanding beyond eating and reproduction fucking hippie
only primates whales and dolphins have souls

Love the wipers

No thanks, I like my penis even though I'll never use it for pleasure or procreation.
Nah man, the little guy was scared as fuck. Something deeper was in there. Like how we're just along for the human ride right now. What we really are is observers experiencing this existing through biological bodies and then we go back to being pure energy before we hitch a ride on something else.

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Exactly. The true "brain" is outside of our bodies. Great post.

lol I bet you believe in energy crystals too

No, but I believe that rocks are alive and that which we are is observing life through them on a timescale that we can't comprehend.

This made my penis tingle

>implying sea life has more of a soul than mice do
That is literally the worst example you could have used, fish have shown less properties of sentience than mammals have
You really believe the evolution trap?
Who are you? Jotaro Kujo?

The guy you are replying to is an idiot and an asshole but you messed up
Whales and dolphins are mammals.....

bro whales aren't fucking fish
dolphins are actually intelligent

honestlye canet tell who is trolling who in this thread anymore lmao

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one more reason to kill myself thanks fäm

fuck off max

That one Ariel Pink song where the cover art is a man kissing a dog



what if your girl just gave you the sloppy toppy and as shes in the bathroom cleaning up your seed from her gullet you open up her phone and see this video in her photo gallery. same date and outfit as today and everything.

Are you from a clockwork orange?

bitch answer the question you got rat organs in your penis hole