Why is it so hard to get an art hoe gf

Why is it so hard to get an art hoe gf

I just want to be on lsd making raw sex to a qt art hoe listening to Animal Collective.

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listening to indie rock gives you the shittest taste in women imaginable

Maybe if you weren't so vapid someone would find you worth spending time with

I'm 22.....

prove it

you dont want to have sex on lsd. shit is weird and uncomfortable

Have you actually doing something with your life and not posting on Yea Forums all day?

ur dick shrivels up while on lsd


>listening to Animal Collective
Ah... Now I understand, have fun being alone for the rest of your life

>listening to animal collective
>arthoe gf
Don’t you mean bf
Animal collective is for fags lol

this, take shrooms instead

i dont think lsd would be fun to have sex on

i want to be on shrooms and walk with my art hoe gf in the forest admiring the beauty of nature

I masturbated on acid and it was probably the best fap I've ever had. It was weird but very pleasant. Also not on peak, but afterglow

Having been down that road too many times I have reached the conclusion that art hoes not worth

>he doesn’t lift

art hoes are just regular old hoes that dress le quirky xD

yeah dude we know obviously

good for you faggot the post was for OP who is clearly not in the know.

having had both art hoe gfs and bfs i can say that they are great and i love them

sucks to be you OP

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They are straight up trash, don't put yourself through it.