What was he thinking

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he wasn't

Same thing when he gave a 10 to TPAB, nothing!

Probably some self-conscious thoughts about how his mouth opens too wide when he smiles and you can see his gums and every one of his teeth and it's really uncomfortable.

He sure as fuck doesn't the record is a ten anymore, he get's asked countless times in his livestreams to rank his 10's and he always ranks KSG as the "worst", fucking kek

.that doesn't mean shit, one is always gonna be the "worst"

"I can't be arsed with all these thick-skulled kanye fans going after me again"

Do zoomers actually consume this guy's content ?

>this fader hitpiece almost sunk my channel, time to regain some popularity by being controversial

how the fuck is praising an universally well received album being controversial retard

It's literally zoomer content

You know I don't actually hate Fantano that much, he's mostly alright in my book, but this is just impossible to defend or explain. It has baffled me since the video dropped.

to me, the last straw was a review he did for some Lil Pump track/album/whatever; he was sucking Pump's cock the entire thing. Pathetic


I pity anyone that thinks there's genuine cultural merit in describing music. I honestly think his bass playing and audio editing chops are equally as compelling as his reviews.
A lot of the "experimental" stuff he covers is corny as hell; and he admits to not knowing much about electronic subgenres. Seems like a nice guy though, it's hard to be bothered by his presence compared to the rest of the internet-famous people out there.

Seriously, why do you care so much about his opinion? It's a genuine question.

Why would you pity someone for that lol...

He literally went on tour just a couple weeks after this review so I'm very suspect. All of the other 10's he's given made sense but this one felt like "how do I get all eyes on me so I can sell these tour tickets..."

music reviews don't change people's lives. i think a lot of artists just laugh at it.

Appreciating art is the height of culture my young lad

appreciating this post is the height of culture live in the moment senpai

based album

„he gave this a 10 bc he saw this as the fulfillment of both artists potential after a history of mixed albums“ bruh shut the fuck up documentary channel 27478281940


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wtf is this

he just likes to talk about music and people like to hear others talking about things they enjoy, it's not that complex

also, he could possibly change the life of a small artist with a recommendation. wasn't he the biggest reason DG and Brockhampton are as big as they are rn?

>he doesn't know about the moleman quotations

>wasn't he the biggest reason DG and Brockhampton are as big as they are rn?
Idk about Brockhampton but Death Grips literally had traction from day 1. Anyone into underground music already knew about Zach hill and their style was so in your face and unique that they were bound to get big melon or no. The idea that fantano is responsible for their success is usually just spouted off by people who don’t know anything about the industry or fantanodrones

the culture of reviewing (more importantly, assigning a genre, specific role and/or social caste to) music does loop back and inform its production, mostly in overwhelmingly negative ways. ultimately, it's about basically the exact opposite of altruistic promotion of lesser known "underrated/underrepresented" artists.

This too. Criticism in the vein of Fantano is entirely about pushing trends

yeah, I'm not saying he's THE reason for their sucess but he had a big part in DG not staying underground

He really didn’t though. The only thing he did for them was introduce his ADD meme obsessed fan base to them.