Much like a breath, pick your spot to shift. Usually at the end of a phrase.
Shifting, the side to side motion of your fret arm, is very easy motion to do. Much easier than stretching a finger. I can shift back and forth all day as its just like the motion of masturbation to me. Check out Greg Howe and watch his sliding vibrato. Learning this technique will make shifting ridiculously easy.
Brody Thomas
im practicing but i feel like i lack some knowledge to practice efficiently
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Gibson Guitar Lessons, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Dean, and I have over 300 confirmed litigations. I am trained in dadrock and I'm the top pentatonic blues player in the entire Guitar Center. You are nothing to me but just another poorass. I will Springsteen you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lawyers across the USA and your patents are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, zoomer. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your wallet. You're fucking poor, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can post embarrassing videos I later delete over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in the blues, but I have access to the entire AC/DC discography and I will use it to its full extent to powerchord your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy Authenticity™ your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the inflated pricetag, you goddamn idiot. I will noodle aimlessly all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking poor, kiddo.
Nolan James
Gabriel Nguyen
enjoy your electrical infetterence dude
Chase Hernandez
How would that happen?
Eli Moore
scanning one item multiple times instead of each item individually
Elijah Russell
I hope Im not misunderstanding the question.
One can play the same scale shape over the entire neck, yes. But its important to remember: I dont punch like muhammad A li ionian dorian phryg lyd mix aeol loc
When It comes to modes, I like to think of them as one repeating 3nps shape.
The great chasm of the G and B strings fuck up that repeating shape, so this is what Id reccommend. Switch to all 4ths tuning and play 3nps in as many positions and modes possible. You will soon find a repeating pattern afterthe 7th grouping of 3nps. 7 groups, one for each unique note of the scale. Looks something like this.
You see, 3 stretchers, followed by 2 malmsteens followed by 2 gilberts.
This pattern repeats infinitely. Youll notice it goes up a 4th verically as you are in all 4ths tuning.
The bastardization of the G-B string chasm creates what you posted, a fusion of two broken 3nps scale shapes, requiring you to either shift a fret mid scale OR omit a note on one string, leaving a grouping of 2nps shoehorned inbetween beautiful 3nps goodness. So physically shift a fret to continue 3nps, or mentally weld the two scales together using an instance of 2nps. Both are situational.
If none of that was on mark, let me know, or elaborate on your question a bit further.
Jason Bailey
you can cancel the infetterence by just installing a few tone diamonds, only the poor dont know this trick.
More talent in the half the top row than the entie bottom row combined
Fits, since you yourself haven't even been playing your prized gibson. I guess they really are for hacks.
Joshua Morris
Oliver Phillips
if you have a burger king job, you can do pic related, just know that i will spend less on guitars over my lifetime by buying quality and authenticity.
ooooh yes i would love to blind my audience while i give them tinnitus yeeesssss
Nathan Sullivan
Who is brappy crapton? Is he well versed in kaka too?
Ryan Gonzalez
>2 malmsteens followed by 2 gilberts
holy fuck if that isnt the funniest fucking shit. you just memed a fucking finger position, bravo
Nicholas Robinson
why do guitarists tend to hate everything that isn't blues, jazz, or metal
ill spend less than you by doing that but buying from fender
we're both a couple of poorfags who care about spending $2000 or $3000 over a lifetime though
Christopher Gomez
>not tuning your guitar to AAAAAA
Jace Morris
yes you answered my question and expanded further on it than i expected, i am still new to these modes. i basically only know major/minor, pentatonic minor and e minor scales. so some of what you said went over my head. thanks anyways though
Robert Parker
Ayden Foster
if your playing a gibson theyre all boomers so they cant see or hear properly to begin with rofl
Liam Edwards
I always thought the pneumonic for modes was "I Did Phil's Lonely Mom After Lunch"
Jason Ramirez
>ill spend less than you by doing that but buying from fender i agree with this actually, trolling aside.
>we're both a couple of poorfags who care about spending $2000 or $3000 over a lifetime though i get your point, but if you care about more that just guitars and are recording as a hobby your always going to want more gear. more mics, more pedals, more software, more everything. so in that way I agree with not just dumping all your money into axes purely for the prestige and authenticity.
Christian Morales
>drop off my guitar at the luthier on a friday >"I'll give you a call when it's done next week" >next week passes >then another week >no call what are the odds this nigger thought I would just forget I left it with him and was hoping he could sell it as his own? I literally just dropped it off to get a solder on the input jack fixed, why the fuck does he think it's acceptable to take over half a month to call me back?
Anthony Watson
mnemonic, that is
Gabriel Howard
sounds pretty outrageous to me, unless he has some more serious projects going on that are rushes. id recommend just buying a soldering iron and handling that simple shit yourself man.
Isaac Rodriguez
What if you have the money to dump despite it all because you have cheap hobbies for your income level and a low cost of living?
This is Yea Forums, nobody has kids and a wife here. A hooker habit and an 11 year old locked in the basement at the most. Lots of people have money to blow.
Michael Robinson
guitarists who play things other than jazz/blues/metal tend to be insufferably far up their own ass
Colton Robinson
that explains the boutique pedals and anime dolls
Austin Evans
You're just going to make a statement and not explain it?
Justin Torres
Stop playing position 1 pentatonic box.
Samuel Myers
I honestly think he has the idea that I'm some jackass kid because I dropped off a cheap 8 string I hadn't played in years. He was trying to figure out if some boomers electric acoustic needed batteries for it's pickups when I walked in, and I stood there for 5 minutes with my dick in my hand while the boomer fingerpicked terribly and the luthier stared at the guitar like it was a feral cat. I'm gonna leave this dude a nasty google review
Anthony Gomez
No love for boomer rock?
Isaiah Butler
country and bluegrass require too much IQs for the average guitar zoomer >inb4 those are for inbred retards post your facemelter chicken pickin demo
Juan Anderson
for your first question
its because they have no value of practice or what its like to devote your life to an instrument, putting thousands if not tens or hundreds of thousand hours behind each note.
They think because they can write a 4 chord song they can "play the guitar" just as well as any other talented person, but in reality they are like McDonalds, pandering to the lowest common denominator, hitting the easiest targets and thinking they are hot shit.
Grayson Phillips
>taking your guitar to a luthier to get the jack soldered >not just taking 15 minutes to do it yourself Hoping the """"luthier""""" pawned it 2bh
Josiah Watson
zoomers like them some chickin pickin but only when they're playing polyphia
Aaron Morales
ya if your point is to shop for the joy or shopping, or you just always idolized that one specific axe, go for it. money is for spending, so live life my man.
full disclosure: i like gibsons, i just feel like theyre bleeding from a self inflicted QC/PR wound at the moment and its funny because the corporate side of their business started to overpower what really mattered to the folks who buy guitars. This, and once you have a good quality gibson you can pretty much call it a day, its just that for people buying new axes its not enjoyable to have to fish for the good one in a pond of guitars that probably should have had their QC issues caught before they get to the player.
Charles Fisher
the price he quoted me to fix it is less than the cost of a soldering iron suck my balls
Hudson Rodriguez
>he doesn't put value on time and annoyance >now he's on 4channel crying about not having his guitar you played yourself
Carter Collins
how much time/effort does it take to lean music theory from scratch? I play in a small blues/rock jam band and know some basic stuff and learn off tabs.
Xavier Walker
>thinking I don't have other guitars to play >thinking it's okay to lie to customers Yeah, you play a gibson
Ethan Myers
So Im the first person to graduate college in my family. I Started in Mathematics and got my AA in that field but I then switched and pursued a 2 year Music degree in guitar. So I have both.
How do I rect when my family criticizes me for choosing music.
>they say things like "What do you tell people you graduate in? *mockingly gay voice* "oh i graduated in mooosic""
>"Music isnt a real job, why dont you do something useful like construction or law
Music is a lifelong passion and i had an opportunity with a world reknown instructor, meanwhile if i handed my family any instrument they couldnt even make 1 musical sound come out. not one goddamn note.
How tf to i handle this rage? What do i say to them?
Elijah Sanders
now, to me this is an ideal situation to do the work yourself since its not an expensive axe. id actually recommend going and getting your guitar back, say thanks but i need to have this fixed, then pick up a soldering iron on your way home. in the end, your gonna be learning a guitar skill that is super practical because any guitar you own can have issues that will require soldering to fix.
the man who enjoys his job never works a day in his life. as long as your arnt suffering financially, and youre enjoying what you do there should be any issue on your end.
but then, if you want a high status position in your family, maybe thats what you really wanted out of life?
Ryan Robinson
this this this this. Basic electronics repair on guitars opened me up to stereo repair and ultimately fixing my own amps. Youtube has soooo many good electronics vids. The shit is physically dead simple with a little bit of mental brain power. This is also how i realized most "repairmen" are trash.
Lucas Wood
I get that, I just am busy with school and poor so I assumed taking it to a pro would not just save me the time, but also save me the money it would take to buy the soldering iron. Obviously I was wrong, but I'm not really upset that I don't have my guitar, I hadn't played that guitar for years for a reason, I'm more upset that these small shops seem to have this idea that they can do whatever they want and lie and be scummy without repercussion. I know how to to solder.
Samuel Cooper
Nice cope. You picked the "luthier", not me.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Adam Harris
Watch John Mayers Inspiration to Information vids at Berkley, one of the sections goes through this EXACT question and he demonstrates it.
Some notable pullaways are, recognize your glass ceiling, dont lead with your strongest attacks, dont be afraid to use silence and "wrong" notes to your advantage.
thats a problem with a lot of services, whether its mechanics or guitar repair - they prey on your lack of knowledge to justify some scamish tactics, and they often have a stable of regulars who they prefer and give more honest service and advice to.
thats why in my opinion, youre going to want to learn repairs on a cheaper axe. when i was like 14 one of my uncles got me a book on guitar repair. I thought it was a waste of time because i just wanted to shred at the time, then i had one of my guitars that was in storage for a while develop microphonic pups and had some severe corrosion on the frets. Thats when i was like, oh wait, i have a book about this shit.
Trust me, learn the basics now. Learn the shit, youll probably save money over the long run and you will be in control of the quality you get. then you can spend the extra cash on gear or whatever.
Austin Watson
>I'm gonna cry on 4channel about how I sent my guitar away to a tech of my own choosing to do a simple fix instead of doing it myself >instead of fixing it in 15 minutes I'm going to complain about the tech, who I chose, is taking too long >anyone who points out how stupid this decision was is a Gibson playing troll yikers
Dylan Nguyen
How new are you?
Michael Myers
I've seen a few Mayer berkeley vids years ago, but I may not have seen those, I will check it out, thank you.
Another question though... I find I have a lot of trouble beginning my solos... like I always seem to just climb the pentatonic to get into a solo. How do you go about starting a solo within a song in a less formulaic way? I feel like I never know when/where its appropriate to start within the measure or how to subtly insert myself into the jam and just rip out a solo. Also, same thing about ending the solo. Ending them is always awkward for me... are bandmates supposed to kind of accentuate/cover up and take over after I'm done so it doesn't sound so obvious that the solo has ended?
Lucas Reed
>crying about how long it's taking you're deliberately missing the point to troll. cringe
yeah I'll get around to it. I know how to solder, I'm an electrical engineering student, I just didn't feel like fucking around with that shit when I could drop it off at the luthier who was right next to my college.
keep going retard, keep on going
Nicholas Davis
fuckem. literally fuck em. Why do you care what some noneducated immigrants think of you. They are not your demographic. Their job is to house you and feed you. Thatsit.
Id reccommend watching a fuckton of college jazz bands as they all turn every song into a turn based solo wankfest.
Youll see what works ad what doest, then look at jazz greats to see how they perfect he craft.
Hell, sign up for a semester or two of jazzband at your local college. Usually its only abt 150 bucks and you lear a fuckton.
Sebastian Watson
you fucked up. you got a degree in something that doesn't require it and wonder why people think you're retarded. A musician can walk into an audition and demonstrate enough proficiency to get the job regardless of their qualifications. Nobody will look at your resume in a mathematics job without a degree. Enjoy poverty.
Juan Green
>sign up for a semester or two of jazzband at your local college. Usually its only abt 150 bucks and you lear a fuckton.
never thought about that, but it brings me to my next question: is there a way to do this without having to deal with a bunch of flaming jazz faggots?
Joshua Young
Frank Zappa has a music degree. So does Slash. And Jimi. And don't forget Clapton and Gilmour. OH and Ace Frehely. Also Steve Vai. John Petrucci. Did I mention Stevie Ray Vaughan? Yeah him too.
>I'm an electrical engineering student Now it makes sense why the guy is ripping you off. He could tell by how awkward and beta you were when you dropped it off that he could fuck you over. Especially knowing it's such an easy fix and that anyone with an ounce of gumption wouldn't need to take it to a tech. You should learn from this for the future. Mechanics in particular are bad about this. Once they realize you are incompetent, they will upsell you on a bunch of services since they know full well you're too inept to know any better. You're essentially a suburban housewife.
lmao without googling tell me what a supertonic is, then kys
Evan Morales
nobody cares, the fact that you admit Google could teach you what it is means your degree is worthless. You wasted your time and money. You essentially paid people money to force you to practice and learn theory, something literally millions of people have done on their own, for free.
Aiden Gutierrez
some jazz faggots are faggots. the really cool ones who put in work keep their mouth silent and are nonjudgemental of any skill level. They listen more than they play by nature cause its a trait that true jazz musicians share, as its the only way to keep the dying art alive, to listen listen losten losten. When they speak they let their instruments do the talking.
Gabriel Barnes
lmao you dont know what it is keep writing your German augmented 6th chords as Mm7 pleb
I bet you read chord symbols over lyrics cause dots intimidate you
Liam Taylor
if you spent money learning something the internet could teach you for free, your degree is worthless. You deserve to be mocked and ridiculed.
Leo Bailey
dude jazz band was by far the most fun class ive ever taken. the folks are cool and everyone smokes weed and listens to jazz after class to get their hardon to practice for i shit you not, 8 hours...these kids lock themselves in a practice room and go ham for 8 hours daily. its like a fucking gym.
Thomas Hughes
if you tried learning what they teach you in music school it would take you easily 10x longer to do it on your own. i understand youre trolling but its no joke.
ive seen med students and law students wince over the sheer amount of work you have to do daily in music school.
Christian Mitchell
Except I'm not trolling whatsoever. Music school is a joke unless you're studying classical music. Music school for guitar is the ultimate meme. You 100% wasted your time, and are lying about the law and med school people. Or they were lying to you, because everyone in STEM recognizes music school as a complete waste of time. Music school is paying money to study the works of people who didn't have to study. You ape your ideals through intensive study of creations you will never achieve, for what? To have a more complete and in depth understanding of your mediocrity? To make 35k a year?
Jacob Long
He spends his time writing paragraphs to troll, he doesnt have time for education at school OR on his own. Hes gotta buttfrustrate those 10 year olds!
Charles Barnes
Not that guy, but you don't pay for school for the information. As you said, all information is free these days, and that's not just with music. What isn't free is the learning experience. Asking questions of qualified people, making connections with peers, having people to correct and challenge your ideas, AND all the information you want to learn in an organized structure so simple, there's no excuse to fail other than a student's own inadequacy.
If it were as simple as you say, the notion of higher education would've been phased out years ago.
Sebastian Barnes
100% not trolling whatsoever. Music school is the biggest meme in academia behind "art" and "soft science" majors.
Jonathan Perry
Is putting kaka on my guitar just a funny meme or is there something more to it?
its called a patina and you can get it pre-installed on some guitars now
Juan Hall
Colton Barnes
I have ~6 hours worth of .5-2minute snippets of unfinished, unorganized chord progressions/melodies and a lot of them are rerecordings of the same idea but done a little differently. they are all literally only numbered 354-854. I know if I take the time to go through and filter through them all I'll walk away with maybe 50-60 recordings (probably ~5 recordings per concept/idea) that I feel have potential or sentimental value and I probably won't even do anything with any of those.
Elijah Rivera
>qualified people >making connections >correct and challenge ideas >organized structure every single thing you listed is achieved by either A. Actually leaving your room and playing gigs, becoming a member of your local music community B. The internet and it's ability to connect you with teachers, learning material(structured learning material is obtainable, usually for free)
Higher education is for the most part a meme, unless you're entering a technical STEM field that requires intensive study and correction, and often dedicated equipment i.e. medicine, physics, etc, you shouldn't go to college.The education system has been designed to drain you of money, and spit you out with a piece of paper saying you met a minimum of requirements. That's it. Now for real fields of study, this is important, because you cannot be a self-taught brain surgeon, someone has to certify that you know what you know. Music is not like this, music is a field of study where you can develop the ability and acquire the knowledge on your own, practice on your own, and showcase your ability, on your own. Nowhere at any point in the process of being a musician does it require you to pay money to go to a college to waste years hiding in a practice room to impress someone whose greatest musical achievement is getting a job where they evaluate people who play in practice rooms.
they certainly didn't pay tens of thousands of burgers to go sit in a practice room for 8 hours a day.
Aaron Wood
>Gets called out for being retard >Gets called out for being long winded >Makes shorter vaguer posts cause hes an amateur troll who didnt go to troll college
Keep learning on the internet friendo! Youll be right up there with K*emstar eventually!
Jack Lopez
>doesnt know how to read here ya go my friendly neighborhood nigger
Gavin Peterson
>Oh yes...and to all to the soldiers fighting in Vietnam
>most of the people I attended music school with are not musicians for a living >Most musician jobs (aside from teaching music) don’t give two golden shits if you have a degree or not >The music industry is a meritocracy, and you are judged solely on your ability and what you can actually deliver – you can’t just hold up your diploma at a concert and get applause, or score a movie soundtrack with it. > if you are serious about studying music, you can learn 100% of everything you learn at music school for free on the internet >The idea that you need to attend an institute of higher learning to attain some holy crystal skull of knowledge is as ridiculous as a person swinging through the trees with an entourage of monkeys
Noah Morales
I think it's just hilarious. I'm not sure who invented it, but it makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. Best meme on Yea Forums
Robert Evans
how to get that sort of fried 60s 13th floor elevators, jefferson airplane, love sound?
> spend like 40 minutes sitting down and practicing cavatina (song I've been avoiding for years because it's so daunting) > can actually play it at a really slow speed and keep getting smoother and quicker
Sub human and single handedly keeping Ibanez and ESP in business
Ryder Lee
Yet another beautiful example of someone who has a signature guitar and gets laid to play by a company but STILL records with Gibson guitars.
Just face it bros. You can hate them but they are the best.
Zachary Clark
Chase Wilson
Lol you’re that shitter busting balls about recording quality aren’t you.
#yikes. Souless trash music dude. Also your bend was off key. I hope you don’t think anyone will like that shit.
Ayden Stewart
Fucking call him yourself. Who waits that long?
Lincoln Turner
>gets laid to play by a company So that explains why all these fat asian chicks named Dean keep showing up at my house
Liam Hill
this is bait you idiots
Dylan Gonzalez
I can only imagine how much kaka he's rubbing all over your guitar. If it's active, make sure you check all the cavities of the guitar for hairy, corny kaka, lol.
Jackson Long
kakaposters are now some of the least retarded people in these threads. consider me kakapilled
I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe something happened and he couldn't get to it. But I am going to call him tomorrow.
It's really not
$5 a log too I bet
Brayden Nelson
>It's really not it really is and your a shit troll
Evan Walker
it's not, this is really happening to me and it is really annoying. What really sucks is I trusted this fucker, I watched him write the service order down, along with the quote he gave me, but I didn't think to ask for a copy, so if he did pull some extremely scummy shit, he'll probably try to fuck me over on the price of services. I really don't want to have to take this dude to small claims court over something so fucking stupid but in this town it wouldn't surprise me in the least. It's that kind of medium-small college town where all the locals are shady because the town is big enough for them to get away with shitty business practices, but small enough to where there isn't much competition for shit like luthiers so they have a monopoly.
Hunter Adams
>it's not it is. stfu
Blake Wright
how does he do the violin?
Justin Turner
>if i say it's a troll it's a troll says the troll. I see you now
Ayden Ortiz
i already told you to stfu
Samuel Watson
/fa/ggots ruined this general. conspicuous consumers who don't understand that these things are only tools.
Eli Long
Gibson players and boomers. If you're either of those 2, you deserve a noose on your neck.
Cameron Collins
wtf is a luthier? a priest?
Cooper Stewart
>i told him to shut up why won't he shut up you rn
>I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt for a month and a half?
Jose Evans
see stop replying to him
Ryan Kelly
2 weeks is a month and a half? lrn2read d00d
Joshua Wright
I fail to see how you could possibly construe this as bait. The day I dropped it off I even posted about it in this general, the same shit about the boomer luthier and elderly fingerpicking acoustic electric dude frantically trying to figure out if his pickups were active or not. Go look through the archives bitch
Chase Brooks
no more (you)s for you. go away
Julian Smith
>stop talking about luthiers and guitars you're a troll we only talk about brazilians and kaka here! must be a beautiful sunday in south america
I laugh every time it's mentioned. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Jaxson Collins
it's just a really funny word. That fucking luthier is probably rubbing his kaka all over all 8 of my strings with reckless abandon and I can't stop him and it's driving me fucking crazy
Wyatt Martinez
you both suck
Cooper Myers
Been self learning through the internet for a month and i feel like im not progressing much Should i get a guitar teacher irl? How much is it normal to pay for an hour?
Friendly reminder that only a Gibson™ is good enough
Pedal i ordered last night will ship tomorrow, strings will probably ship tuesday. Going to solder my strat again because my idea flopped. Knobs don’t have the full swell like they used to, so in either going to do the G&L PTB mod, or just go back to my vintage mod, haven’t decided yet. Gonna learn some reggae tunes and get back into practicing
yes but only one of them is banned for trolling. can you guess which?idk about that. sometimes us kind hearted learn-ed folk come here to edumacate the youths about chord relationships and progressions n sich.
that being said. I learned a bunch of guitar and theory. Im feeling generous. AMA
Does anyone have any tips on how to do the spanish grace notes featured frequently in flamenco music?
Brayden Evans
I am literally not trolling at all. What do you want, a picture of my 8 string with a time stamp? I can't do that, because it's at the fucking luthier's. I'll post it tomorrow you thick cunt
Jack Anderson
Kaká is not what you think, porra. it is a name. and it is stressed on the second syllable. kaKAh.
Just saw the 60 cycle hum video, it sounds good but Danelectro is being way too ambitious trying to charge $1200 for that hunk of shit
Samuel Brooks
>polepieces don't line up with the strings nice work tardy
William Morales
Just finished recording all the songs for my first album that my friend is producing for me after three sessions over the last few months. Feeling pretty good about it. :)
for real though tardy you don't know what an f spaced humbucker is?
Brandon Carter
Yeah, and it's just a Mosrite copy. Looks cool though.
Angel Davis
Shit strings
Landon Taylor
Sounding good my man.
Christopher Bailey
Yea i do. Do you not keep up? Thats a random humbucker i had laying around. Quit being a fucking dumbass. And the difference in g and f spacing is visual nore than anything. Fuck off and dont reply to me retard.
>went to local guitar center to check things out for fun >this guitar caught my eye >looked it over, deep pencil eraser sized dent in the back and scratches on the front >still trying to sell it for the normal msrp Didn’t even bother plugging it in. What a shame.
>Thats a random humbucker i had laying around kek of course it was. what did you use for the nut? a piece of a rock out of your driveway?
Austin Cox
>buying any guitar with a sizable dent that you didn’t make Didn’t even wanna haggle fuck that noise. I don’t believe a guitar should be mint but I want to at least put the first beauty mark in it.
Gabriel Wood
It's an ugly piece of shit anyway.
David Allen
You customized it? That's pretty cool. I am a beginner, also new to Yea Forums so sorry if it's a stupid question.
>ahem Fuck gibsonfags Fuck PRSfags Fuck fenderfags Fuck ESPfags Fuck acoustic autists Fuck jacksonfags Fuck dean/gretsch/any other rip-off fags I know I've missed someone's favorite guitar so fuck you too Fuck y'all if you doubt me, I'm a piece of fucking white trash I say it proudly, and fuck his thread I don't want a guitar I'm outtie, tell these faggots something they don't know about theory. (Those 2 guys that circlejerk over that one d'addario shitplank are pretty funny though)
Brody Watson
>playing guitar I realised I wasn’t ever going to get rich off it and made them into this glamorous coffee table. No regrets.
That is very inspirational.The brass parts are a nice touch.
I got an Ibanez grg121dx and have been trying to decide whether to do some work on it or sell it and get something better. It has a weird fret buzz but it may just be my shit technique.
Solder your strat? You poor, deluded fool. When it comes to a Stratocaster, only an American Elite is good enough. If you have to solder it, you've already lost.
Henry Lee
Now that's what I call glamorous.
Brody Garcia
>kek of course it was Not the guy you're talking to, but what's so hard about people having random guitar parts lying about?
Christopher Davis
Ian Russell
You buy by size, not guitar. I usually stick up for you here, but dude.
Joshua Diaz
>tfw did a gig with a hot blonde singer last night >tfw she asked me back to her place >tfw I was singing love songs at her place and giving her the eye >tfw she was singing then back to me >tfw we then just watched the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy then fell asleep >tfw she moved rooms part way through the night as my snoring was so loud
On the plus side she texted me today so I guess not all is lost. Worst comes to it I now have someone to do female backing vocals.
Parker Parker
Well, now shes probably experiencing some self doubt. The ball is in your court, better think up of some esoteric bullshit story to tell her.
Josiah Fisher
Even worse, he waited so long to make his move they ended up watching a movie and falling asleep
Thomas Cook
Yeah, I am so out of practice it’s depressing, haven’t had a fuck in three years.
Henry Reed
You spent the night at her place, you're not nearly as out of practice as you think. Just have an answer when she asks you why you didn't do anything. Something like, wanting to get to know her or frame it as if you were testing her...
Matthew Foster
Thanks user, that’s pretty helpful.
Thomas Peterson
Just tell her you don't fuck on the first date. Gentleman points. Then fuck her up on the second.
Oliver Thomas
Shit bro, no worries. Life is dark enough without sabotaging yourself.
I've been practicing since late May, I can do the basic A, E, D, C, Am, Em chords, smoke on the water riff on the E string, 7 nation army on the A string, and that's it. The only chord changes I can really do are A to E and A to D. Is this normal progress or am I not progressing fast enough?
>smoke on the water riff on the E string I don't know where this meme came from but it needs to die
Gabriel Ramirez
Why cant you answer him?
Jeremiah Rivera
Fuck sake man, just use the Justin Guitar page where he recommends songs with the chords you have learned. There’s got to be one or two songs in each section you like.
Elijah Garcia
Sex out of wedlock is a sin. You did the right thing.
>Smoke on the water riff on the E string. I see you too want to master kaka as an artform
Alexander Jones
Anyone else notice sam has been hiding these past few days?
Jeremiah Hill
I'm following man, but I still need to get the E to D chord changes down, I can only do like 40 in a minute
Landon Long
>El bar sinson
Nathan Bell
He's busy plugging up the corpse of his dead dad with onaholes
Owen Phillips
I wouldn’t even bother with the chord change exercises, they’re painful and tedious. Just learn songs until you get fast enough at changing them.
Aaron Powell
>four replies all making fun of a noob >not a single practical suggestion what a bunch of faggots l
Ian Morales
Hes probably plugging his dads corpse ass with his dick and having some weird cathartic therapy >DAD I NEVER TOLD YOU IM GAY Poor sam
Landon Miller
this is /gg/ all there is here is noobs giving other noobs a hard time
Tyler Cruz
>bar sinson oh i see this thread is full of sudacas never mind then
Adrian Sanders
Le go shit on your le hand then le rub it on your le chest, le newfag. This place is for that, if you want le safe place for le help go to leddit
Elijah Ross
I did give him a practical suggestion, learning songs is far more interesting and useful than changing back and forth with chords.
Zachary Powell
hmmm, maybe I'll give that a shot. I am getting better at the chord changes but they ARE tedious, but I don't want to be weak on my fundamentals because I'm lazy, ya feel
Learn the notes/scales on the fretboard for soloing, pay attention to what your right hand is doing(rhythm) biggest part imo.
Nathan Scott
At first it is extremely difficult man. Keep at it! Stretch your hands and fingers. Can you tell us where you are and what you have been learning, and where you feel you're stuck?
Lucas White
But then it will be both more difficult and less pleasant to play, and it will smell like kaka.
Jace Collins
The smell will attract bass and guitar players
Blake Morgan
I'm a real fucking jazzman. We don't even talk about the craft. If you can't play three inversions of every chord and solo in any mode I won't even let you into our free jams, ya dig cat? Most of you little faggots can't even count the meters I warm up on. Our guitars aren't even instruments anymore, it's an extension of my being. When you're don't pretending you're not a filthy casual, at least go buy a Gibson so you can look like one of us.
Benjamin Roberts
no one good on guitar started off doing chord changing exercises, i guarantee it. you're just going to make yourself hate guitar if you start off that way.
Chase Cox
>no one good on guitar started off doing chord changing exercises Wow you're a fucking idiot
Bentley Morgan
My Les Paul has kind of high action and I cant get it as low as I want it without buzzing. I was thinking maybe it can be solved with a different style nut, so the strings sit a bit further off the first fret?
My 800 dollar PRS SE is easier to play than my fucking Les Paul and this pisses me off. Thoughts?
Connor Robinson
perro caca
Ryder Gutierrez
an idiot who's better on guitar than you.
Aaron Lee
>can't play chords >doesn't know what note is where GO PLAY SONGS REEEEEE
That will be $25 for your first lesson.
Carter Long
Levi Wilson
Jordan Reed
Is that some new variant of our beloved kaka?
Robert Martin
do a death match. entertain us.
John Morales
The thing is you need to change chords seamlessly when you sing otherwise the song will sound like shit. It will force you into making the changes quickly and eventually it will become second nature.
I’ve been playing for a few years now but when I play guitar it’s the singing that takes up 90% of my attention, you’re not thinking finger shapes and chord names when you’re playing or “up up down down up” as you strum or fingerpick.
Jose Hughes
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Cameron Wright
best of 3 each choose a genre, dubs for the tie break style
Cooper Wright
We need a mediator.
Brody Lopez
Why do brazilian always post simpsons memes?
Adam Perry
Somebody help. I can't fucking decide which I want to learn to play, bass or guitar. Decide for me, Yea Forums.
Thomas Gray
no me rompas los huevos, boludo
Camden Cox
Im here
Grayson Howard
Alexander Perez
Kaka?? Are you bringing italian kaka?
Elijah Long
brazilians don't give a shit about the simpsons. it is them sudacas and mexicans (brazilians are NOT sudacas and not even latinos)
Parker Allen
Angel Cruz
Drums. You'll get more work as a drummer.
Zachary Rogers
Really? We thought you were with your girlfriend or working *wink*
i am not the person who asked the question, don't be retarded
Andrew Morris
Here's a practical suggestion for you, user: immediately take your guitar to the nearest pawn shop so someone who's actually passionate about the art form can have it.
Jaxson Cooper
something where the body color looks similar to the headstock. thats what gets my eye.
Asher Carter
Ayden Perry
Levi Clark
>tfw a perfectly decent /gg/ got deleted because we were one post short
Luke Watson
based mods
Logan Collins
New thread
Kevin Wilson
Grayson Evans
Bentley Long
janny is having an autistic meltdown and wants this thread to reach page 10 before we make a new one I reckon
Thomas Diaz
what a jerk
Juan Parker
What if they've decided to cancel /gg/ and this is going to be the last one?
Oliver Parker
Jaxson Watson
they probably get more reports from /gg/ than they do all of Yea Forums combined so i could see this happening