our girls blackpink
The cutest elf.
maybe mina is hotter than tzuyu now
blackpink is the revolution
boring gimmick
we love lisa
i mean maybe 1 in a million extremely beautiful men
you gave me some extremely rare situation when women are 50% of the population and they ALL receive this unfair treatment
attractive men may be slightly more popular granted theyre a fucking high status superstar
eunbi is a bimbo and should be protected and cherished
also, bred multiple times asap
and it does hurt people for someone to be a instagram model the equilibrium is not good for men when women can get payed by whiteknight cucks all day long
you would have a higher quality of life if women didnt have all the wealth that they have simply by being born female
on a large scale it actually is destructive to men when women can do this
all those prostitution bills on a global scale take away from teh economy and put it into makeup and gucci bags
that's been obvious since fancy dropped
new jisoos friends
taking rose to glue factory
leave our rosie alone
they don't make em like this anymore
theres like trillion dollar makeup companys now
and luxury designer wear
can you imagine what this earth would have if not for this complete fucking junk?
you are directly responsible
because you support women
i'm still not sure about that
sure tzuyu still is hot as fuck, and her hips have no equal, but mina has been getting wonderful outfits that combine her natural elegance with sexiness, showing off her beautiful thighs
maybe you're right
Mina is pretty good on her own but when she stands next to tzuyu she looks plain af
i already explained yesterday that your "tzuyu body" is absolutly fucking nothing looks like a average philipino 16 year old
fuck off dude with your whiteknighting
thanks for posting my wife
>idolizing plastic gooks
kinda want her to shit on my chest
post more
i wasn't here yesterday, schizo, and i'm not whitenighting
you're a weird dude
imagine being that useless
>posts 16 year old tzuyu
>she looks like a 16 year old
you're not that smart aren't you?
she grew up since then
im weird but youre a cuck dude
oh tzuyu poor girl she needs more sympathy and credit for her beautiful body
go donate to girls on twitch if you love their bodies so much
tzubuggocucks btfo
I miss her so much bros...
I think her ugly face is a bigger problem than her body.
Nancy incel poster is back it seems, don't let that sperg give other nancybros a bad name.
she never got any "sympathy" nor money from me
i just find her hot and want to fuck her, it's not that deep
not everyone is obsessive like you
oh my god dude you figured it out her body is unbealvable she just needed to wear the tightest dress she could find to try to make her shit pop
still average philipina women you retard
maybe like aztec women even
wtf is wrong with mina posters?
i'd say mina looks prettier but i still want to rail chewy more
i love fat girls like fancy, i want to get a handful of her rolls
beautiful pale legs
post some blasting material
mina hasn't been hot since like ooh-ahh
im the obsessive one but there has been people in this thread going on for days about tzuyus body
>i just find her hot and want to fuck her
so does her 4000 whiteknights
how are you different
holy shit the eye lid surgery is so blatant here
who is this?
song of the year
hyewon plastic bimbo
oi no anjoonking
>nobody responds to his incel rants anymore
>starts responding to twice posters to get attention
stop being so desperate
based gay
Peak visuals the group
yeah, by pure instinct i feel like i want to fuck tzuyu more, but mina is super attractive
google reverse image search
check the image md5 in
easy to do if you use Yea Forums x
[spoiler]stellar minhee[/spoiler]
its not incel youre just also a whiteknight cuck or a women.
pick one or the other
probably tells people to "have sex" like hes superior like a child would do
>ywn hold her firm birthing hips
nice moves
oompa loompas the group
based low standards poor manlet small brown uneducated bad hygiene uggo
>yeah, by pure instinct i feel like i want to fuck tzuyu more, but mina is super attractive
oh wow dude you and 50,000,000 other people feel the same way
how are you different
even going as far as to think that someone cares about your personal desire to fuck them
blasted vomit all over my screen
*cute oompa loompas
arin getting a face full of joonk
Are we pretending that Tzuyu has an exceptional body now?
Oogie is PRETTY
post Jisoo with her fat burger ass
more buzzwords hurry!
cutest wolf
her favorite
are you pretending she doesnt so you finally get some responses to your posts?
that better not be about our jisoo
based minabro
there she is
all the bodies in kpop are shit. theres no such thing as an exceptional body
human body parts are pretty much universal.
theres not much differences.
every person has their own wife and its kind of the same experience everyone thinks their own wife is hot
theres no reason to be judging people
She looks like she is losing weight
that's iz*slut not oogie
joonking yooa on the forehead
If I wanted to get (you)s I would call ger tzuyuggo and post crops. I tell the truth her body isn't exceptional get over it
Momo hat wrote Momo
Lies. That is Oogie.
She's tall with nice curves, most of these kpops look like umpa lumpas without the nice angles
cute talented girl
yup this poster is a roastie alright
what edition face is she on now? 6th?
all womens bodies are basically the same thing
this women shaking her no ass at all thousands of people have fapped to it its just fleeting horniness chemicals in the brain and its all made up when you try to justify something like oh tzuyu has such a good body or something
nobody cares youre just horny and saying random things
its like when youre drunk you dont even know what youre doing
we didnt even know katy perry was the hamburger in taylor swift's new video
well that's nice they are friends
posting chewy to trigger that femcel
>Turn on Vlive for 4 minutes
>Turn it off
What the fuck?!
if you were born in some other country you wouldnt know about tzuyu
if you were born in any other time in history you wouldnt know about tzuyu
you would like some other girl at that time period and you would date some person specifically in your own town
theres nothing special about any of these people theres nothing special about tzuyu
youre just going about your life and whatever life hands you and then trying to say theres something that is right when it could have been any other person
it's not a girl, it's a fasto that literally pays to fuck black trannies, i'm not even joking
that's the expert on women's bodies we are talking to
user, should i quit kpg?
Twice Sucks bro
pure evilrin
all womens bodies are basically the same thing
this women shaking her no ass at all thousands of people have fapped to it its just fleeting horniness chemicals in the brain and its all made up when you try to justify something like oh tzuyu has such a good body or something
nobody cares youre just horny and saying random things
its like when youre drunk you dont even know what youre doing
why is there a nancy-chewy feud? i like both
This is the ideal kpop idol. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
tinny has such a low amount of testosterone in him that he might as well be female
if you were born in some other country you wouldnt know about tzuyu
if you were born in any other time in history you wouldnt know about tzuyu
you would like some other girl at that time period and you would date some person specifically in your own town
theres nothing special about any of these people theres nothing special about tzuyu
youre just going about your life and whatever life hands you and then trying to say theres something that is right when it could have been any other person
and thats a bad thing!
who dat?
lisa is seriously cute
her body is amazing
Can you roasties pls stop arguing? This is what men actually want
you dont love your wife you have a archetype canvas entity given to you at the particular instance in time in your particular town in your particular country
theres nothing special about the person you are dating or is your wife
its basically could have been any one else if some small thing was different
and you basically distract yourself with her and make it up in your mind for it to be something so that you can go through this life in peace and just pretending like what youre doing is something
people to it with their jobs too they actually think theyre doing something and helping society
you dont love your wife you have a archetype canvas entity given to you at the particular instance in time in your particular town in your particular country
theres nothing special about the person you are dating or is your wife
its basically could have been any one else if some small thing was different
and you basically distract yourself with her and make it up in your mind for it to be something so that you can go through this life in peace and just pretending like what youre doing is something
people to it with their jobs too they actually think theyre doing something and helping society
Face of 2019
nice meltdown
Cutest girl in kpop
i still don't know how arin won my heart
Face of Aphrodite
I am not sure what is going on but I just want to claim my waifu - Kang Hyewon in this thread.
*mogs every single old hag kroastie*
imagine being a billionaire and getting to tap this
>he doesnt know
that one dude fucking pinky...
probably 90% of the reason why he dated her is her feet
pyo live with sungah and friends
Wony channeling Seolhyun in that webm
Hotter gums for sure
i don't even remember saving this
Her husband must be some uggo tech mogul like Hephaestus
This is so pathetic. You waifufags are mentally ill, I hope you recover one day
waiting for these noonas to get drunk and horny
her mom probably already closed the deal
Agreed on Yuna
she's always been just as pretty and definitely the most elegant member
im new whats a noona
That's not how the fedor meme works
Skinny is the default kpop aesthetic. Fedor meme applies to thicc girls like nancy
Especially her gums
ur mom
>most elegant
>can't even walk propely
It's what you call an older woman if you are a male
ah so like when girl groups say unnie but for males
Brown chewy > yellow chewy
wait they canceled inki because bp had a fansign?
I am sorry, you can't be a fat pig and a dancer at the same time. You may not like it...
god fucking damn
>tfw selling your soul is not enough for a 4some with them
Yes. How many times must this question be asked?
Example "I want Irene noona to turn me into her boytoy"
finally someone said it
Ffs dont just blindly copy any meme that you like and slap blackpink on top
just double checking
Irene *ahjumma
best gums ever
No, it was because i paid 170 dollars to watch blackpink perform 15 songs in 2 hours
i got a weighted blanket and it's just a blanket but heavier
everybody knows that
I heard that it can help with managing loneliness because it kinda simulates having someone holding you while you sleep
>most popular
>best dancer
>best rapper
>in best group
That's the whole point jichubro. Why did you get one in the first place?
w-where can i b-buy one?
Y I K E S. You did buy a lightstick right?
No the broadcast was cancelled because of the high level US-Korea summit with President Trump, President Moon Jae-in, and Chairman Kim Jong Un. Don’t believe Blinks they are just trolling
>best rapper
>doesn't write their own raps
Sonamoo is still alive?
What the...
is Sonamoo really alive?!?!?
because of this and it sort of feels like it if i imagine really hard
You don't know that, but I am glad you agreed on the rest of the points.
this is pyo hyemi
most underrated girl group imo
Fedor meme is about gaining success despite having an unconventional body type for the particular field
Fedor had a chubby dad bod and dominated a sport where muscled roidbeasts roamed
Lisa's body is pretty standard for kpop
Silly blink
we already know they don't do songwriting and i didn't feel like bothering with the rest
Buy a comforter and add some sand.
who? looks like Sonamoo's Euijin
at noon a clocks arrows are pointing up like an erection. it's what you call a hot girl.
one of the muses in the kpop mythology
Hope you're okay bro. Cats are nice to have too
based this is what kpop is all about
You forgot to post your fat pig
i want her to step on my face
I’m sad RV isn’t hitting the same kind of notes as they used to with old singles (or maybe I’m just blinded by mere exposure) but the new album has some goodness. Feels like their mechanical wonderland.
replace yujin with jiheon and I'm on board
Can someone be helpful for once? I am looking for an MV from one of those 2nd gen slutpop groups that focuses almost entirely on feet. I thought it was SISTAR but that's not it.
There is a hoe on a bed with a photograph in one scene and there are several close ups of feet throughout the MV someone must know what I am talking about
Pls respond
What group and era is this?
Given how dumb the rap lyrics are I wont be surpised if Lisa herself wrote them. Is there some sort of idol college that she can go to?
Use the meme right for once
you serious m8? thats /ourgirl/....
You the man
fuck twice
You can tell that SM kinda just gave them a final run before their swansong and new GG. I finish they put in as much effort as they do NCT. Just look at the difference between Superhuman and ZZB's promos.
post her fat ***
i don't think she looks like hyemi very much
she's 16
fucking fromispedos
Dear lord,... that's a great photo. Would kiss/10
Blinks will never experience the joys of ISAC. Oh well, it's not safe for Rose and Lisa to do sports. They might break
Jennie would be good in korean wrestling tho, she's mean enough. Also jisoo's retard strength is quite formidanls
>knows euijiboard but not hyemi
how old is izone yujin?
the pale and soft princess mina
that's a nice ridge...
ask google
forgive me padre for I...
Whats the joy of ISAC? watching your waifu flirt with some gaypop?
I was more of a RaNia Hyemi man than a 9Muse Hyemi man
Playing fun sports. Closest thing that kpop can have to an anime sports festival
The meme wasn't just about her body, thats why I didn't even write it in the post. Its about her whole persona, she is Thai yet the most popular kpop idol.
If theyre gay it's not flirting. Big brain dubu energy
that's not the video she was talking about
All I know is, ISAC revealed to me that Sana and Mina are SHAMELESS DATE WHORES. plus Jihyo is a fucking bitch
i hope we can at least agree that mina's feet are way better than tzuyu's and that gives her a lot of points
Please get your high school diploma asap.
to crush your enemies
what about kim hyemi?
so you don't have a problem with wony (14) and yujin (15) but jiheon (16) is a deal breaker?
This is the sort of realness that ISAC gives us.
Incel please gtfo
>Jihyo is a fucking bitch
are you talking about that webm when she seems kinda angry?
Are women even human?
she looks really good predebut
Wow,... what an amazing MV. Wish this style would come back.
have sex incel
post twice
apologize to stellar
Memes aside when will holes take responsibility once in theor life? It's sickening
Blackpink at ISAC:
Last in relay
Last in sprint
Last in wrestling
Last in archery
Last in gymnastics
No one talks to them
They have no friends
YG bringing in a bus of filipinos as their cheering squad
Post Somi please.
I am 28 with phd in electrical engeneering lol.
Somi please.
So sick of this. Every time. WAAAH IT WASN'T MY IDEA, I JUST DID WHAT HE TOLD ME WAAAH!!! Whores.
lmao once he said he got a phd, kpg got quiet real quick
a pair i didn't know i wanted until now
jesus christ. what's she doing now?
Sure, we can be anyone we want in kpg. I'm a pair of headphones, specifically Sony WH-1000XM3
somi, good for one thing only
>Somi's way of fishing
The fish see those juicy thighs and feet on the surface and jump out at the shore trying to get them in their mouths.
Why are you acting as your own hypeman?
>dance slutty choreo
>dress provocatively
>sing suggestive lyrics
>spill milk on your face
not ok
Blackpink is the revolution
big if true
lmao, holy shit you are fucking seething, im not even him. you got btfo
stellar was too good for us
First guy to pull bullshit credentials is always the least believable guy
lmao once he said he was a pair of headphones, kpg got quiet real quick
aoa still has 5 members
That's not really an achievement, especially in quantitative 'sciences'. I'm the biggest autismo retardo in the world and I'm currently writing a PhD thesis.
this also would attract the biggest fish
they aren't as good and lost their best singer.
>getting a phd
>bullshit credentials
yikes, you really got btfo
I have a phd in 13th century welsh gender identities does that count
I am. I support bluetooth 5.0 and have a USB type C port. My noise cancelling is top-notch
whoa moonbyul looks straight here
Good for you, hope you are made of durable plastic, I keep going through sennheiser headphones like socks.
I wasn't even bragging, it was just funny because of his post.
jimin is so frail now she might as well be a 1/4 of a member.
Most famous kpop idol worldwide
at what age should i quit kpop bros?
Is that it? I roll up to any thread, say I have a phd in electrical engineering, and then i btfo people?
Ez pz
I guess the line is when the video becomes sexy to a point where you'd rather jerk off to it than some low budget backyard porn. I personally can never understand this prudishness. What's so bad about young women showcasing their beautiful ass & feet ? It's silly either way, because we all know it's an essential part of marketing in kpop. Company owners are literally telling new idols when/how to present their feet in an appealing but non-conspicuous way.
whatever age you stop liking it
listening to others to decide your life is for cucks
>Listening to whore music