Soul destroying music

ITT: Post albums that will fucking devastate a person emotionally and psychologically.

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why's BM getting so popular on this board these last few weeks? more newfriends or some shit?


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Nope, it's all too active to be remotely saddening or depressing. Jamming great album though.

a crow looked at me isn't music. just shitty poetry

OP here, I agree. But that doesn't change that it's absolutely heartbreaking if you put yourself in his shoes and feel his loss as if in the first person.

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was so excited to listen. stopped when he started singing about his anus. gays can't fucking help themselves

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for real though

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>dude a crow looked at me so sad lol
>dude carrie and lowell so sad lol
>dude benji so sad lol

iowa by slipknot is the only emotionally honest album

The least fun and most depressing one two three four releases of all time.

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he could have made a good sad album tho. this shit is shockingly lazy

that album is sad as fuck. tom wrote those songs while battling cancer and he died just before i was released. only then did the world find out he even had cancer and holy fuck some of those lyrics

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It's not surprising that Yea Forums doesn't understand A Crow Looked at Me, you need to have had some sort of a fulfilling experience first.

The sad part isn't that his wife died and he wrote an album about it. The sad part is that time marches on and eternity doesn't last. This doesn't just apply to the death of a loved one but to all human experience. At the end of the day you only have today, tomorrow that day will be gone and all that will be left is an illusionary memory of it. But if you've never had an experience worth remembering as much of this board has not, then of course this album won't grab you.

Was my first thought

>you need x to understand y
nah bud. bad music is bad music. you sound exactly like those fags who have a 1,000 word thesis on some shity flower vagina painting that represents women oppresion in the 19th century alicante

Imagine being this intellectually vapid.

you couldn even define intellect

Imagine being this intellectually vapid.

TryHard Philosophical Hipster of MynKind !!ET0fCpvCoQ7 06/30/19(Sun)10:07:00 No.88693205you couldn even define intellect

Yikes, got you a bit flustered there champ?

you coulsnr even define flutstered

Damn, your anus must really be stinging at this point.

you couldnt even define stingign

Playing into it isn't going to save you, friend.

Yes but everyone’s point is that musically it’s amateur tier. People have made music concerning these themes for literally thousands of years man. Nothing Phil says or plays on the album is poignant or striking. It’s literally babbys first indie folk sad album and you’re eating it up

you couldnt eveb define friend

In what sense is any of this true? You're throwing words out but I scarcely believe you could justify any of them.

My favourite album. Loneliness in music form.

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Im in his position on the first song came on the other day and i had to turn it off after the first line because of how fucking fake it sounded

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>being emotionally devastated by a blatant money grab

reminder that he was balls deep in some younger pussy not long after the mother of his child died of cancer
what did he do with the 1/4 of a million he raised for her medical bills?
stop being so gullible

I listened to the first track at work last week and was tearing up, fuck me up senpai