What are some white artists that have a lot of respect from black people?

What are some white artists that have a lot of respect from black people?
Pic slightly related

Attached: hive-contributor-profile-bill-clinton.jpg (768x512, 56K)

me vro peep da sounclound :eyes:

Eminem is regarded in the same pantheon with any other rap legend

unironically Ed Sheeran

Attached: 3By6Vhc.jpg (1843x1200, 597K)

willie nelson because lol420blazeit

steely dan
fleetwood mac

Attached: 2_Michael-Jackson-Trial-Day-40-April-27-2005.jpg (615x714, 49K)


Blacks love Electric Feel by MGMT

Uhhh nah lol


phil collins

Attached: phil3.jpg (480x360, 13K)

this post is confusing

>black ppl like Bill Clinton
dude, its not 1998.

Machine Gun Kelly

Kid Rock

Basic nigger zoomers probably like Miley Cyrus' dad because of that Lil Nas X song

i wonder i they would like trent reznor if they knew he came up with the riff


I guess none since those don't exist