which mode is your favorite?
for me, it's mixolydian.
lydian is overrated and sounds like shit
Which mode is your favorite?
Other urls found in this thread:
i like locrian
Fuck kind of shity thread is this
aeolian desu
Actual music discussion
Go back to your stupid meme rap threads and kpop generals
mixolydian flat 2 flat 6
Jesus you’re edgy
You suck and you’re retarded. Lydian doesn’t sound like shit. Take this to reddit.
Phrygian dominant checking in
>"I Like ____" is actual music discussion
What mode is this?
>The AC/DC dad rock mode is his favorite
You have to go back.
Ionian and aeolian
You motherfucker you will pay for this.
locrian sounds good shut up faggot
Name one good piece of music that uses Locrian that isn't Army of Me
Lydian Dominant
That’s Phrygian dominant retard
Phrygian my fren. Good pick
Ah, thank you. My second choice was to play in Bb major centered around the ii chord... so Dorian? Shit. I wanted to try Locrian or something weird.
Playing locrian melodies over major chord progressions can make some pretty cool results. Try it out
phrygian dominant is just mixolydian flat 6 flat 2
Locrian over major chord progressions... how does that work?
It’s essentially just major. What I mean is say your taking a chord progression in C and playing the melodies in B locrian. They’re the same key signature but you’re attempting to tonicize B in the melody while the chords tonicize C. It takes some of the overly sweet sound out of playing in C
I still don't get it but I tried although I couldn't resist going into minor chords as well.
Do you have any tips for composing? Everything I improvise comes out like sappy new age trash and it makes me feel terrible.
Yes they are the same, but that’s a dumbass way of looking at it. It’s more complicated to think of mixolydian flat 2 flat 6 than just Phrygian dominant and it also sounds nothing like mixolyodian, so why would you call it that?
I showed a teacher of mine the composition I was going to play for my final and he immediately took it and made it sound amazing by imposing some lydian nothings over each chord and it sounded amazing. Anecdotal I know but lydian is not overrated
Oh there’s nothing wrong with going to minor chords because those are in major keys as well. I just mean a chord progression that sounds and feels major while the melodies you’re playing sound and feel locrian but are utilizing the same notes as the chord progression. And what type of music are you intending to compose?
>And what type of music are you intending to compose?
Late romantic period -- like a mashup of Faure, early/mid Scriabin, and a dash of Rachmaninoff and Medtner ... perhaps with some sprinkles of jazz.
Not him but if you're trying to compose in locrian, imposing it over a major chord progression with a tonic that's in key a half step up from whatever tonic you're trying to play locrian on isn't going to work. It's just going to be in the key of the tonic of the chord progression/the 2 of the locrian scale you're trying to play. The key of the mode is in the harmony
Maybe emphasize the half steps a lot, but it’ll just sound like you’re playing a lot with the major 7th.
I want you to know you're based
Study Debussy and Ravel a lot. Especially look into Debussy's chromaticism and the sort of chord extensions that Ravel would use. Also, since you're a pianist and interested in jazz, consider buying a real book and the Jazz Piano book by mark levine.
Very patrician taste. I guess in a sense this sort of tip really can apply to any type of composing and music writing, not just specifically what you’re aiming for, but paying particular attention to structure and melodic phrasing. Particularly melodic phrasing with what you’re going for, seeing as how structurally that type of music can be more ambiguous. But yeah, specifically attempting to create melodic phrases that are satisfying to our ears. Y’know, like our ears, for the most part, really enjoy things that fit into chunks of 4 and other multiples of that number. In terms of your harmonic and melodic language, I’d say you’re already doing fine. Maybe work with some more modal mixture and add some more color tones into your harmonies
Yeah this is basically what I meant. I’m not saying you’re really playing in locrian, but really melodically emphasizing B in the key of C. Yeah the song is still in C, but I just mean leaving melodies unresolved on B
Is this a joke?
Yeah, I feel like that's what I ended up doing, but not enough.
Dang. Estampes is pretty near on my list of pieces to learn but Ravel is a ways away.
I have a pretty thick real book (that I've never looked at) but not the Jazz Piano book by Levine -- I'll look into that.
>Maybe work with some more modal mixture and add some more color tones into your harmonies
I feel like I also need to take bigger risks and use larger intervals every once in awhile. That parts a bit hard for me to hear in my head before I play it which is probably why I stick to relatively close intervals. Also feel like I need to work on rhythm and leaving space, but that's usually something I would do after improvising. It's too hard to try and write the harmonic accompaniment while improving so I just end up vamping block chords with my left hand most of that time. Is that a habit worth trying to break? Seems like it would be really difficult.
Thank you both for the advice.
Well leaving melodies unresolved on B while playing in C is really just resolving the melody on the 7 which will very much solidify C as the tonic, albeit not at strong as just resolving C as a triad. It's really just resolving a progression on the tonic maj7
Yeah if you’re looking for romantic and jazz, studying Impressionism should be helpful. I really like Debussy’s playing, and maybe on the jazzier side you might like sorabji, though he has a lot of atonal stuff some pieces are really beautiful
So me being a normal pleb I understand Ionian and Aeolian (major minor), but how exactly do you work with the rest of the modes? Like, how do you build the tonic, subdomininat and dominant chords?
Yes I know, lol. this is what I’m talking about. We’re talking about the same thing, I think I’m just saying it dumb or something
I’m not the same guy I brought up the half steps, but I really don’t know how you’d make it locrian with a major harmony, it’ll just sound like you’re using the major 7th of the tonic a lot and leaving it unresolved. You’re playing was very lovely though and doing this seemed to have a nice effect. I guess you’ve got basing a melody off the 7th and not resolving to add to ideas for composition, maybe a “jazzier” idea.
You don’t. Modes outside of major and minor don’t have harmonic function in the same way, so you just don’t worry about it
as far as romantic composer that sound "jazzy", ravel is tops
you don't, that's why it ~modal~
i think i mistook you for the other guy my bad
Id say you should definitely attempt to break that block chord habit for the sake of both composition and improvising. It can make what you’re doing sound amaterurish and simple when just using some more open voices and using inversions for the sake of voice leading can make your harmonic language sound way more developed
Emphasize what the root of mode is and the notes that give it its character, like the b2 in Phrygian or #4/#11 in Lydian. I mean in A Lydian I always resolve back to A no matter how strong the pull so it doesn’t meander. I’ll use the maj7 and maj7#11, sus2maj7#11. I’ll use (relative to the Lydian tonite) anything to emphasize the #11 and the tonic relationship.
For me, it's Dorian; the perfect blend of major and minor
That Sorabji is still a little hard for me to swallow but the last half was very nice. Kind of reminds me of Scriabin's later work as well as Szymanowski's Masques.
>the perfect blend of major and minor
I don’t think he meant actual scale degrees, just how the back end sounds brighter than minor, i.e. major even though really the back end is identical to mixolydian
Mixolydian does not sound like a minor scale at all
Can your recommend nice solo piano pieces from Scriabin? I haven’t heard much from him, though I’ve heard a lot from plenty of composers, the only two I go out of my way to hear is Debussy or sorabji.
And I understand the hard to swallow, but I’ve heard some awful music of the 20th century. youtu.be
Though sorabji has some really tense and dissonant stuff.
He meant to correct major to mixolydian. Meaning mixolydian and minor bud
Mixolydian is characteristically major. It has the major 3rd. Dorian has minor third and a regular 6th. This doesn’t make it lean toward being to major, it’s more between. In ways Dorian feels sadder to me then aeolian.
I think that might just be a personal thing. From what I’ve heard, the general consensus is that Dorian is brighter than aeolian
I like lydian,not the best,but not overrated,for improvising I love the blues minor with the maj6,2, and the maj 7,not a mode,but a junction of notes that can sound really good
Try stacking the same chord with different dropped voicings two octaves apart. Nice sound.
Yeah probably. The minor6 chord just seems really sad to me.
Scriabin rec's:
Short and sweet preludes:
Somewhat aggressive etude with a gorgeous middle section:
Another etude that's pretty well known -- more beautiful harmonies:
Two slightly bigger pieces that are great and easy to swallow:
So like a bebop minor scale with a major 6th and an added tritone?
phrygian dominant. Mid east sounding guitars are the shit
I completely agree with that though. I feel Dorian in a melodic sense is brighter than aeolian, but the minor 6 chord for the i chord of Dorian is pretty sad
I just played that one last year; it always reminded me of something from a Disney soundtrack. Great choice.
>three strikes you're out
If it was disney he wouldve ended the piece by repeating the main theme modulated a half step up lol
Copies and saved it’s 2:45am. I’ll listen to a prelude before I call it a night.
I hope you saved the prelude in B major that user posted as well; it's a lovely piece.
hey we live in the same time zone. Goodnight scriabinbro
Not a sctiabinbro yet, but hopefully it’s enjoyable. I play guitar, but I like to write piano and wish I had an acoustic piano. Fuck. Goodnight user.
>wish I had an acoustic piano
Those two instaud's in this thread are recordings of a digital piano that feels really nice (Kawai CA)
Debussy duo piano arrangement of saint saens rondo capriccioso
I got one for free off of that adopt a piano website. The only issues would be moving it and tuning it
Still 2gs I don’t have. I have a shitty 61 key, essentially a toy keyboard. So it was hard to get motivated to play it, but I’m waiting on it’s delivery since I moved away, figure I’m gonna do what I can.
I could probably get a piano tuned. I live with my father and his house is empty as hell and all I’ve been thinking today the corner of the middle floor room next to the kitchen is totally empty but it has great acoustics when playing on the guitar. Also this guy paid $60 to have nothing done to his shitty guitar, so he’d probably dish out some cash to tune it.
Dorian > lydian > ionian > mixolydian > aeolian > locrian >>>>>>>>>> phrygian
Aeolian because trap music
I thought trap music tried to be darker and used Phrygian and locrian? I don’t listen to trap though.
If you find one near you, and you don't have a truck or anything to haul it, you can rent a uhaul or pay someone to move it to bring the piano to your place and get it tuned. At most that's like ~200-300$. Not that bad for an upright imo
Yeah I was just looking at them. 4 free in my city alone. None back in my hometown, now gotta sell it that we should get one.
Based and phrygianpilled