How do you faggots write songs? I fucking suck at this , i already have a melody but i just can't seem to find the words for it. It ends up sounding like some new age poetry.
Pic related , its my country.

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Lyrics aren't that important, just focus on the music and let the music express how you feel. Only add lyrics for context for the music that reflects how you feel.

>It ends up sounding like some new age poetry.
It worked for Jon Anderson.

literally who

Quite based

I like to fuck around with instruments and if If like something, I write it on TuxGuitar. As for composing the song itself, I can never write lyrics so I just wait until the very end. I just start with an intro, riff, verse, chorus, and whatever else I want to add.

Good ways to find get original or different sounding riffs or beats:
1. Limit yourself. Only use a certain portion of a drum kit or piano or fretboard.
2. Force yourself to play in an odd time signature. If you usually play in 4/4, force yourself to play in something like 7/4, 9/8, or the bastard which is 5/8.

Hope this helps anyone reading it :)

Thing is i really need lyrics for this one song. Its a Rock song.

Pick up your guitar and play something random and sing whatever.
I write non singing “songs” (guess it’s not a song) by writing and a thing on my guitar transcribing it, then writing an intro to it, transcribing, then a bunch of other shit. Then I write a melody and transcribe it.

Checked once again, also wouldn't that end up with some non cohesive song? I don't wanna write some pink floyd shit.

>literally who
Frontman/lyricist of Yes.
The guy who wrote stuff like:
>The time between the notes relates the color to the scene
>A constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man so it seems
>And space between the focus shape ascend knowledge of love
>As song and chance develop time lost social temperance rules above

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When writing, use a wind instrument or saxophone to represent the vocal melody. Then pay some art student faggot to write the lyrics.

nose boy, prepare ur ass.

t. chilean.

Just speak utter nonsense and focus on the melody. It worked for Cocteau Twins

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lyrics will only hinder your music. Instrumental music is much more expressive and emotional than lyrically based music.

hum the melody on vocaroo and I'll tell you words for it.

never understood the big nose meme.
do only argentinian jews travel to chile?

I don’t mean just play out of time dissonance. Just play a progression and start singing whatever comes out. Heartbreak happiness etc.
Or if you were referring to writing out parts, you use things to lead into other parts of course.

just do some rollinga shit, it's not hard, brainded lefties have been doing that for years
write about weed, the goverment or mate, anyway you win as long as the riffs is simple enough every hippie can play it in the subway or bus

give us the song then

step one: learn to be honest with yourself.

step two: learn to draw inspiration

step three: learn how to use your imagination

step four: listen to a lot of music. at this point, you'll be taking inspiration from the music you're listening to. listen to as much music as possible and see if you can find yourself listening to all kinds of music in any language. the main thing about this listening experience is whether or not you're compelled to think and/or act on how you feel when you're listening to music. If the music you're listening to is compelling you to think about how you feel, then that music is "clicking" with you. keep track of all of the music is clicking with you and catalog which music makes you feel what kind of feeling. the bigger this list gets, the better.

ultimately, what you want to do is establish the songwriting before you even think about using a DAW. this is accomplished by aligning 2-3 different things:

1. the feelings you get from the music you're listening to

2. the feelings you get from a certain aspect of the subject that the song is about. For example, the benefits of being in love.

3. the feelings you get from a metaphor that is in comparison to a subject

the feelings for all three things above HAVE to match. no excuses. in all honesty, this sort of thing isn't something you're going to figure out over night. this is going to take you a while to flesh out completely. once you do get these sort of things figured out, you'll be able to make music with substance. Just take some time to figure out how you really feel about everything. Every action has character behind it and you got to learn to see the character in everything. If you don't know how you truly feel about everything around you, you will only be wasting your time.

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Oh baby
I’m thinking of you
What we used to do
Oh baby
Do you remember those times?
In junior high
When you would blow all those guys
In the Dunkin’ Donuts bathroom

Yes. People mostly from buenos aires go to chile just to go shopping.

Every song has a foundation, and this foundation is the statement that makes you emotional inside. It's like writing a thesis statement. a song will have a thesis attached to it and 1 or 2 different subjects that support this statement in some way. Using metaphors help give the song its ambiguity while maintaining your stance on your statement. Remember all of that music you've been listening to? Have you been keeping in track of all of the music that has been clicking with you? you better, because you're going to refer back to that list and refer to the music that gives off the same feelings that is in line with the feelings of the subject and metaphor. group up all of the music that gives off that feeling you're looking for, even if it's in the most obtuse genre. you're then going to blend these sounds together in some way. This is how you establish your style.

while you're working on all of this, you'll also need to learn a bunch of other things.

Music Theory


Programming Drums (if you're not planning on playing real drums)

Learning how to play Instruments

Sound Designing

How to use your DAW



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It depends on what your song is trying to accomplish. If it's a story, tell a story. A Day in the Life by the Beatles is a good example. Look at successful artists that make the music you want to make and base it off of them. Don't copy them word for word but copy their style of writing


go back to your jazz, child. the adults are talking.


Only patrician Animal Crossing music for me

nvm i see you've actually ascended

Yes it’s truly liberating to let my ears sip from the grail that is the animal crossing soundtrack. Once you get just a taste you realize how trite and uninspired the drivel most call “music” is.

fucking god

There are some actually nice tracks, these are just the KK tracks. There’s some really mellow sad piano music for the night time. Don’t be turned off user, one day you’ll grow and understand.