What music do incels listen to?

what music do incels listen to?

Attached: VN5Uwg6.png (633x833, 628K)

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Your favorite album

video game / anime music
youtube jazz

weezer pinkerton

video game osts


Goddamn thats brutal to look at

More of a SHOOTER guy myself
*tips fedora*


rip r/incels god i fucking miss that place. we got too big and now reddit is cracking down on all incel subs

braincels days are numbered

steely dan

nine inch nails
national anthems
anime openings

Attached: 1D615DBF-B8C9-4DF9-AFBA-4357565B0F9F.jpg (500x500, 27K)

the sound of genuine self improvement and positivy

Attached: have_sex.jpg (600x600, 40K)

cope. he is still a virgin and even has a waifu (lightning from FF13)

makes sense, he grew off a beard to hide part of his weak jaw and squinted instead of looking with psycho eyes, and added some good lightning.
his bone structure is still the same though

and you probably look like his before pic and have no waifu, so who's the bigger loser?

i have many waifus bitch

i have a similar haircut to the one on the left

and would you look at that he's still more attractive anyways. almost like most incel's don't have an excuse to act hopeless

honestly not that bad of a cut, as a chick I'm more into that than the right

lol imagine being born ugly


He isn’t attractive though

idk how to use this kek


these are the correct answers

NSBM, video game fan songs, or they "don't like music".

I think he's cute.


dad rock

Björk and Kero Kero Bonito