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damn he's almost as talented as skrillex

I made all of the beats for [my album] on my thinkPad.

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skirle x could have made them on his adnroind phone

he stole all that music

>I love doing free advertising for giant corporations!

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is that meant to be directed at madlib?

Madlib's brother is more of a soi boy

it is pretty suspicious how people are always mentioning smartphones and stuff they didnt used to...

Holy fucking based

tfw Madlib will never make music in Crate Diggaz Palace or the Bomb shelter ever again.

>I disrespected Gibbs by making beats on a fucking iPad. I also used a beat that I already gave to Kanye.

>I disrespected Gibbs by making beats on a fucking iPad.
Freddie Gibbs literally can’t have a decent musical career without Madlib you stupid fuck.

not true at all. MadLib wouldn’t work with him if he didn’t think he was a great rapper.

You just know the old heads are gonna be all
>yo son listen to dat MPC analog warmth
until they read this tweet lmao


This is CHAD-tier production.

He didn't have to say it, it was absolutely fucking apparent from the shitty sound

I’ve listened to it 8 times and it’s boring.

lmao. Freddie one of the most talented rappers this generation. There's maybe like 30 rappers in the history of rap who actually give a shit about putting effort into their music, he's one of them.

Hip hop is a joke

>hurr durr rappers are shit hurr durr black people scare me shitless hurr durr 13% of the population

I wonder how much he got paid to make this tweet

Madlib is a fucking worthless hack like all hip hop producers. Sampling is not production, you are stealing someone elses work composed on a real instrument which they spent years learning how to play and putting some dusty drum loops over them. F

Yet over 50% of all violent crime.

>Literally spent a year clearing the samples
>Hurrr stealing hurrr

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>like all hip hop producers
Death Grips would like a word with you.

oh no is based as fuck

>thinks imitating waves in the atmosphere is "stealing"

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Album was still shit though

producers out here hustling for analog equipment from the 70s and 80s while Madlib plays flappy bird.

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Where do i get the Nip Engrish text-to-speech app though?

>producers out here hustling for analog equipment from the 70s and 80s
Where can I take a ride in your time machine back to the 00's and early 10's?


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hip hop in its entirety is trash, son.

t. rockfag

t. zoomfag

>a 40 year old genre is exclusive to zoomers

I'm talking about stealing in a creative and artistic sense but you're too much of a brainlet to understand the difference.

Sampling is for lazy niggers who don't know how to play an instrument or how to compose. Madlib is a lazy nigger.

What do you get out of supporting artistic laziness? Why can't hiphop producers just learn to play an instrument and compose?

>a 13 year old white kid defends a 40 year old genre that sub 80 IQ niggers believe is the greatest, which was trash from it's inception

They don't even play instruments or write songs. It's shit user. Not even art.

i think that his studio now is an freemason temple that he uses because of cheap rent and space for his 4ton records and instruments.

>I'm talking about stealing in a creative and artistic sense
Yeah, because you can speak on the artist that accepted madlib to sample their music to begin with.

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Explain The Roots or Flavor Flav.

What does it matter? He still stole. He's too lazy to learn an instrument or learn theory so he stole from someone else that did.

He's using the wrong word -- it shouldn't be stealing. What he is implying is that samplerists are taking massive shortcuts by using the work of other people.

That’s not what the people who Madlib sampled think.
And yet I’m suppose to care about some racist on Yea Forums more than the actual musicians?

i read it as i made all of the beats with bananas for an ipad

>He's too lazy to learn an instrument

He can play piano and drums, retard

most of his discography is built on sampling so he is a talentless hack. and why is it such a big deal that he knows how to play a piano? every single fucking producer should know how to play the piano especially someone as highly acclaimed as this hack. goddamn I wish I could spit in madlib's face and tell him what a hack he is.

at the end of the day standard for hiphop production is really low, so it's no wonder why 95%+ of rap fans have an IQ that is 2 digits.

But evidently he's not good enough to create anything of value with them.

Seems like the opposite of a shortcut desu. There’s a reason we’ll never get albums like Paul’s Boutique, Since I Left You, 3 Feet High and Rising, etc. Because nobody wants to spend tens of thousands of dollars just to clear samples. Even less ambitious sample based albums like Bandana took a year just to clear the samples. Hip Hop Sample is inherently about recontextualization. Saying “hurrr why not play le instrument instead” is missing the point on why people sample to begin with.

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Yeah, I actually agree with you. Sampling is actually harder and more of a pain in the ass than playing actual instruments and I'm even working on fucking Alborada del Gracioso right now so it's not like I don't know how to play.

What interface you use is not really significant.
There is nothing wrong with sampling as a practice, hip hop music is a different matter.

Actually autism

>having standards and respecting art is autism
poopoo peepee

All of this.

I am a producer myself and mostly sample and let me fucking tell you.

It is NOT EASY. What makes madlib especially special is his ability to stitch together songs and make them feel totally organic, as if they aren't even samples but instead just a natural piece

I dare any of you to go try and do this effectively if you think it's so easy.

Madlib is a master of the craft and if you knew anything about music or sampling you'd appreciate him more.

There is a reason why other musicians have a lot of respect for madlib.


You mean stole, and I respect the art of sampling but this nigga is lazy as fuck, literally a drum loop and random sample over it, this guy doesnt even have sense of harmony.

Sampling is lazy as fuck, it doesn't matter how many circles you type around it.

Based Madlib making boomers seeth.

Dilla has said that when he didn't want to clear a sample he would just get d angelo or questlove to play it instead

>hip hop music is a different matter.
Why hip hop but others genres dont?
>There is nothing wrong with sampling as a practice,
You put others best part songs into your music
if you make a pie and some add some cherry on the top it doesnt mean is automatically yours

So? this is mu.

Care to explain how this could be so hard? It just a bucle from other song and some dude talking funny over beats. This is even worse than punk or your generic Top 40 Pop song, but desu at least they even could play their own product

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>Care to explain how this could be so hard?
Just like there are shit musicians who can't play their instrument, there are shit sampler-ists. Fuck nu-Kanye. He peaked at Late Registration.
Now this is sampling:

Fucking plebs can’t even Bink.

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>There's maybe like 30 rappers in the history of rap who actually give a shit about putting effort into their music
kek what the fuck?

Retarded MPC purist posers BTFO!!!

Baste madlib.

Sampling, as in the arrangement and manipulation of pre-recorded sound so as to explore functions of time, pitch, depth etc. is a very respectable art form. Hip hop music on the other hand is largely uninteresting and often consists of repeating snippets of existing music with little transformation other than adding a break here or there.