How do I write abstract/surreal/trippy lyrics?

How do I write abstract/surreal/trippy lyrics?

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write them

Kill yourself, retard

read more
try dissecting passages from texts about subjects that you find interesting
also not to be a basic faggot but philosophy fucks your brain up more than acid (fuck off) so try acquainting yourself with metaphysics in some way

Thank you, I’ll look into it

Take a newspaper with decent writing/word choice, a sharpie, and a coin. Read the articles, for every word flip the coin. Heads you cross out the word, tails you keep the word. Add words, take out words, rearrange words as you work.
I know it sounds retarded but its surprisingly effective.

Use a thesaurus.

With a pencil

Google "Surrealist Games," w book collecting writing prompts/games etc from notable Surrealists, dadaists, and more. There may be PDFs of the whole book. Here are some, but I don't think it includes the section on automatic writing so look into that as well

you just do yknow

Kill yourself, retard

Kill yourself, retard

you don't, they'll come to you with time.

with a pen

Do drugs and act like/insert a Jew

Kill yourself, retard

These guys are all idiots. Write phonetically, just syllabant sounds. Match words to it that follow pop convention (love, lonely, nostalgic), then do a little switchery doo with some of the words to make it *trippy*

Kill yourself, retard

You can do all the above mentioned by trying to read Finnegan’s Wake.

I’ve tried

I don’t think Dylan did this. I remember John lennon saying that Dylan taught him that the music did not have to precede the words, that’s why all the early Lennon tuneable are about trivial love shit

its easy, start writing like you always do and when you have a cool word or phrase that doesn't make sense and you want to remove it: don't.

example from one of my songs was I was trying to think of a way to describe a girl who can't make up her mind, and I thought: "a maybe queen of possibly"

I was gonna get rid of it because I thought it was too nonsensical. My bandmates were like "no... use it faggot."

>Maybe queen of possibly go leave your king of certainty
>I maybe dream of everything but nothings coming back to me

Do drugs.

"A maybe queen of possibly" is neither abstract, surreal, nor trippy, retard. Learn how to read.

Commit suicide

That sounds so gay I hope you kill yourself

Sounds alright

git gud

I have an MFA in poetry, so here's my informed take: just practice. Write a weird poem every day. Read things like Rimbaud and, idk, Joyelle McSweeney.

drugs and or meditation

Pure inspiration. You read poets and lyricists, write your own and you either get or you don't.

>Maybe queen of possibly go leave your king of certainty
Starts off Dylanesque but ends up really faggy and cuck and numaleish

The full sessions for 1965-1966 literally already exist to be listened to. You can hear him make some of the songs on the spot. Sometimes he wrote words to the music, sometimes he wrote music to the words. Even some of his songs have changes in lyrics from the official written ones and what he sings and some songs he radically changes in live performances. None of his lyrics are remotely trippy though.

stop being so rude and mean to each other :(

it sounds cool, user

rude :(

>None of his lyrics are remotely trippy though
>to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free silhouetted by the sea

what helped me: practice, fucking practice. read poetry, read song lyrics.
I can't go on detail because I'm not a native english speaker but an understanding of basic grammar concepts helps a lot too. It's easier to twist language when you know the elements of it.