Who won?

Who won?

Attached: topsters2 (5).png (1722x1452, 3.36M)

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Suicidal Tendencies, Fear, Minor Threat


for me it's Gun club

takes off retard goggles
>Circle Jerks, Discharge, Rudimentary Peni
Ah great choices user!


dead kennedys became 'orange man bad' so definitely not them


Who cares. It's one of the worst non black genres to ever exist.

>a punk band doesn't like a right wing president who has roots in the entertainment industry
No way...

white man bad

black man bad
white man good
me white man
me victim

its just that everyone now thinks that trumps bad so their music is a bit redundant

>based Minutemen among all these screaming retards


husker du

Alright let's settle this:


>Faith ang not Void

>hating whites

Attached: D4X66SWXoAADOfn.jpeg.jpg (680x374, 32K)


Minutemen, Husker Du, Sex pistols, Black Flag (Sometimes) and Pil

Record for record, it's pretty hard to beat the streak the Misfits had going on in the 70s / 80s.

Attached: R-442301-1471332643-3613.jpeg.jpg (600x600, 242K)

>including Sex Pistols but no Ramones
>including PiL but no Pop Group
Bro c'mon this is basic


fear, faith, no trend, minor threat