So, Eminem is just a joke and a punchline to Zoomers?
So, Eminem is just a joke and a punchline to Zoomers?
Considering his last release that wasn't absolute horseshit was 2 decades ago it's a bit sad how he still tries to cling to relevancy.
If you have listened to SSLP and MMLP and still dislike Eminem you have shit taste
Speaking of punchlines...
He should have stopped making music 10 years ago, he did this to himself. The trump diss video sealed the deal. Now he makes songs with Ed Sheeran. Why are we supposed to respect that
yes, mostly, and it's his fault
He's a sellout for the sjw agenda, in other words he's a nutless faggot now. The Trump rap was nothing but CNN fake news snippets but lyricised into rap. He's a little bitch. Venom was commerical dribble to help sell the movie. He has talent but his subject matter is shit.
Let me also add that his protoge of sorts Joyner Lucas who is black is continuing the sjw subject matter path. He did that song "Im not racist" something like that. His lyrics are peppered with an indoctrinated sjw pov.
kill yourself faggot
>anyone who criticises daddy trump is le sjw
>he is good because le social criticism
I never implied that?
where did I imply my dislike of him has anything to do with him criticising Trump?
I quoted you mistakenly
If you meant to quote then I totally agree. People who bang on about "duh ess jay dubyas" are in most cases more retarded than even the most unhinged sjw caricature
Actually, Relapse, Recovery, Bad Meets Evil, MMLP2, and Kamikaze were all good to different degrees, but you're a faggot so Eminem is not the kind of music for you beta male undercut having glasses wearing....well, queers.
Faggot is a word owned by us Eminem fans, nigger. Oh wait, I can't say that, that's your word isn't it?
Nice strawman.
>likes nu-eminem
>calls someone else a beta
>Likes Trump
Yikes, enjoy your NWO poisoned Trump steaks, sheeple
You Trumptards are retards who aren't even in on the big conspiracy. So stop trying to be rebels and anti authoritarian and leave it to us professionals who have been doing it for decades and know damn well NO politician or billionaire tycoon doesn't have their hands in the same pedo bullshit.
>if you dislike eminem's recent work it must be because you're a magatard