Why did Avicii kill himself?

Why did Avicii kill himself?

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His girlfriend cucked him.

His hairline was receding

realized he wasted his talent producing soulless flavor of the month music rather than timeless classics

Was he Matt Damon’s stunt double?

he got into a barfight and the bar won.

He didn't kill himself

many people on the upswing of their life choose to slice their own throat with glass in farmhouse in Oman. the fact that he was bringing light to human trafficking was merely a coincidence.

Hey Brother should be an anthem for recovering addicts

he listened to his own music

there shouldn't be recovering addicts. addicts all deserve to be shot

He wuz gunna eggspoze de illuminaughty :D

rich people """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""depression"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

This and

too popular and too much money, no one you can trust because everyone is an asskisser who is trying to get something from you. you take various substances to forget the malaise but the come downs get worse and worse. one day you wake up and realize that unlike most people all of your wishes came true and it was the worst thing that ever happened to you

Oof, try not to cut yourself on that edge, Sunny Jim.

withdrawal depression

Killed himself after he realized he missed his opportunity to kill himself a year earlier and join the 27 club.

the better question is why haven't we

Mentally he was an incel

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because his frame was absolutely terrible

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he was murdered by tribal baboons, but you can't say that on the news if the local officials don't want to investigate anything past declaring a suicide.

corey taylor syndrome

why isn't russel brand death tho

people with money can suffer too, you middle class faggot