Modest Mouse
Political Compass + Favorite Artist/Band
Other urls found in this thread:
artist: kanye west
band: the cure
Far left red square communist, socially centrist.
Univers Zero.
Tame Impala
Vespertine, Bjork.
Filosofem, Burzum
come to the green my friend good ablums await you
more like lame impala
Dont listen to him OP, Its called So-ylent green for a reason.
Enjoy music made by out of touch people of affluent backgrounds pretending to care about righting social inequalities.
Right wing populist. Communists need to be physically removed, so to speak.
The Doors
t. Deluded yank out of touch with reality
Thin Lizzy
>right wing
is actually still in the centrist square
absolute cancer
Enjoy your retarded mob mentality decisions influenced by consumerist and corporatist propaganda. Enjoy having a fickle useless government that literally exists to opportunistically appeal to as many voters as once.
oh yeah, should also state I'm an Irish Nationalist, traditionalist and pretty much a third positionist on economics
Go take a bath and get a job
artist: Cкpиптoнит
band: Death Grips or Radiohead
wow imagine that
a thread with political compasses in it becoming off-topic within < 20 posts
who would have guessed
>actually still in the centrist square
Thats why this chart is bullshit. The 8values quiz is better.
>fickle useless government that literally exists to opportunistically appeal to as many voters as once
You just described left wing politics and (((democracy))). Go play in traffic.
It's very hard to chose just one:
George Clanton, Yellow Magic Orchestra and/or Kikagaku Moyo.
>Irish nationalist
based anti imperialist.
This thread was never on topic to begin with kek.
wow cooooooool dude
thank you, friend!
how the fuck Kanye West can be your favorite artist after 808s and Yeezus baffles me
I'm actually on my way to a job interview
David Bowie
Cringy as fuck, got it.
talking heads
Faggot identified
Dinosaur Jr.
The Stooges
Black Sabbath
Obviously tons of others, but these are my favourite
>Economic axis: centrist
so youre still a centrist; it even says so.
Actually the current democratic two party systems dont give voters as much choice and power as you'd think. People literally get to choose between two hand puppets of the same rich elite that pretend to have radically different stances (but are both centrist). Neither party has to pander too much as their elite backers will ultimately still get what they want.
Its not great but governments pandering more to a mass of people who have been brought up within a corrupting capitalist system is also asking for a shitshow. Its simply a case of not everyone being educated enough to make political decisions nor enough people sharing a coherent view that could lead to actual progress and productivity. Why aren't people educated and united under capitalism? Because the capitalists intended it this way. Whether united as the far left or right, both scenarios spell the doom for the current wealthy ruling class.
I'm going to assume you meant centre left politics by 'left wing' and I agree its a shitty compromise with the elite ruling class that more than not merely pretends to help the lower classes. If we are talking about real left wing politics; then there wouldn't even be elite ruling classes for everyone to get populist over in the first place.
No that was pretty chad actually.
right wingers being btfoed time and time again due to believing the communists don't work meme.
>being a contrarian makes you a chad
Nice meme faggot, get off my board
dead can dance, the sisters of mercy, burzum, and death in june
Lil Nas X
you’re probably white too
b a s e d
fucking based
Greetings comrade
Fucking cringe
have sex
car seat headrest
thought i'd be lower down, but just on the line of left/right economy is about right
this insult only works if the person you're insulting to is more autistic than you
as you're a hyper-LARPing authoritarian slave-state Vikernes buttboy, it's not really working out
what i mean is that you are stupid and don't know how society functions
sigur ros
genuinely have sex
Daft Punk
tsoi zhiv
>right wingers being btfoed time and time again due to believing the communists don't work meme.
How do they deal with the cognitive dissonance when most of the right wing views espoused on Yea Forums come from NEETs and incels with nothing better to do with their time
I do every morning and night, thanks for the concern though
Its not about being contrarian, its about not liking shitty soiboy college kid music.
>being that socially liberal
more like cumrade
This is a true communist. Also nice French flag.
Based ultra centrism
Fuck off Varg
>right winger
>praising centrism
>hating good music
Have sex you fucking cringe autist
Get a job, communism doesn't work. None of this is related to music
John Coltrane
this test is a meme though, how the fuck is one's opinion on modern art or astrology a political issue?
it should also have another axis for social left / right, because it has very little to do with economical left / right
I really can't pick just one but maybe Mindspring Memories?
read marx
read siege
Are you actually implying fascism and capitalism has worked out? Kek because Fascism failed even harder than communism did in the face of capitalist imperialism. Capitalism itself has literally been failing for longer than both fascism and communism combined and relies on incessant aforementioned imperialism just to prop itself up.
>still this salty over some gay psych revivalist indie band
You're the one being autistic lmao. So autistic in fact that you mistook me for a right winger.
>fascism fails
millions of people die, everyone is opressed, everything falls apart
>communism fails
tens of millions of people die, everyone is poor as shit, everything falls apart
>capitalism fails
first worlders are slightly less financially priviledged than before, shitholers still live in shitholes but now they shoot eachother with AKs instead of bows
LCD Soundsystem
>it should also have another axis for social left / right, because it has very little to do with economical left / right
user, I...
Politiscales is superior, here’s mine
Don’t have a favorite band but Coltrane is my favorite musician
i dont get it. some of the questions i completely disagree with and dont support any option like this one:
>Because corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment, they require regulation.
i dont believe in corporations or government all together. so neither should exist
Kanye/Nirvana for this week
shouldn't this be reported for underage?
I think it's meant for mainstream "left" and "right" wingers, who don't actually have individual opinions on different issues and just parrot what "their side" considers right in an "us vs them" mentality
18+ board
>Fascism fails
Millions of people die as they finally fall to the assault of both communists and capitalists, everyone is carved up into occupational zones owned by capitalists and communists respectively and oppressed.
>Communism fails
Foreign capitalists succeed in dividing up the socialists with poisonous liberal propaganda. Former socialists states are promised economic co prosperity but are instead literally exploited to death as foreign capitalists buy up their industries, enslave them with debt and funnel the wage labor extracted from them overseas. Millions die in the ensuing capitalist hellhole before Russia regains its independent footing by exerting enough state control over its markets.
>Capitalism existing
Literally the cause of the vast majority of wars all around the world, either by direct proxy or by deliberately and indiscriminately sowing chaos to ensure economic dependence of third world nations on western production. Several hundred millions of people die due to conflict or the subsequent loss of infrastructure and necessities. First worlders don't even get much share of the plunder as the richest capitalists pocket all of it. Many first worlders get oppressed by debt and live in shitholes too. In America, first worlders also have to contend with inaccessible healthcare and gun fueled crime. While a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of third worlders killed by capitalism, there is no excuse for this many citizens dying under such a war plunder rich nation.
Capitalism is truly the worst.
>Capitalism finally falling
Will probably involve mass conscription to fight rival capitalists: China first. Then it'll end in nuclear warfare. Post them posadist memes.
City of Caterpillar or Autechre
Joy Division
>Red region
Edgy underage sk8rbois
>Green region
>Blue region
"I still watch Richard Spencer videos"
>Purple region
Only true patricians land here.
I don't know. Weezer or Brand New I guess
we're almost identical
>Death Grips or Radiohead
good taste too
Frank Zappa, Magma, Scott Walker
Most of the basic left are will identify with progressive ideals anyways, but there are tests such as sapply that differentiate.
One favorite is too hard, maybe ELO.
King Diamond
>Millions of people die as they finally fall to the assault of both communists and capitalists
in a war they started themselves, after conquering several nations and genociding people left and right
>deliberately and indiscriminately sowing chaos to ensure economic dependence of third world nations on western production
as long as you have stronger and weaker states, the stronger ones will always seek to exploit the weaker ones
the USSR did the same shit, except worse like in Ukraine
>first worlders also have to contend with inaccessible healthcare and gun fueled crime
boo fucking hoo, I live in a post-soviet state where owning a shitty soviet-made car used to be considered an indescribable luxury. we're still recovering from the failure of communism, yet you have the gull to complain when you could make 3 times more money than me by working at a fucking McDonalds
enjoy your already priviledged existence instead of thinking about impossible utopias
roxy music, pulp
Bark Psychosis
Your politics are ass, but you have good taste in music my friend. God bless.
Who hurt you? :...I
Extremely Based
How dare you?
>Fascists started WW2
Fascism was funded by capitalists and initially meant to be a pawn to destroy the communists with. Of course Hitler invaded western Europe first and the rest is history. So actually, the capitalist western allies created their own 2nd greatest enemy because their first greatest enemy, communism made them shit their pants that hard.
>supporting imperialism
Maybe tenable back when horse cavalry ruled the battlefield but today's world is too interconnected and armed to the teeth with nukes. Humanity needs to outgrow this imperialist bullshit or literally choke on nuclear ash.
>Ussr was imperialist
They did borderline imperialism in several cases. But the holodomor?
>Capitalist kulaks burning their own foodstock in spite rather than embrace collectivism, thus starving their own countrymen.
Yeah capitalists responsible for mass death again. The Ukrainians starved by the kulaks are just a drop in the ocean compared to all the people capitalism has killed in imperialist wars though,
>Not realizing your post Soviet standard of life is shitty because your politicians sold out to western capitalists who'd rather use you all as migrant workers than help develop your nations infrastructure
If you revisionist and liberal retards stuck to a united USSR and maintained economic independence from the west, you wouldn't be their dogs today. But you just had to believe in their lies that liberalism and western ideals would bring you out of the hardships of a burgeoning communist economy. Did they give you liberty and consumerist shit up the ass? No. They are laughing at your gullibility and the fact that the Ussr isn't around anymore to protect third world nations from their imperialism. The west had a better standard of living than the USSR during the cold war because they had literal centuries headstart of industrialisation and imperialist gains under their belt but people don't even realize something this simple.
the most based answer in the thread
fr tho, didnt expect such a variety of political opinions on this board, good to see honestly. even though im radical in one of the squares its good to have a lil spice on this board
Muse fan too here... But WTF? I'm like the most right wing person I know and I got this lol.
Why do you think that?
>having a single favourite band
Lowbrows all around me.
Beach House
Blink 182
System of a down
>death grips or radiohead
fucking redditfag.
please for the love of god have sex.
Have a Nice Life, Kanye West, Earl Sweatshirt, Death Grips, Giles Corey. Those are some of my favorites. Also centrists need to BTFO
Based death metal Nazbol. The only acceptable form of communism.
The Strokes
I'm more of a MLM than a Anarchist though
>Everyone who opposes big daddy corporations are brainwashed
Where? All I see is brainwashed subhumans who keep falling for globalist capitalist memes.
because you are right-wing or centrist on economics
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Bartok, a lot of other classical composers, and a lot of American folk artists like Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, and Phil Ochs.
Didn't save a picture last time I took it, but it was right there. Off yourself, authoritarians. Also, Tool.
Whoops, didn't mean to reply to you.
Even if the reply was an accident, I have to admit I'd gladly work with right-libertarians against authoritarians of any stripe if it meant saving people from death or worse at the hands of a tyrant's regime.
These tests are terrible and not a good parameter of politic and ideology.
I'm a right wing manchesterian capitalist of the low class.
my favorite band is Coil
Yeah, same here. Left libertarians are ok. I can respect the position even though I disagree. Anyone that wants more laws to control people's behavior can jump into a fire.
Blue Öyster Cult
drained and sesqpilled
you are a moron just say that
libertarian center left and King Gizzard
political compass test is dog shit
favorite band: Bob Dylan & The Band
favorite artist: Jackson C. Frank
very nice
based as fuck
Um, no, sweetie.
Death Grips
>DInosaur Jr
>Death Grips
>Captain Beefheart
>lib left
>opposing corporations
Top kek. You fags are the biggest consumer of any ideology. You would buy buckets of cum if it had an Apple or Starbucks logo with a rainbow flag on it.
Only based post in this thread.
All other lefties in this thread have shite music taste.
All right wingers have shit taste in general.
pic related is so cringe. right-wing "humor" is just the worst.
>Death Grips
you can't have both
misty, yeezy, tyler
Left leaning people have shitty abstract music taste, who would have thought
The Beatwives
Why not? Because reddit said so?
Being authoritarian is the most brainwashed you can be, regardless of left or right.
You're actually in support of the government powers that control your country and the world. That makes you subservient, and by my understanding of the slang, brainwashed.
Sufjan Stevens/Sweet Trip
da smifs
Kate Bush
Why do so many people land on the green square?
Because they are literally NPCs.
Sufjan Stevens
I'm a faggot, aren't I?
Jreg knows all
>Because they are literally strawmen
This .
Stay seething, reddit.
No wonder this board is such garbage, it has basically the same political opinions as Yea Forums
The strawmen literally do not stop from piling up. Just throw around identity terms and buzzwords and call that political debate
death grips
Future Islands
Kanye West
The Smiths
Animal Collective
Young fathers
Syd Barrett Era Pink Floyd
All this extreme left is fuckin terrifying. Don't get me wrong extreme right is terrifying too, but god damn young people are so bad about letting mainstream media inform their beliefs jfc
Mainstream media is centrist as hell you idiot
This whole thing where people on the right bitch about all the news being fake is probably some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen
Journalists actually do a lot of important work, just fact check your shit and form your own opinion, but like
Literally none of the mainstream media is actually extreme left.
fuck this retarded off topic thread
Artist: Bladee
Band: Obsequiae
exceptionally based.
Trust the media, the mainstream media is your friend.
Lol ok you fucking racist dumbass, thanks for proving my point that the people who believe in this shit are idiots.
Social Democracy isn't extreme at all.
The Beatles.
Mulato Astatke
I don't watch any TV or use social media. I'm pro-gun and anti-Israel. I just read books.
>mainstream media is centrist
Holy shit, to be in high school again
Based purple squares
>MSM is centrist as hell
Wow well the fact that you posted a meme image certainly is a convincing and well-constructed argument, I guess I'll have to reconsider my thoughts on this
holy shit four dubs in a row
the test naturally skews to the bottom left. iirc someone did a test where they had a script repeatedly give random answers and a huge portion of the dots went into green square.
yet another reason it's retarded, even ignoring the fact that authoritarian-libertarian axis isn't even a legitimate thing
Absolute embarrassing cringe-tier.
go to reddit if you want to make upvotes and downvotes
did you write that post all by yourself? I'm proud of you, buddy.
>god and based tier
>authoritarian garbage
le 9gag?? are u kidding me? gonna have to reroll on this one
>he's felt the sweet liberation of authoritarianism
i feel sorry for you bro, true liberty can only be found in the mind.
That doesn't even make sense. Are you saying that you should brainwash yourself to believe that you didn't want to do any of the things that authoritarian faggots are so hellbent on stopping you from doing?
no, also i typpo'd. i'm saying true liberty is found under the iron-boot, only then can you understand what liberty is. today liberty is just a buzzword, a meaningless concept that's lost its value. the price to pay for too much of it, even though it's a counterfeit version.
anybody who is not green is a bad person. red would be good too if that axis wasn't all about if you are a homophobe or not.
I'm in green, about -6 y, -5 x
idk, I like The Wedding Present a lot, but nowadays I listen to crust punk bands like Fall of Efrafa a lot
>mainstream media
lmao are you guys literal tards? its crazy how easily you can tell someone hasnt read any theory or hell, any sort of educating thing regarding different political beliefs other than what people on fucking Yea Forums tell them
God damn these threads are fucking trash
read books holy shit you're so fucking dumb.
there's clearly a left slant, but I wouldn't call it extreme. wouldn't call them centrists, but there's no such thing as centrism anyways in this climate - most centrists are either just conservatives who won't admit it or people who don't care about politics.
y-you guys wanna hang out?
Fair assessment
I would argue that "leftist slant" in America pretty much lands as normal and sane centrism almost anywhere else in the world if not slightly to the right
But at some point we're splitting hairs a little bit
I definitely understand what liberty is, and I didn't have to live under an "iron-boot". We don't have enough liberty. I'd love to own automatic weapons, and maybe a rifled cannon, but I can't, because of authoritarians. I'd also like to do a bunch of psychedelics, but the authoritarians don't want that either and do their best to stop it. Luckily some states are finally legalizing marijuana, which gives me some hope, but not my state, of course.
>only the extreme left is left wing
Yeah, no, get fucked, retard.
true, desu. im p America-centric in my political knowledge (if I even have any, lol.)
lol i just got in this thread and i can tell this place is full of uneducated, completely misinformed people
right wing boomers statistically and in a lot of cases (especially on this site) anecdotally are vastly less educated and more inclined to just fall into the same bullshit thats been hashed in day in and day out. and theyll just spew "b-but tha libruls!!!!" not realizing that american liberalism is factually like center of the political spectrum when applied to theory and the rest of the world
theres no leftist slant and if there is, its VERY minute and is basically just slightly center left
youre the retard who doesnt understand that american left wing politics are a fucking joke and american liberalism falls at the center of the political spectrum compared to any actual theory out there or just compared to the rest of the world. unless you wanna argue insanely specific details in which case congrats, its literally like a point or two left from center
ill just say this again: its so painfully obvious literally the second people post this shit that they havent actually read anything or have truly educated themselves on actual politics and instead get their knowledge off of either Yea Forums or like fucking television
read a book.
xiu xiu
glad there are still a few well read people on this website
this guy knows, my man
Michael Jackson
its so fucking irritating because conservative boomers are always about how "facts done care about ur feelings!!!!!" yet when you actually show them legitimate facts about shit they just resort to lowbrow shitposting because thats all they know and deep down theyre aware that their ideology is insanely flawed. yet theyre too ignorant to actually change their viewpoints
like i always spew how the democratic party and american liberals arent even close to being "marxist commie anarchist bastards!!!!!" like boomers always claim and people will always deny it. it took my literally 30 seconds on google to find a political compass showing obama, who so many conservatives hate so much, being almost upper right.
and the worst part is that this shit should be common knowledge and yet so many people are just dumb ignorant to it all. it infuriates me but im just glad that these people dont exist too much in real life to actually have discourse with because theyre either NEETS or hide their political views because everyone knows its flawed to no end
>read marx
>suddenly realize American politics are all right wing
Well, aren't you a smart kid?
Pleasantly surprised that there's a lot of leftists on Yea Forums. For some reason, I was under the impression that almost everyone here was on the right
>all the basic bitch libshits ITT
no wonder this board is so shit
By telling those fags to get a job obviously
Why the hell when anyone says mainstream media everyone assumes they mean news shit. Zoomers aren't reading the news, they're watching new movies and shows with a liberal take without realizing anything is politicized and just taking those values to be the current standard.
Most of Yea Forums is indeed right wing. The problem is you can end up on the green square even if you are right wing because the guy who made that political compass test is an absolute retard.
yeah, he frames every question in a leftist framework
>you can end up on the green square even if you are right wing
classical liberalism is still liberalism is still left wing
Giles Corey
neutral milk hotel
Ferris wheel on fire
I'm a conservative and I ended up on the green square.
What does this say about me?
Machine Girl
>telepathic with the deceased
how the fuck is liberalism left wing?
>private property
>free market capitalism
it was a revolt against hierarchy (monarchy), in favor of universal human rights etc. monarchy/feudalism is to the right of capitalism and liberalism. the modern expression of RW ideology is neoreaction and fascism
Spite Extreme Wing
Fuck man you are based
Pain of Salvation
I don’t really have a favorite artist, but I’ve been listening to a lot of Sufjan recently
Leonard Cohen
Sounds good to me (commie)
>tfw no right jewish gf to have kids w
Depressed and forever alone
My nigger
Mentally ill
Faps rigorously to anything andro or trans
Big gay. Loves cocks and knows not what responsibility means, but has some sense of it
Unironically dress up like reviewbrah plus ugly golf fedora
my fav band gy!be btw
I like you guys
everybody else can fuck off
The Mars Volta
modest mouse as well
Josquin des Prez
Guided By Voices
Favorite albums right now are between
Frank Ocean - Blonde
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Quadrant ranking:
1. Purple
2. Green
3. Red
4. Blue
Rx Bandits, specifically their proggy years
K boomer
You're my hero
>SiVal techies are leftists
How's that koolaid
Venetian Snares
Judas Priest
Behold the Arctopus
literally me
Artist: hard fucking tie between Kanye West and Aesop Rock
Band: Linkin Park, because fuck you