holy shit
Holy shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>saves rap again
What the f is my name again? I literally forgot
Something gay. I remember there being a lot of gay. Don't care, don't wanna care. Freddie is king
Crack rap ain’t dead. Clipse please return.
This is exactly what I want to hear. I've been a fan of Gangsta Gibbs since Cold Day In Hell but I don't like that shit he puts out over trap beats.
I never come to this board but u came here bc a new black keys album cane out today and all there is on here is rap and purposefully obtuse shit. Fucking zoomers
I’m 34. Madlib is God. Black Keys are gay sell outs.
Are you black?
Palmolive is a masterpiece
Nope. Black keys were good until Brothers. I’ve seen them live twice, once with Jay Reatard (RIP)
Go make a thread about it instead of crying then fag.
>black keys
try r/indieheads
You didn't like brothers? But you like rap?
You don't like me cussing? I don't give a shit what you like
Motherfuck Jeff sessions I'm selling dope with a weapon
Are my favorite lines.
Massage seats is the best song. Madlib his mind *_*
I meant to say Brothers was their last okay one. Pretty sick of Dan’s voice and their generic approach to hits.
I listened to the new one a couple times. It's pretty good desu, 5 or 6 solid songs on first impression
>implying zoomers know who Freddie or Madlib are
I'm 30 bro. I've been listening to their music for years.
Education is fucking great. Beat is Rhinestones cowboy tier good
Well you black
It really is
You sound like the uneducated one. I’m a college grad, love Nietzsche, Baudelaire, and am really looking down on you right now.
You don't know anything about me
Nah I'm white. My favorite artists are Freddie Gibbs, Action Bronson, Westside Gunn, Conway, aand Benny. Love Madlib and Alchemist beats. Bunch of others too but when I'm in the US I go to all their concerts whenever they come to Detroit.
I thought you were telling not asking.
Love that piano loop.
Jesus it’s obvious you’re not operating on all six. No question mark can be confusing.
Hi Back to
Is that a black music reference
Education and Palmolive are instant classics. Rest is pretty good. Haven't made it past Education yet because I kept rewinding and restarted it after it ended. I know lots of people call shit classics too soon nowadays and it doesn't mean to much but these ones are going to be with me for years.
>that beat change on half manne
Honestly why do you zoomers like black music? Is it bc you were indoctrinated into thinking they are cool?
I already told you, I'm 30. That's a question for a thread with a face tat rapper who mumbles through his shit. But if you want to know why I, a millennial like rap it's because I saw Snoop Dogg videos on MTV when I was 5. I quite enjoyed them. My mom bought the Fugees tape The Score when I was in the 2nd grade because she liked Killing Me Softly. I got ahold of it and I was fucking mesmerized by the production and it was my favorite thing in the world. I played it non stop for petty much a year. Then later on when I got high speed internet I downloaded every fucking thing that had a parental advisory sticker on it, both rock and rap.
Don’t feed the trolls.
So you were indoctrinated to thinking blacks are cool
>check em
No I just like this music. Also I know /pol/ shit is for people who don't have sex.
Because my white dad listened to Coltrane and I, DMX, Pac, Biggie, etc. not indoctrinated just impressed
/pol/ shit?
By what?
Caring about racial shit at all. It really doesn't matter to me.
By music, you fucking cretin. Lowly mortal.
I don't care I just observe rhat black people make a specific type of music. I'm trying to understand the appeal of it of you are not black or a teenager
You consider dmx to be music?
I like sample based music no matter who it is made by. Some of my favorite producers are not black, like Alchemist, Daringer, the Drum & Bass producer Calibre... Many of my favorite rappers aren't black either, like Action Bronson, Your Old Droog, Edan.
This is unironically a 9/10, can see melon giving it a 10/10.
Yes whites are able to make and enjoy their music but rarely the other way around
Worst kind of troll. Return to your vidyas kiddo.
I'm being serious
this, listening to peak madlib
You’re a zombie.
Is that a hip hop reference or a bad insult?
No it's a Cranberries reference, the official whitest song in existence. ZOMBIE ZOMBIE ZOMB EH EH EH
Oh yea I've heard that song. It's not bad
How do we feel about Massage Seats? Those vocal samples are so good
Excellent track
does flat tummy tea sample the professionals or am i crazy?
Well shit I didnt keep up with the tracks as they came out, knew i wasnt crazy thanks.
Education sample, Kanye used it on a Nas track already.
Fake Names holy shit. IDK man I was kind of skeptical on first listen, but I seriously think this may top pinata
Madlib flipped it better, that Bonjour shit is gay.
Links when?
Give me a minute and I can toss one up
Just turned 21 20 minutes ago been a fan of madlib since middle school
Madlib is boomercore, idiot. It all started with MF DOOM and Def Jux.
How am I supposed to learn track names if my phone is in the pocket?
I once bumped into el-p at Safeway I’m in hometown. He was super chill about meeting a fan and his crew was grabbing bulk trail mix out of the dispensers and grubbing.
Link for whoever wants it or needs it.
So, better than Pinata?
In my personal opinion yes.
No, no track on par with Uno or Thuggin’. Still very-very good and more consistent.
He flipped it YEARS ago
Yeah I figured as much.
unstoppable flow in that album
AOTY based Freddie always delivers
too soon to say, but I think it's more consistent after first listen
Practice, Cataracts, or Palmolive can be put above any pinata track.
Conway and Westside Gunn is the most iconic duo. That DJ Premier record was incredible
Gunn is holding Conway back imo
Better than Madvillainy t b h
Eh he's the first to admit he's not really a rapper though. Pretty sure Conway is writing a lot of his material. I found him annoying when I first heard him but he really grew on me. His charisma and delivery is something I appreciate.
Anybody find the first half of the third track completely out of place, just some generic trap beat...just left a bad taste in my mouth
Yeah I actually skipped it, like I said earlier in the thread I don't really fuck with Freddie's trap shit. When someone else mentioned the beat switch I went back and checked out the rest of it and I like the other beat way better.
Go back to drinking you’re so wait you’re fucking losers OK I’ll shake the fuck out of you guys to learn to listen to trap music you fucking dumbasses
yeah it's aoty
yeah exactly
It's a decent album, but I don't think it'll be impervious to a light 6/7/8 from Fantano. When that happens, the hype will die down. That being said, I personally don't think it lives up to Pinata in terms of sheer variety. The features that do come up are cool, but Freddie could stand to include some more artists.
oh you like when more than one artist congest a beat huh.
>the beat switch on half manne half cocaine
Madlib is the most consistent artist ever. Dude cannot make a bad album/track
>taking Fantano's opinion as gospel
There's a whole nother older thread with links still up
I get a more modern vibe my ear is drawn to it more but time will tell.
Benny > Conway > Gunn
Did you listen to Plugs I Met? That and Tana Talk 3 shit on Aything the other two have done.
I fuck with Conway's flow and beat selection a little more than Benny's. But everything Benny put out is real street shit and I've never heard something from him that I didn't like. Listened to all of that and it's all staying in my collection. When I get back to the US I plan to obtain physical copies of everything possible.
litterally he's a fucking raw gold, i'm just fucking glad this album came up, heard the first 4 tracks coming to work and thought it was strait fire.
this duo its a fucking miracle, dont want to hype somthing i haven heard enterily but madlib gain absolute all my respect through out the years, he s a fucking legend.
This. He deserves a Grammy.
Can I enjoy this album without understanding the lyrics? I am from Spain but I want to enjoy this album as much as you all do.
Sure, i enjoy alot of hip-hop that isn't in a language i understand.
Cool, then. I've always been worried I didn't really get hip hop because I don't understand the lyrics.
Fake Names is the best track.
honestly its probably better. the lyrics are trash if you think of tem as words
It's a lot of cocaine talk and street slang, suburban white kids don't get it either lmao
I mean, if I read them carefully I think I would mostly understand them, as I really like lyrics from other hip hop songs. But I was worried if to get hip hop I needed to understand the lyrics as I listen to the song.
So why bandana huh?
Freddie said you would have to understand why the pinata was dead in the album, but I still don't get it
and this
nah i thought it was kind of interesting hearing gibbs on that kind of beat, and it works for a bait and switch into one of madlib's greatest beats on the second half
>But I was worried if to get hip hop I needed to understand the lyrics as I listen to the song.
lol how about not caring how you re supposed to hear somthing and enojy it (or not) instead??
there's one song after Education and it's fuckin great dude, listen to it
yeah this shit a 10. album of the year, top 3 of the decade.
griselda's consistency is on tde's level
quads can't lie
No way
>Using Fantano as a foundation for your entire opinion
The fuck is your problem? Also, the features were arguably the worst part of pinata.
>Cuz when this music shit wasn't moving mane, I said I might as well be moving thangs
fuck bros how did they manage to deliver exactly what we wanted? MadGibbs is absolutely based
Yeah man the beats on this rec are insane honestly. Personal favorites are
>Freestyle Shit
>Crime Pays
>Fake Names
>Soul Right
The album sucks dick especially compared to pinata. Zoomers are so easily impressed
agreed. sick of all these peasant rap fans user
thinking the same thing. He doesn’t mention either of them in the lyrics so it must be a metaphorical thing you gotta figure out
Honestly Freddie’s delivery as a rapper is so good that it’s more of a percussive instrument than anything. even melodic at times. that’s why it’s so great
This feels like more of a continuation of Madlibs work on Madvillainy than it does Pinata and I mean that in the best way possible.
It's colorful, unpredictable, other worldly and psychedelic in the way that madvillainy was.
I was honestly expecting something more akin to Pinata in terms of production but I'm super happy we got this instead.
Actually, if you think about it, this is probably the most psychedelic/spacey gangster rap album we've ever gotten and it's cool as fuck.
>people saying gat damn is the weakest track
C'mon it's Massage Seats and you know it, but even then Freddie drops bars on that track.
Nah massage seats is good man. It'll grow on you. Gat damn is easily the weakest track but it's not bad at all.
Massage Seats and Gat Damn are both great though
the only tracks I'm feeling weak on are Freestyle Shit and Crime Pays really
Crime pays? How can you feel that way user..And freestyle shit is a great tone setter IMO.
Crime pay has a GOAT instrumental...It's heavenly.
okay honestly I like the fact that there are so many different choices for best songs lmao, buy yeah I'm really digging freestyle shit, crime pays, fake names, soul right, and gat damn
How the fuck can you say Crime Pays is weak
I notice that songs like Crime Pays and Shitsville don't sound nearly as good on my shittier headphones. sound quality really matters on these MadGibbs tracks more than anything else I've listened to really
What do we think of Fake Names, gents? Sounds like an instant classic to me.
I think it's cool that Freddie is more philosophical and introspective with his lyrics this time around, it compliments lib's more experimental production very well. His melodic rapping is cool too
top tier
Yes. Much much more consistent.
Individual songs from Pinata are better than individual songs on Bandana, but overall it's a better project.
let's not get carried away. But it's really good.
Instant classic, along with cataracts
Cataracts is the best song on the album and it's not even close. It's almost Thuggin level.
>philosophical and introspective
what? not saying I hate Freddie but he's still rapping the same shit as far as I can tell.
the beat switch is fucking insane
The black keys are corporate beer commercial rock garbage, kill yourself Redditor. Madlib has done more for music than either of those hacks ever will
fake names and giannis best tracks easy
based jap
How often do you make music?
Madlib: Every day. I’ve been at home for a few years just making music. I do a few shows every year, but I’m mostly at home, making music. Day and night. My friends probably think I’m a ghost by now, or some might think I’m dead or whatever, but I’m always working on music. I sleep like three or four hours a night, and get right back to it. A couple of years ago I stopped making beats—I couldn’t do it for a year and a half. But ever since then I haven’t stopped.
Black Keys are literal garbage. I also hate all rap.
what's this from? is it fanmade?
can you imagine if J Dilla was still alive? madlib has put out legendary shit in this timeline but imagine?
yep, and Champion Sound part deux would have been sick
>when Freddie changes his flow to match the beat mid-song
>Crime Pays
Fucking get out
>don't sound nearly as good on my shittier headphones
it's true though. a heavier bass changes the whole song.
What a incredible shitty take. Gotta be a troll
crime pays and freestyle are literally the 2 best tracks
this album made me think about a push and madlib album
its a shame the cover sucks
Madlib played his track with Mac Miller last night and that shit was crazy. Madlib can unlock any hip hop artist
i like it. quasimodo style
yes, but that's not hard
Jeff Jank did nothing wrong.
Has Yea Forums ever agreed this much on an album before?
Pinata is better, but still solid. Pinata is a 9, this is a 7.5
the rym trannies are here
Bandana is easily a 8.5. It goes above Pinata in some aspects.
this has different highs than piñata which is good
but perhaps bandana goes harder in some tracks and piñata has more outstanding tracks
what song has anti-vax lyrics?
not as good as pinata
Predict the score.
Lmao i actually picked up on that too, its a p weird lyric. he was saying some anti vaxx shit in a breakfast club interview too
heres the lyric: genius.com
I'm willing to bet he's just paying lip service to his hypochondriac wife. pretty sure she's into all that green party shit.
Genuinely think he’ll give it a 10, didnt he give Piñata a 9? You could say this album is a 10 with the pusha verse alone
He'll say i can't support an anti-vaxxer and give it 6.
decent 8 since he isn't going to be blinded by the hype like most people
gonna praise the album for 20 minutes then give it a 6 to raise relevance.
that wouldn't get him any views
Hey tony
Dumb lyric, but how can someone take off half a star for that lmao
fuck off with your e-celeb trash
I was just thinking this lads
THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING, I cant even put it into words lads and I remember when Madvilliany dropped
I think madvillainy is probably more consistent but the highs on Bandanna are taking me to another fucking dimension.
I'm a massive madlib fan and I genuinely think his best work is on this album
Half Man Half Cocaine
Crime Pays
Flat tummy tea
Fake Names
I would seriously argue that any single one of these instrumentals would go toe to toe with the very best instrumentals on madvillainy.
Madlib is peaking and it's wild. I need to give it another week or two but I think Bandanna may very well be one of the top 2 or 3 hip hop albums ever made in terms of production.
It is fucking ridiculous.
The weakest instrumentals here are like 9/10s. It's just silly. Shit has me foaming from the mouth.
Shadows of Tomorrow is one of my favorite tracks on Madvillainy, love how the instrumental on Flat Tummy Tea gives me the same vibes
>black keys
just fuck off back to /r/music
The production here is second to none, but I still think Rhinestone Cowboy and Operation Lifesaver remain untouched
Is it possible for him to get MF Doom to stop phoning in his verses and work on a new Madvillain album at this point?
Imagine being the team doctor for a girls' soccer team.
They could release anything whenever they want. I think at this point they just want to leave it at madvillainy and avoid a disappointment. DOOM himself said they have at least 3-4 albums worth of material recorded.
what is up with the text to speech japanese voice? not complaining, actually pretty hilarious, just an odd choice.
hahaha thats just madlib, fucking genius
DOOM said that those 3-4 albums are all from those same sessions that produced Madvillainy
everything you listed is MTV generation
lude af
it's funny
MF DOOM really can't rap anymore unfortunately. just listen to his new collaboration with Inspectah Deck, he's definitely been off the wagon.
can't blame him really, now that his kid and brother are dead, he really has nobody else to live for. shit's sad as fuck
how the fuck is the Situations instrumental anything special? the production on this album is great but Situations feels like something literally anyone could do super easily, it's ok, but not even half as good as the weakest instrumental on madvillainy
It's kinda lame, Gibbs sounds asleep and Madlib's production actually sounds like it was made by him this time so they don't fit together at all. The album is acceptable but far below what I'd expect from either of em, it's time for this collaboration to end.
>Gibbs sounds asleep and Madlib's production actually sounds like it was made by him this time so they don't fit together at all.
It's okay after the first listen. Pinata was great on the first listen on the other hand. Crime Pays is my fav track. The sample and video for that track is brilliant.
Yeah, I usually take it that way. But with hip hop I've always worried if I was missing that part to really enjoy it.
bonjour was my favorite song of that shit nas album so the fact that madlib flipped it better than kanye makes me cum
based linksbro
because my parents listened to Cyprus Hill and Beastie Boys when i was growing up.
I liked his features on the new Soul Assassins.
hahahaha Punk Revolution Now literally decreased the score by a whole point because of the anti-vax line
get rekt Freddie Gibbs
This pic would have been nice as the album art desu
That photo is old as fuck, from 2011.
Do you guys think it would be cool?
Anyone have a rip of the Directors Cut of the album that was exclusive to the deluxe LP?
I don't believe anyone has it in hand yet. It's been shipped so i reckon by Tuesday there might be a Vinyl Rip floating about
I liked the black keys when I was in middle school too.
Black Keys haven't released anything interesting since they figured out they could get commercial royalties, Madlib is an architect
>The Black Keys
They haven't done anything good since Magic Potion
based and cringepilled
How the FUCK does Madlib keep doing it? Every time you think he peaks he releases something even better.
Black Keys are more pleb than Muse
my niggas madurib ando fureddie gibbsu
i refuse to take this bait. this is the dumbest shit ever typed, no way a human being actually believed this
will that flannel wearing faggot give this thing a 10?
his friends drop by sometimes and ask him out to lunch
madlib always smiles and says I'm busy thank you much
back to work tony
Holy shit those digits
>60$ for the 2LP
Best rap album in the past few years
It was painfully average, the songs weren't that great.
pfft whahahahahahahahahahaha oh god fucking shit saved, holy fuck thank you for this, this is gonna make me tear up for at least a couple of weeks
Not even close.
>Individual songs from Pinata are better than individual songs on Bandana, but overall it's a better project.
this. people who think Pinata is better as a whole are suffering memory loss
Absolutely based.
>colorful, unpredictable, other worldly and psychedelic
People who describe albums like this need to choke to death
No, because there weren't this many easily impressed zoomers before.
Colossal pleb
It's not like we're getting good hip-hop albums every few weeks or something. This one is at the very least great. Not a zoomer but I enjoyed the fuck out of it. Also put me in the mood for some more similar shit so I've been playing some Roc Marciano too.
Honesty the main idea is nice on the first listen, but then it becomes stale. The lyrics are vapid and stupid. The songs aren't that great. It has some nice moments, but overall it's a 3/10.
>Ha! I called you young, my excellent taste in music has been proven!
I always though being a zoomer had nothing to do with age, but with the phase we all pass when we listen to surface level stuff, before developing a personal taste. Zoomers to me are people who are still on that phase.
Mad Gibbs > Madvillain
All Caps is better than both of those desu
It's really not. I'm of the opinion that just because something is surface level doesn't make it bad. Everyone on here is a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian so you can't like shit everyone else likes. But throughout this thread I've mentioned and commented on other artists who make similar music. I'm really into this and this is something that's a big deal to me. But the rest of the hyped albums that everyone talks about here? Lol not so much.
Alot of these beats have a huge Mach Hommy/Roc influence I feel. Piñata beats weren’t this minimal (not a bad thing btw)
No it doesn't make it bad, but it makes it really accessible. So even if it's average people will say it's amazing because they don't know better. Don't take it personally, i don't know you. You could be into really obscure shit and still like it, I'm not talking about people like you. But the majority are zoomers, they are easily impressed.
Fair but SOAD had some tracks and YOL2 was a great return, not big on the Freddie album.
Well look at the type of shit that's been coming out lately. The Olive Garden seems like a fancy ass restaurant when you're comparing it to McDonalds. Zoomers haven't experienced any good periods of hip hop.
Yeah, but the thing is, to me they are zoomers because they still haven't looked into deeper stuff. You don't get out of the zoomer phase by listening to whatever comes out, you get out from it by actively searching for stuff that you enjoy personally.
Based Zone 6 Skreet Nigga
hip hop actually peaked in the early 2000s. odd future, joey badass, danny brown, madgibbs, run the jewels were all just starting to release studio quality stuff.
I like oldhead shit but that stuff really doesn't compare to the amount of care and refinement the aforementioned artists were able to afford to put into their music. it was a rare moment where the advances in technology were helping already-talented artists make even better stuff, but then it slumped when lazy soundcloud rappers realized they could abuse it to make low tier half assed garbage and slack off.
You mean early 2010s? That's not really what I was listening to. I got into Freddie from Cold Day In Hell. I was listening to A$AP Rocky, Action Bronson, Griselda shit, Roc Marciano, anybody Alchemist produced... But I lived through the previous era. Everything that happened since was small in both lasting cultural impact and the amount of attention it got compared to the 98-03 period.
maybe it's an old recording or something? idk, he sounds fucked in the new album to me
>YEUUGHs on your album
Fucking kino
Freddie Gibbs is for millennials, not zoomers.
Wrong, but I am unable to deny those digits. Based.
which part?
I need a Madpush album
The "Madlib flipped it better than kanye" part.
>tfw black
I really really needed this album, it’s genuinely the only “black” hip hop album I’ve heard in years
Kendrick can fuck off with his fake “woke” BLM shit, Bandana is Soul Food in music form
I like both beats, but it's better utilized here due to having more interesting verses. Also, Madlib actually made this beat before Kanye
He not only flipped it better but did a million times better of a job of mixing it. The vocal on that track is way up in the mix and nas rapping doesn't sit well with it either. Definitely not the same Kanye that made songs like Slow Jams and Overnight Celebrity.
>mfw Kenny sold his soul to the Illuminati and is now more evil than Freddie Gibbs who literally killed people
Nah he had to do what he had to do, dude seems like a genuinely great guy in interview
Just don’t steal his drugs
Trips of truth.
I agree that Education is the better song overall though. Nas really was a letdown on that album.
Blame the mixing of his newer songs on Rick Rubin/Mike Dean
I know Mike Dean is solid since way back. I blame Brick Wall Rick given what he did to Death Magnetic.
That fucking sample is amazing you know what I’m talking about
areeru neegazu onary
Flat Tummy T.
Dude you sound like fucking michael rapaport, no one gives a shit about your gay ass blog post.
Pinata was a passion project that told a story with incredible flow throughout the album
This was a come over blaze record some tracks. Disappointing.
Mike Dean completely fucked up mbtdf and denied it for years so I dunno what the fuck you're talking about.
Probably Madlib gave it to Kanye on the TLOP days.
Madlib said at a talk with Gibbs during Red Bull Music Academy 2016. “Six CDs. Gibbs took all of them, rapped over everything. Kanye waited too long, Gibbs rapped over everything.”
>this thread
wanted to see this on the album :(
i need an basednigger starter pack chart now
we'll be discussing it later come through
TPAB has more soul than Freddie. Sorry you bought into the “self hating black” meme.
i did miss that bonjour chorus, but every rapper on education out-rapped nas on bonjour so i don’t mind
Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you this must be a shitpost. Kendrick doesn't spit fake woke shit people are so fucking retarded
Is this that mysterious shit? I listen to albums that people actually play. And you actually hear it. You know, driving your car you hear another car playing it. Go to the barber shop, you hear them playing it. You know, turn the radio on, and you hear them playing it. It's playing everywhere - it's called great music. It's called albums that you actually hear the songs. Not no mysterious shit, and you never hear it.
Did we listen to the same TPAB?
no it doesn’t. all of Kendrick’s “ideas” are shit everyone on twitter has already said a million times over. the only shocking thing about it is that people somehow remain interested in him.
Yeah the whole white bitch on stage really sealed the deal
Madlib was asleep during this album or what. Weakest production so far from him
>black is beautiful
>i love myself
>by the way whyd we bitch about trayvon but we gangbang all the time
Wow such a hate whitey album
I was not implying he was being racist against white people. I'm implying the content is incredibly surface level and not woke at all
did mos def record from his fucking iphone earphones or something? sounds terrible quality wise
MadGibbs > Madvillain
Pinata > madvillain > bandana
Thanks for reminding me this dropped OP.
what is this gif from again? haven't seen the original in forever
This is his normal production level. Most of his beats are mediocre, guy doesnt have sense of harmony at all. Thats why I was very surprised with Piñata because it doesnt sound like him, Piñata beats are really good.
second beat on fake names is one of the dopest flips wtf are you on about
Is it really text to speech? I figured they had found some Japanese dude to record that shit lol
there is nothing wrong with being black. I get not liking rap but yeesh man calm down.
The lyrics on this album are pretty garbage compared to Pinata. Just generic brag-rap.
lmao y'all on that good crack
Madvillainy > Bandana = Piñata
It’s a great album, but stop this melon talk. He’s a hack.
Probably the best Hip Hop album of the year