I gave you so much more than Kurt, yet because I wasn’t killed by my gf, my band is always left out of the picture

I gave you so much more than Kurt, yet because I wasn’t killed by my gf, my band is always left out of the picture

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That's not true mister.

He wrote like three good songs, the rest was generic indie behind a wall of feedback

And I like Dino Jr

More cuz you look like a sperg. Nirvana wouldn't be popular if Kurt wasn't good looking.

that's not just a look

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Who's this ugly Muppet fuck?

>thinks 3 songs in 100+ song discography are actually good
>and i like dino jr.

fuck off

I like Dino Jr. quite a bit, but they really didn't bring too much to the Alternative Rock table that Husker Du didn't already do. Nirvana were pretty derivative as well, but stylistically they stood out more than Dino Jr. I would say.

>insults YLAOM the entire review
>still gives it a B plus

Fair enough. They’re just a monstrously great band with a gold standard that hits across their discography. Had one of the grittiest hits in ‘88, became friends with Robert Smith, and somehow made Barlow cool.

Nirvana wrote better, more memorable songs.

Hey man, I love bands that did nothing but repeat the same song over and over, it is what it is. Dinosaur Jr. is a template of a band, but I still like them.

To the original point, comparing J to Cobain is nuts. And comparing Cobain to a lot of other people is equally nuts, but that's a different argument.

it's ok to like things

At some points his guitar sounds a lot like James Williamson.

I was just trying to say Dino Jr is known by virtually no one IRL and that’s not right.

sebadoh are a WAY better band

Really. Cobain had a pop sensibility that J just couldn't match.

Not that I can make sense of. I think his vocal style really stood out when he screeched on maaary and such but I don’t subscribe to this cult that nirvana wrote magical songs that evolved our culture. Pixies Husker Du were there first.

>"youre living all over me" exists
are you insane in the fucking membrane?

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Based great-Pop poster

it's because j isn't a sexy or palatable to the mainstream frontman and his voice is bad

honestly dino jr is just alright, better than average but nothing that great.

nirvana was big before kurt died. it was destined to be mainstream. they had catchy songs and a goodlooking troubled frontman. it was also really cutting edge for the early 90s.

*sigh* k man whatever

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It's because he's literally autistic. Don't beat around the bush.

>honestly dino jr is just alright, better than average but nothing that great.
again >"youre living all over me" exists
"youre living all over me" exists

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goddamn it I am so pissed ammount of people who "get" animal collective > number of people who have actually delved into dinosaur jrs catalog

His voice isn’t bad! Or at least it’s not worse than Kurt’s. Maybe it’s not as idiosyncratic but to me it’s more loveable.

We gave you so much more than J and Kurt, yet because we weren't autistic manchildren or killed by our bfs, our band is always left out of the picture

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Truth. Except they are practically gods among hipsters now.

this is the same type of thing as saying the pixies should be bigger than nirvana because the pixies "totally sound the same as nirvana lol"

I suppose Pixies might show why Nirvana became huge and Dino didn’t. It was about that personality.

i was more saying that people that think nirvana actually ripped off the pixies or sounds anything like them are retards.

nasal geetar wank

Kurt said UMass was the inspiration for Smells Like Teen Spirit

Nirvana was huge before Kurt died you fucking retard.

i don't give a shit what kurt said. he did take some inspo from them but when he said he ripped them off he was just being humble

also show me a pixies song that sounds like any of the shit on in utero or incesticide or bleach.

no reason to argue about this stuff you spergs good lord

I can hear him going "eaaaghhhhh" through that picture

I don’t know why you guys get so touchy about him, I certainly never said he ripped a certain band off. I think Nirvana did what they did really well, and have this folk blues thing throughout that is awesome. I just wanted to post some Js and talk some shit.

kurt was pretty and thats the explanation of nirvanas success. he was a role model based on pure looks, kids started dressing like him and buying dumb 70s glasses and stripped sweaters and wanting to die despite having care-free lives. it was a fashion revolution more than anything.

any other explanation is delusion.

>folk blues thing
pixies where there first and better. but guy was fat.

Your band is left out of the picture because it never had a top 10 US pop hit.
That's all any of this is ever about.

Katy Perry has top ten hits.