The DrumPill

In an age where guitar music is almost gone drums will forever be the most important instrument. All genres need drums.

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Drums have been replaced by computers.

*cucks you*

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damn a percussion centric music thread would be cool
drum machines are fine, but synthesized guitars sound like shitty snes games.

Drums are literally the easiest instrument to replace with a computer. Cope harder.

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Completely untrue, but I will say I love me some complex and creative drumming

>All genres need drums
but not drummers. they were the first musician to be replaced. stop seething incel

>guitar music
what the fuck does that mean

lol most drum machine cuks cant even invent as well as a 1912 ragtime drummer.

you know what sound brushes make? its fucking called static. that's right. ragtime made groovy noise rock a century ago. enjoy assembling microglitches and hoping your generative software makes something this go ronud cux.

ps I love software.

if only there were a thread for drumcentric discussion and music posting...

>got cucked by drum machines

That's why there's sampling and beat slicing.

>why yes, i do claim to be a drummer but actually just play mostly by ear and use matched-grip and honestly i just like hitting things. how could you tell?

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drum machines really don't capture the "feel" of a drummer.

if i go to a show and there isn't a drummer on stage i leave the fucking venue.

>implying 1912 ragtime drummers aren’t better than many deummers today

>he continues with the traditional grip meme even though he’s not wearing a drum over his shoulder

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nah man, i was talking about myself

try again bb

>bitches about hip hop

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have walked out on so-called classical music recitals because of this.


I'm not talking hip hop at all. I mean complex, incredibly syncopated, ever changing drum programming based around slices of a drum sample (ie. "Amen, Brother," "Cold Sweat," "Think (About It)"

i wouldn't really consider going to a classical music recital "going to a show," although i can see how that's twisting the word itself

>implicitly bitching about hip hop

That's about right -- looks like the drummer for TTNG.