Who are your favorite trans musicians? claire rousay doesn't get muchpros but she's A+ for me

Who are your favorite trans musicians? claire rousay doesn't get muchpros but she's A+ for me.

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shes beautiful, ok im officially propaganded and i literally love trans girls(tm) now.

ya know we gotta give it to laura jane grace :-)

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Genesis P. Orridge

firm believer in boipussy

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thats not a trans. wtf show original form.

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It confuses your dick that's fine. It goes beyond pre described sexuality.

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Props to Ascaris. Aevangelist has some really cool ideas, even if the end result often isn't as good as it could be.

lmao thats literally a woman in drag. coolest upgrade ive seen.

we in the future guys. we may not have flying cars but have she-boys.

dick is not confused, but that trans specimen is real fine.

WTF bro, i love them. Didn't know one had the tranny mentality. Is the band still going or is it done for now?

Do NOT fall for transpropoganda

Sure sometimes they can take a believable photo (and I thought of fucking some "hot" ones on Tinder before) but EVERYTIME I've met it was so obvious they were a trans and I was repulsed

Pic related: The tranny in OP but non flattering pics

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just looks like a cute boy

No, this looks like a cute boy

But he ruined it and now just looks like an ugly crossdresser


yeah i'd be down for that

>claire rousay
wow and her music is great as well. id love to see her perform live. this type of technical experimental is much better in live context then recrodigns

go seethe in /pol/

she looks beautiful. youre just transphobic. besides shes not existing to be some shitty cis straight guy bigots fetish object.

I don't gauge my taste for something on whether or not the artist is mentally ill. Enjoy shit or don't faggot

Bless you user, I was getting worried for a second.

Most poeple attracted to trannies are tranny chasers.

Go dilate, faggot. This is what a woman looks like.

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aww. im trans and she played in my city a little bit ago. didnt know she was trans at the time or else i would have definitely gone her work is really inspiring

Shoutout to Genesis from Throbbing Gristle


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I'm a chaser, but I like girls with dicks
The women in these threads don't look like they have suckable dicks that would completely ruin my ass for a week--but they are still cute anyway

Anti-trans people are notoriously bad at telling the difference between trans and cis women, especially if they pass

is laura les a tranny i can't tell

obviously. she literally written many songs about it you idiot.

Victoria such a qt
too bad she's on shitflix

makes me wonder what charlie somik really looked like
he was so convincing i didn't even believe it was a trap until multiple dick picks showed up

None of them

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black dresses is pretty dope, same with Lauren bousfield

who got a penis?

Wendy Carlos you absolute plebs

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can i get some succ?

>Anti-trans people are notoriously bad at telling the difference between trans and cis women, especially if they pass

>Post pics of two different cis women on /pol/, they are high-res images of early 2000s playboy models who never saw fame. Got them from some softcore website when I was 14. Nothing comes up for reverse image searching
>Ask them to guess which is cis female and which is trans female
>Mixed responses, nobody guesses that they are both female, some claim they know both girls personally and they are both men
>Prove them wrong with nudes
>They start inspecting the pixels around the boobs because they don't believe it
>Self-professed 'dilation expert' comes out of the woodwork an explains to the thread that their vaginas are not real
>Everyone believes him because they've never seen a vagina before
>Dig out information on them and post it in the thread along with any links I can find showing other pictures of them from the same photoshoot in slightly different poses
>They still deny it and claim that the women are different, even though the shoot location, background and items of clothing are exactly the same.
>They get mad and start throwing tranny insults at me because they can't believe a straight white male would do this to them

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you must be blind

return to your dilation themed discord server

His wide shoulders give away more than his face in that pic.

i feel like the only thing that would drive somebody to put so much work into something like this is repressed gender dysphoria.

[just a side note, i know what you're gonna say. but i'm actually a man. a really buff man. like gigachad reborn. testosterone made flesh. so don't fuck with me telling me to dilate because the only thing i dilate is my pupils when i do 5-inch long lines of ketamine and smoke dmt and powerlift 260 egodeath benchpresses.]

Some of them are decently passable but then they have that weird gay voice thing going on so you can't really date them out in the open

who is she

that's a lot of words to simply say
>no you're the tranny user

bruh look at them shoulders lmao


The weird thing is why they use 'dilate' as an insult. It's weird enough that /pol/ had to teach me the word because I'd never heard it before, but why use it as an insult? That's like saying "Go put make-up on, Tranny". Like yeah, I'm pretty sure they will...where is the insult?

Incels CHUDs are seething so hard they're literally hallucinating

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What's a CHUD?

the insult is that dilation is fucking disgusting and horrifying to anyone with any sense of sanity left. and it’s an integral part of tranny life.


love this song but i don't have any idea on who is singing.

fucking based, transgender dysphoria blues is the BOMB
also here's laura les stream 1000 gecs

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Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers, meme term for nazi incels

Most don't have bottom surgery

It must be fun to not be straight

i think it's got something to do with a post-op vagina, you have to dilate it or something to keep it open. i don't know. see, the weirder thing is that the people who hate trannies have such a deep fascination with them that it really makes me wonder what drives a man/woman/???? to study something so intensely that they claim to be disgusted by.

are we not supposed to be able to tell that what OP posted was a genetic dude?

It's an integral part of post-op tranny life, which is not the majority.

Either way who cares? There's nothing disgusting about a vagina, they gotta stretch theirs out. It's not like I have to personally do it to them with my fist.

if you think a tranny musician is cute be sure to ask them out and try to get to at least 2nd base before they kill themselves. le 40%

most don't kill themselves, but 40% do

All cis women are beautiful


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demon hunters have to study demons to kill them

Beautiful cis woman

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I think it's just moral panic. Hundreds of years ago they would have considered any other organ transplant to be disgusting witchcraft that goes against nature.

They're the kind of people who won't like a thing if other people who like said thing are not desirable in some way. Like being unable to eat chickpeas because THAT'S WHAT SJW HIPPIES EAT.

It's just insecure stupidity.

They're all horrible by the virtue of being trannies. They're all mentally ill freaks who commit suicide because they come to the realization that by mutilating their genitals they ruined their life. I hate trannies.

There's the reply you were fishing for, OP. You can fuck off now.

>calling kikes beautiful
gross dude, go back to posting trannies

Why should I care if you hate me? What are you gonna do about it incel?

you're not a demon hunter.

it’s not a vagina it’s a fucking open wound. it’s a mutilated gash that has to be forced open and cleaned of hair on the inside regularly. legitimately makes me gag.

>"Trannies always look like men and are identifiable as men from miles away"
>"I uh...need to look at tranny genetalia so I can... identify them better. Yeah that sounds convincing.."

Why don't you come right out and say you like tranny porn?

the 'surgery' includes cutting up their penis, inverting it, creating a large pelvic wound, and shoving said penis inside the wound. this wound functions like any other wound and tried to seal itself shut, hence the dilation. the kicker is that since it is so close to your lower intestines, the wound is the host for the same bacteria that you folind in shit, i.e. enjoy having a septic wound that will never shut, and the obliteration of your peepee.

You literally just described a vagina.

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the fact that you legitimately believe this is proof that you are fucked in the head. or you’re just fucking with me.

vaginas aren't wounds you dumdum, your body created that naturally and does not continually try to repair itself by shutting the wound

Yes, an aging one thst still looks like a woman at her age. Something you trannies can't do past 30.

Do something

A vagina is a flesh opening with hair in it. Have you actually ever had sex user? Have you ever actually been near a vagina that wasn't in a pornographic video?

I don't want to say 'have sex', but...

I believe your onery mood is the symptom of your lack of recent dilation. I suggest leaving and remedying this glaring dearth.

here comes the dilating tranny.

Transgender women age better than cis women, they always have a steady level of hormones and do not go through menopause, which is what turns many cis women into hags around 40-50

none of that really disturbs me because i'm never going to have it done because i don't want to be a woman.

I am on your side here but holy shit, no, vaginas do not have hair growing inside them

>claims to not care
>responds immediately
>uses a pejorative term, indicating some level of anger

Please show me hot 40-50 year old transwomen

>listen music only because musician identify themself with the opositive gender
How does it feel to be such a prostitute weak passion for music?

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this motherfucker thinks he's Hellsing.

kek, vaginas have hair on the outside, not the inside. are you a spic? is that why you don't understand the difference?

A 'wound' doesn't really exist in this context. A foreskin operation is still giving you a foreskin even if it's grafted on. You can't say it's just a skin flap if it's acting as a foreskin.


>>File: 156158702483.jpg (207 KB, 924x638)
based and chadpilled

this dude thinks he's a woman

Yes they do. Do you know what a vagina is? Balls have hair growing inside them too.

Nowhere on the body has hair 'on the outside'. That does not exist. Your hair does not grow outside of your skin.

you guys need to stop believing everybody who disagrees with you is trans.

it's definitely a wound since it's an unnatural and deep cut in your pelvic region that requires daily dilation in order to keep it open and not have it sealed and scarred over. listen, I know you're mentally ill but if you ask for an explanation a third time I might just forgo it and see you less as a trainable and more as a complete mongoloid.

We are not talking about the same hair and I think you know that

bro, you are mentally ill, but you might seriously be retarded on top of that. please seek help for your own sake.

a tranny**

>Balls have hair growing inside them too
wh-what? are you sure?

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Lurk for 20 more years, newfag.


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oh yeah, he's a great artist.

he's a dude**

fr as much as i say that trans people really dont exist im so torn desu. worlds chainging but yes good desition

nah tf

>generic, short-haired girl
Yeah wow disgusting


bro wtfff wrong pronoun?!?!?!?!!!!!!


nah sophie was always a woman just wasnt out

>not a bogdanoff
you fucking bigot


spic detected

why don't we look at his heterosomes to decide?

It'a ok, we're all trannies user. We all eat the same onions lecithin on a daily basis

Who don't we look at her hormone levels?

why did she turn into Anna Burch?

I don't have one. I prefer to listen to music made by humans

Laura Les

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>black dresses
good taste

>with dicks

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Literally commit suicide.

>all these sperging /pol/yps
I don't remember there being this many here a few years ago. You retards need to go back

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Lead the way bro

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This idiots probably like to think music hasn't been a refuge for queer people since forever.

heterosomes determine the sex of an individual








every single fucking time

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it's called CWC disease