Albums women can't enjoy

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I enjoyed it.

Women (female)

We're talking biological females here buddy


Based, keep up the good fight fellow magapedes.

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Heck, I'm a liberal.
I just like the meme.

Anything to do with depression, love, or feelings of isolation.

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Iowa by Slipknot

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Absolutely this. Bitches always love AHIG but could never comprehend to the despair that comes with Iowa by Slipknot.

>girls dont like love songs
not in this universe

these threads are always cancer

Bratty gave this album a 4.5/5

Yes, and how sure are you she doesn't have a feminine penis?

stop. my crush on her is bad enough as it is

quite literally who

any album by Cypress Hill

some ugly snowflake bitch on rym that Yea Forums gives a massive fuck about for some reason

Can women even into Krautrock?

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There is quite literally no point in claiming you're female on Yea Forums. Threads like these are so dumb.

Fuck off, Trumpcuck.

Anything prog rock

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based bratty drone

St. Vincent has done a live cover of the opening track pleb

Women have good taste

>Implying she's not a tranny
Hot take.

Not quite

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nice post dude :^)



Wrong answer.

A friendless female with depression wrote this. How does this make you feel?

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they might "like the music"
but they'll never truly understand it

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chris brown

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jewish rat

this is the truest post of them all

shes not jewish

These threads should just be entitled "I like this album, and I also hate women because they won't have sex with me. I'm going to connect these two things for no reason."

Don't ever fucking talk about her like that again, or I'll murder you.

Two of my Ex's love Can. One of them even asked me what my favorite Can album was when I mentioned music when we first met

My Mother-in-law loves this album.
Also... You seem like you have issues.

>lists one of the of the least depressing albums of all time
Anxious okay but there's nothing depressing about this album other than how overrated it is.

This seems to be true, I've never known one who likes it.


Are you retarded or new? Me and a few of my female friends like this album. We aren't trannies either lmao.

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she cute

man slipknot really went downhill after vol 3

All albums


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