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Kpop general
Daniel Hall
Other urls found in this thread:
Xavier Bell
Levi Williams
Dominic Morgan
okay, this is based
Adam Jackson
David Gomez
Elijah Brooks
reminder that your idol wants white dick but not the white dick of some fat fuck who never had sex before
Justin Peterson
James Myers
i'm not fat
Jacob Fisher
Charles Peterson
don't be so hard on yourself, m8
Brody Gray
I miss them so much bros...
Jeremiah Foster
i don't wanna be a cat
Jaxson Gutierrez
all the white guys on korean tv speak korean fluently
Brandon Jackson
cute with banging ticklish feet
Carter Flores
GUISE, recommend me the manliest and the faggiest boyband mvs
Gabriel Bennett
Gavin Lewis
ugliest goblino
Jaxon King
no. fuck off.
Anthony Gomez
>manliest and faggiest
just check any monsta x mv
Robert Taylor
Actually a god tier group
Jace Young
Angel Clark
i bet her boobs look like flat saggy meth head pancakes.
Lucas Gonzalez
I've been working out for 3 years and slumming it with viet girls in preparation for my waifu, don't project fag
Alexander Young
love his short yet slim legs
no homo
Chase Moore
beomgyu is cuter than jungkook
James Wilson
>You don't value women, you put pussy on a pedestal like a cuck
If I did that I would be pumping and dumping most girls I see and being a white knight like you on the internet.
So you can keep replying to me for third thread in a roll while saying that you don't care about what others do.
Gabriel Thompson
Blood sweat and tears is a classic.
Dylan Walker
reminder that idols give joy to all their fans through their singing, dancing and fun varieties and you should respect their off camera personal life
Jaxon King
ice cream ice cream gimme that gimme that ice cream
Leo Price
Caleb Murphy
Camden Rivera
he looks like new when he’s blond
Adam Barnes
we wanted a yeji thread
Caleb Bell
Owen Perry
agreed but theres not really a point in comparing them
Parker Cooper
post uggos bros.
Liam Diaz
Tyler Baker
Jackson Ramirez
Landon Davis
Austin Nelson
that was faggish in a tasteful way I guess
Anthony Gutierrez
same goblino?
Zachary Bennett
perfect girls
Wyatt Lopez
no one knows who txt are
Matthew Young
Jaxon Carter
gaypop posters can fuck off
Henry Ortiz
>Music Bank SPECIAL EPISODE lineup
>no BTS
>no any YG's artists
>no any good SM artists
>no MX or chadpop
>no GFriend or Mamamoo
>Only fking NUGUS and Dying groups
KBS finito
Gabriel Stewart
Sebastian Russell
looks ugly
Nolan Brooks
Jacob Watson
our girls blackpink
Cooper Howard
Kayden Young
blackpink is the revolution
Jaxon Rivera
Patrician taste of music
Gavin Hernandez
Jace Gray
Luke Hernandez
Adrian Morales
wow, she's beautiful
Luis Nguyen
hey grandpa, what was ww2 like?
David Myers
momo's body is insane
Kayden Torres
exactly nobody is watching if blackpink aren't there
Logan Edwards
that wasn't even lewd..
Gavin Ramirez
>>no TWICE
at least it is not going to be that bad.Shitwice sucks.
Joshua Wright
>If I did that I would be pumping and dumping most girls I see and being a white knight like you on the internet.
None of that is logical. People who put pussy on a pedestal don't get laid. The term is specifically used to describe cucks who care too much and never get anywhere.
You're the one saying you care about more than sex which is the only white knighting going on in this discussion.
Do you have autism or schizophrenia?
Josiah Robinson
Colton Phillips
cube should be elevated in status. CLC and (G)I-DLE have been killing other gg's with their songs
Bentley Garcia
huekai has a pretty nice nose, better than kooks big honker
Jayden Torres
why don't you spread these out more and make your samefagging less obvious? you're gonna make people think there's only one blink here by doing this
Lucas Jenkins
clc needs to be cut loose as much as i like yeeun
Cooper Murphy
you have some fucked up logical thinking, at least you're not avataring with nancy pics anymore
Camden Edwards
we already know theres only one
Logan Powell
txt will always be a shadow and they ride on success
Evan Rogers
i am only one of those
Noah Perez
Ryan Morales
Juan Rodriguez
my scalp has more hair on it than hers and i'm a 35 year old boomer
Evan White
nayeon is not having any of it
Kayden Kelly
Wyatt Cruz
all the real BTS chads have moved on to TXT because purepop bangers are the new wave instead of making faggy ballads with literal who western thots
Sebastian Ross
yeah they are the definition of perfect ugliness.
Cameron Johnson
Rose ...
Ethan Rivera
Hunter Carter
Jackson Roberts
no jeongers?
cmon guys i expected more from you
Alexander Roberts
Austin Sullivan
Charles Rogers
cute autism
Robert Phillips
it's not good to be fickle bro
Jacob Nelson
Owen Price
that is rose
Ethan Roberts
>unironcally enjoying purepop more than the bangers
Wyatt Bailey
>this twink is a soldier now
Justin White
Nolan Bennett
Ian Rodriguez
Good thing I'm 6'2, 7 inch cock, /fit/, /fa/, 100K+ per year
Jordan Johnson
bts haven't made a banger since baepsae nigger
Josiah Baker
David Green
finished training as #1 too
pretty based
Tyler Martin
i'm gonna need more irene meme faces please
Aaron Sullivan
the ugliest goblino
Jacob Peterson
freaking lego jiheon
William Green
if i had a dollar for every blink on kpg i'd have one dollar
Carson Adams
Andrew Barnes
this is so cute friends jisoo is just smiling the entire time
Jose Evans
that is a clear lie and you know it
Thomas Garcia
Jaxon Campbell
well, they're going for a wide target demographic it seems
Brandon Lewis
this is what i like
William Flores
Liam Nguyen
Chaeryeong is the only cute there.
Parker Smith
uggo uggo uggo uggo mediocre
Liam James
have you ignored their latest albums?
Hunter Green
Kayden Taylor
Michael Bennett
Levi Johnson
probably 6 dollars at this very moment but i think the most would be 25-30 dollars
Jose Cox
Eli Moore
yeji is perfect
Jaxon Cook
holy shit
Austin Hill
so talented
Andrew Peterson
we are the majority here BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA.
Jordan Campbell
chaereyeong is the ugliest one
i've seen great pictures of all the other 4
David Lee
never ever say that again we mean it
Eli Wilson
they don't make songs like that anymore
Adrian Bell
>summer in full swing
>not a single new Yeji feet pic
kpop for this feel?
Gavin Kelly
>People who put pussy on a pedestal don't get laid
You said pussy, not women. Having lots of sex with many different women IS putting pussy on a pedestal.
>You're the one saying you care about more than sex which is the only white knighting going on in this discussion.
I'm not defending modern women at all lol.
Also, I'm actually being honest when I say that I value women for more than just sex, which is what women say how they like to be treated.
I never said that people like you are intellectually honest.
Adam Anderson
that uggo you posted has nothing to do with your post
Josiah Torres
Hunter Long
Isaac Jones
BASED Chips Ahoy!®
Logan Mitchell
they are singing live too because you can hear jisoo and rose giggle at one point
this guy gets it
Oliver Murphy
Gabriel Harris
those two guys are still going at each other wtf
Hunter Lopez
unironically one of the ugliest kpop groups. i can only assume somi was removed to avoid the constant brutal mogging
Chase Johnson
She is natural, talented and the only one there who can sing.
William Kelly
Holy fuck, based
Julian Phillips
she's kinda cute
Blake Brooks
Nice falseflag. YejiChads and Slugbros are allies and brothers in arms
Landon Rodriguez
i've unironically bought red velvet oreos before just because of the group, and actually they were really good
Asher King
imagine being this gay
Caleb Morris
based non creepy twicebro
Andrew Davis
no thanks roastie
Cooper Walker
rosie giggles here and then jisoo 12 seconds later so that's how you know it's live
Cameron Gutierrez
dont forget Oogieboys but WORD
Josiah Barnes
thinking about SinB...
Lincoln Ward
imgaine somi's face right now
Ryan Nguyen
Gabriel Cooper
spoiler that shit
Parker Morales
Jose Davis
they're all talented though
Ryder Howard
Gabriel Williams
Thomas Baker
i would fuck all of them. but, this is kpop where i can choose to like actually attractive girls and not uggos like in real life.
Jacob Reyes
something like this
Jaxon Gray
tl;dr on the nancy poster controversy? I was playing vidya and didn't see it's start
Parker Davis
thanks for posting my harem
Ayden Richardson
new Kai, freakin' CUTE
Aiden Myers
he doesn't really know how to take selfies does he..
Lincoln Davis
thank god for the ability to hide posts and all of their replies
Aaron Martin
sluggo brutally mogged
Nolan Nelson
Ryder Walker
stop evading your bans you pathetic roastie
Brody Wright
If I saw Twice out on the street, I wouldn't even bother them or ask for a picture because I wouldn't to bother or disturb them. /ourgirls/deserve their own private time.
Cameron Barnes
they're both busted actually
Jason Collins
>I'm actually being honest
Yes, we all recognize that you're a white knight who puts pussy on a pedestal and is too autistic to understand that words can mean more than one thing.
Kevin Wright
Gabriel Martinez
I swear it's the same two guys that had an argument abut snsd debuting in the US and other retarded arguments that never go anywhere
it's always the same style, always the same pattern, always goes on for whole threads
wtf is wrong with you two
Wyatt Peterson
mogs vernon desu
Dylan Collins
miyeon btfo
Benjamin Scott
I am SlugChad aka YejiChad
Based Oogiebro
Jason Carter
Jack Baker
i dont think any of them except beomgyu know how really, they just need to find their angles and never deviate under any circumstances like Min "I Get Mogged Constantly" Yoongi
Ayden Russell
>corporate twitter clout chasing kpop for the gazillionth time
Luke Hill
shushu mentioned
Christian Hughes
whoa he looks like felix there
Colton Thomas
just report them
Angel Walker
>you two
Xavier Hernandez
>using nigger buzzwords
Ryan Brooks
that's the definition of a singer not an idol. idols go beyond what is required of a normal singer and because of that they get compensated for it.
that's why no talent idols exist and why idols aren't expected to make their own music.
if idols don't want to have their personal life invaded, they could always perform as a regular singer, there are many ost singers, musical actresses, dance groups and song writers in korea.
Hunter Martin
that was at least 4 guys
Austin Price
chungha killing it
Josiah Nguyen
Logan Howard
he has braindamage, let him talk to himself.
Landon Harris
aren't these the most beautiful girls you've ever seen
Cameron Garcia
Jeremiah Barnes
Taehyung takes good selcas
Juan Miller
it's a jewish word actually
Brayden Butler
i wouldn't bother them but i would (politely) ask for a picture
no way i would lose that opportunity
Lincoln Foster
best chink in the game
Kayden Walker
Brody Lewis
no, they aren't.
Mason Moore
> too autistic to understand that words can mean more than one thing.
If you mean that by valuing women for more than just sex is putting them on a pedestal then you will get lots of hate from women themselves, even when they don't behave as if they're more than just wet holes.
They're not intellectually honest, you naive child.
Jayden Hall
jonghyun is that you?
David Clark
post more seunghee feet
Aaron Scott
his stare makes me uncomfortable
Owen Lewis
based and chinkpilled
Carter Peterson
pretty terrible thread when blinks aren't here
Aiden Anderson
we seriously gotta remove all the aliens from kpop
Nicholas Wood
idols should be held to a higher standard of character, morals and certainly more is expected of them, but I still don't agree that it means they should waive their entire right to privacy.
If anything fans should be that much more respectful of them because of how much work being an idol takes and how much they sacrifice.
Austin Lewis
It sounds like you're just making up excuses to be annoying faggot.
Gavin Baker
it's still going on............
Kevin Brown
Benjamin Sullivan
why is his face so gaunt? is he underweight?
Jordan Wilson
just give some hi for recognition is enough
Andrew Hall
lack of fillers
Hudson Johnson
Daniel Evans
why is jisoo from blacpink so useless
Adam Davis
You've been projecting this entire time but now your entire post is nothing but projection.
>you will get lots of hate from women themselves
Only you care about this, which is again the issue I stated in the first place. No one disagrees with you aside from you taking it personally and bitching about it all day.
Julian Gomez
lovey doveydovey
Oliver Davis
STUPID ASSHOLES, we love Taehyung here
Michael Hughes
but she isn't
jennie raps and dances
lisa raps and dances
rosie sings and dances
jisoo sings and dances
Owen Hill
what a sexy bitch showing her shoulders like that
Dylan Howard
guess she doesnt hate the reds like chewy does
Cameron Foster
don’t worry gfriend are coming to save the industry
Isaiah Sanchez
drop the g, don't slander taehyun
Aiden Powell
Lincoln Evans
they need her and the anorexic one to make the others look better
Ethan Clark
he looks okay there though
Juan Young
don't call her that and it's just the top she didn't do that on purpose
they're all beautiful you blind idiot
Hunter Taylor
Adrian Howard
not him but imo the idol industry promotes and encourages these obsessive bonds for business reasons so they can't complain too much when their fans become too obsessed. they're the ones who lied and said they love them, that the fans are their girlfriends/boyfriends, that they'll never date as long as they're an idol, giving their fans messages on valentine's day, acting like they're attracted to them when they meet at fansignings, they do all of these things so they can't turn around and whine when some of their fans have gotten a little too crazy
Andrew Torres
taehyun mogs taehyung dbh
Nicholas Ross
Thomas Foster
now this is bait
Cooper Cruz
Elijah Nguyen
there he is
Ayden Jackson
if i saw TWICE in the street i would just pull up my sleeve and show them my TWICE tattoo
Landon Davis
no lips
Jeremiah Sanchez
you have some really low standards, but that's an advange in the long run
Daniel Turner
Christian Walker
as soon as this got posted i heard something that sounded like gunshots from a far distance, it's a sign
Jackson Perez
they are heart shaped
stop doing this you fake
Evan Taylor
beomgyu is unironically cuter than anyone in BTS and a better singer/dancer except for jhope
Carson Butler
Im going to be completely honest, I have no idea what’s going on in this thread. Stan Loona
Christopher Wilson
Henry Johnson
Ryan Lewis
bts don't even know who txt are
Jace Phillips
>no xiumin and kyugsoo in the next exo album
I am coping
Caleb Wood
that face in the top right is pretty funny
Luke Moore
why do idol stylists push hair bleach to this extreme? by the point it gets to white like this it just looks like the hair is going to fall off their heads at a moment's notice
Camden Thompson
Josiah Powell
Ryan Hill
kill this love was really good actually
Caleb Morris
lie, they constantly ask TXT for photo ops to boost their clout
Cameron Wilson
Ethan Perez
>Only you care about this, which is again the issue I stated in the first place.
My point is that people like you feel like you're on women's side when you behave like white knights, but don't understand what women actually think of what their relationships and self-image should be.
>No one disagrees with you aside from you taking it personally and bitching about it all day.
If that's the case them I'm really done because I need to eat dinner before it gets cold.
It was nice chatting with y'all and hope you guys have a fine evening.
Joseph Gutierrez
You're just describing mentally ill Buddies or Miracles
Oliver Lewis
We all know who are the valuable ones in the group.
Levi Thomas
hope they drop their own solo albums when they’re back
Nicholas Howard
can someone post nancy's butt in webm form real quick i gotta brap someone
Brody Clark
Dominic Howard
>no blast material
Levi Robinson
>better singer
to be fair this isn't hard. but at the same time big hit obviously have them all sing something similar to jungkook's 'style' so their potential will be pretty stifled
Josiah Walker
>she sings and dances
now ive heard it all
Benjamin Long
yes, all of them
Adrian Sullivan
because white is effay
Thomas Young
Anyone else find it interesting that gaypop discussion happens only during Amerimutt prime time? At the times I usually post there is literally zero gaypoop posting
Ian Mitchell
is felix okay
Bentley Wilson
Wyatt Wilson
David Cox
it's hardly surprising
Carter Morales
Hudson Jackson
thanks I appreciate it
Ethan Hall
i'll take care of that on my own
Jacob Brown
they could do without xiumin's vocals desu but ksoo should be back before baekchen
Austin Long
he gained some weight and is less sad to look at, so I guess he is
Hudson Nguyen
i can't sing
Mason Bennett
Leo Nguyen
stop it bro, spamming jisoo like a spastic doesn't change things
Aaron Smith
bleach hair is already extreme though, that’s the point
Lincoln Robinson
i hope not, TXT all have such cool unique voices. huekai's is a little generic but still very pleasant. i hope they get real training. they're already better singers and dancers across the board. rap game is okay too
William Torres
Xavier Thomas
stop doing this and we didn't spam once
Nathan Jenkins
but was it surgery or just drastic weight loss?
David Reed
yeah im fine, thanks for asking
Angel Moore
Bentley Phillips
Leo Scott
budget ryujin
Henry Sullivan
you should see kai's legs
Charles Rivera
make it a seulgi's feet thread
Sebastian Ward
good job making fun of a baby hope you're proud of yourself
apologize to jisoo
Hudson Smith
apologize to ryujin
Easton Perry
cute girl, bet she's got banging ticklish feet
Jose Allen
Evan Morales
love this angry jithoo
Gavin Nguyen
tough but fair
Jason Torres
meant for
Jayden Lewis
Liam Ortiz
wow, she's perfect
Wyatt Torres
low key sharkmen have completely taken over kpg and no one has really noticed yet
James Richardson
get some new pics at least, she's already boring
Jace Ramirez
budget joy
Aaron Gomez
apologize to ryujin
Carter Richardson
>unique voices
hard to tell who's singing dbh when the vocals are all processed so much in their songs. big hit knows girls like how jungkook exhales his entire lung capacity into the mic, so it looks like that's going to be their 'house style'
Logan Collins
make a yeji thread next
Carson Hernandez
Colton Carter
cute rosie and angry jisoo is cute no matter how angry she gets
shut the hell you fake blink
apologize to jennie
Christopher Lopez
meant for
Jordan Myers
I like her but I hate her big shoe autism
Hunter Evans
can’t believe ugly trannies could become idols
John Edwards
>jungkook deepthraoting the mic
people actually like this? the jikook cover of we dont talk anymore was borderline unlistenable because he was having an asthma attack in the booth
Logan Perry
and jisoo too
Brandon Ramirez
both weight loss and botox reductions im assuming
Ryan James
Daily reminder that jisoospammer (former choafag) is a mentally ill individual and you shouldn't be replying to him. He's also a closeted homosexual obsessed about Sehun.
Brody Reed
Liam Myers
Austin Martinez
fangirls think it sounds emotive and sexy to hear all the air licking at the mic
Owen Brooks
Tyler Brooks
is that a youtube vid or something?
Thomas Cooper
Adam Murphy
James Jenkins
good to know, never gonna reply that autist again