
FOAD edition
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Other urls found in this thread:


bolt thrower sucks

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Posting charts is an admission of homosexuality.

Transcendental stoner recs please!

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holy shit

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>thot avatarfagging
Why do I even come here

holy shit

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california edition

Where's Angel hehe

Is that ron perlman?

>about to leave my room
Metal for this feel?

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her ass is mesmerizing

time to fap


Sunbather Deafheaven

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war never changes

what you need is some walking music

is this a hidden ass thread?

melodeath sucks


Don't forget you're here forever.

To read "melodeath sucks" and quickly stopping yourself of the fear that people start to like that shit genre before continuing on fucking some Brazillian Metal pussy while blasting Exodus.


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here's a movie idea: Shawshank Redemption but about Varg
man named Varg Vikernes is wrongly sentenced to jail for killing Euronymous, but only Varg knows Euronymous slipped and fell on lamp 26 times so he dindu nothing
in jail, he befriends a black man and plots his escape by digging a tunnel with medieval larping tools
he tells black man of a magical place in France where he will start his new life and escapes
after the black man serves his sentence, he goes to France, finds Varg and Varg kills him
the end

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Brazilians suck at making metal.

I feel very uncomfortable around black people. Get rid of the black man and it'll be fine.

That's exactly what happened in The Lords of Chaos

Im mexican


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I want her to sit on my face until I die of suffocation

You can stop staring at this lady's ass now.

I don't think war metal would exist if it weren't for this album.

any gorehounds itt?

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*dabs on non whites*

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How do I get into Boris
there's so much

Check this out

pick one at random

I started with Pink randomly.

My neighbour collapsed in the street. Another neighbour tried to give him CPR. My wife watched him die. He was a lovely man.
Metal for this feel?

Have you ever just listened to and explored metal from around the world? I just find metal scenes from different countries very interesting, like China's atmospheric black metal scene for instance.
Whats some really good foreign metal stuff you've discovered before?

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I don't care where the album came from as long as it sounds good.

>You got a new match!

Metal for this feel?

Vital Remains - Horrors Of Hell

Relationships are overrated.

Listen to Heavy Rocks and then their first few drone records

ok, before /metal/ starts shitting on this album as on the first one
I have to say, I really like it.
also, it's great to see that it wasn't Krzysztof's initative that the first album was so commercial

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Link? Can't find it in the archive

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I've got a chance to see eyehategod and bongripper later this year, but it's going to be at a festival so the sound setup won't be optimal.
Still worth?

well played

I never listened to this album and I don't plan to.

what exactly is a riff


i don't know but when it's a riff you know it's a riff

>tfw I'm fat and horribly ugly and looking at attractive women just makes me depressed
Metal for this feel?

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"a melodic phrase, often constantly repeated, forming an accompaniment or part of an accompaniment for a soloist"

action bronson?

lose some weight though

Eyehategod is the best band I've seen live production wise. It sounded just like the studio albums.

You don't have to remind us.

meant to reply to

not hard when the studio uses as much feedback as you will ever hear live

>Tfw seeing them in a small venue

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I haven't seen Bongripper yet but I've seen EHG three times. Worth it every time.

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Woah duuuude weeeeed this band is so dope duuUuUuUude I love stoner doom my dudes


Is it really all there is to it?

I hate the smell of weed, BO, and unwashed hair. Stoner doom fans are degenerate and should kill themselves

Metalheads in general are just hippies with aggressive music, who are you kidding?

As if every other metal genre doesn't also have shows that smell like weed, BO, and unwashed hair

I'm literally the most hygienic person I know

Metal is anti hippie music

When i went to see ghost everyone was hygienic and well behaved

black sabbath were incredibly anti-hippy

Simply run your nice clean digital recording through a Matsushita cassette deck, then back into your computer, and presto, grim scalding coldness

Doesn't contradict what I said, metal is a relatively grimy scene in general, particularly the underground.

Yeah, and the people that listen to them are hippies.

They got the same ideals otherwise. Got to any large concert or festival and see for yourself.


They were only against the feelgood optimism.

Nigga you smell

numale metal

What was this that got derezzed?

Metalheads are mostly assholes anyways. I'm guessing it's their major insecurity projected that makes them seem so shitty. This is especially the case for city dwelling scumbags.

Im a big metal fan

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fuck that chart thread, full of posers who know nothing about metal genres

both shit

fuck off and listen to Rammstein then

Rammstein is good tho

So spend your Saturday nights line dancing at the roadhouse. We won't miss you.

Emperor is the best black metal band

Down here they generally aren't assholes but they are degenerate drunks/druggies.

one of them for sure

There's a massive heatwave here of course I smell
In fact I have a Pungent Stench
Sucks to have your local scene, people are aight around here

Have you heard the one about the chicken crossing the road?

Where my dfw metal heads at?

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wow dude so cool and badass thanks for sharing

Atlanta is trash

Nigga wear deodorant

Miami here. At least you faggots get shows.

Lmao c'mon, we all know you go to shows alone and have no friends

True, but everyone sucks. Or maybe I just suck, who knows. Who cares.

feels bad

I would but I'm at home all day, there's no one to notice me so I can stay Malodorous


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Shit I had completely forgotten about that band

Classic depressed city dweller remark. Get out and get some fresh air instead of constantly inhaling smog, maybe you'll be less irritable.

So that's why you think everyone else is an asshole. You're assuming everyone here is a friendless loser like yourself. You're pretty easy to peg.

They kinda dropped off the face of the earth, technically still active according to the archives. Guttural Slug did a better Eyes of Abomination though

Nice double projection their loner. Must suck going to shows and having no one to talk to.

S A M A E L.


That is all.

Skinflint - Nyemba is great Botswanan trad metal

>talking with metalheads

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Most underrated Motörhead album?

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give me some based alpha male meal.

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Most of their 90s ones actually.

Thrash is alpha my fine chap

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Death > Thrash = 1st wave Black >>> 3rd wave Black > Doom > 2nd wave Black

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There's nothing alpha about anyone's taste in music but thinking it is has to be the most gamma thing I can imagine.

lol he took the time to paint out the (You)s.


Put trad and grind in that order between 3rd wave and doom and it's perfect

What exactly is 3rd wave black?

Good try dummy

reminder that black metal has the highest proportion of poseurs, especially the image obsessed 2nd wave black metal.

Death on the other hand has the least. Nobody listens to death metal because it's "cool".

If you ever meet someone who listens to "almost/almost exclusively black metal", then they are indeed a poseur and should be outed and mocked.

>Nobody listens to death metal because it's "cool".

Not in this decade, no.

why do we need chart threads when /meal/'s taste was already defined by this?

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You got me.

That used to be the case, but now the death metal scene is absolutely full of "dank grimy cavernous THICC riffs" bandcamp faggots.

Do you think that is a 3rd gen 19 or 17? I miss my Glock 19 man...I have a 17 atm.


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I completely agree but I was only listing the 4 extreme genres

it's a pretty vague genre but basically actual black metal songwriting without the shitty production and usually a few death influences, Dark Funeral is 3rd wave imo

I'm 26 and I still like some of those albums. What's the big deal?

which fucking album is the real one
i don't want in on this drama bullshit, i just want the correct album

fuck off already. no one likes you here.

It's quite ironic how BM ended up attracting the most poseurs. At least they're easy to spot irl.
Who keeps changing the age on this chart? I'm certain it originally said "15"

based as fuck

the one already released

"Looking metal" is gay as fuck

that's the point
to get you to reply

Fuckin kill yourself you fucking retard, you fucking thread ruiner, you fucking redditard, you fucking dumbass

My impression is 3rd wave is more of a collection of genres that came about within the last 20ish years. DF is overproduced meloblack through and through, I wouldn't say they're "3rd wave" though.

That's a Gen 3 19. I sold my 19 and get a 17 instead. I don't notice a difference in carrying or print more. Much easier to draw from appendix too with the larger grip.

You think you aren't being transparent, you stupid motherfucker? Every single fucking time someone calls you out on being a pathetic fucking attention whore you try to act as if they were right and you were going to stop instead of being confrontational so as to gain the sympathies of retards just to keep being fucking unbearably obnoxious the next fucking thread
You aren't fooling anyone but yourself, you stupid motherfucker
Stop spamming, stop being self-important, stop being a fucking retard (oh wait, you are actually fucking physically incapable of doing that)
Even now that you mentioned (again, just to feel like you have any sort of relevancy because no fucking body gives an ounce of a motherfuck about you in real life) that "ohhhh everyone has filtered me" you suddenly "drop your trip" for no fucking reason, just so people can still see your irrelevant fucking nonsensical blabber
Get banned from this website, sucker, and then kill yourself so that you get banned in real life too
Fuck off and fucking DIE

The idiot who made these posts is in this thread right now. Everyone point and laugh at him.


Yea Forums hipster got mad about being bullied

>The posts are exactly one minute apart
Quit falseflagging and spamming user

>DUUUR you should listen to the genre before making a chart!
You can't tell me what to do lmao

Oh, guess I'm not on the up and up concerning lel chart troll XDdd (((you))) culture

Get lost

True enough, I don't have a problem concealing my 17 since I'm tall and not a fatass. I like the longer sight picture as well.


everyone attack this person. he's the one who wrote the pasta about me.


you okay bud?

Was that supposed to be a comeback?

Is the baby gonna cry? WAAAAH STOP MAKING CHARTS!

if this is the chart user, all i have to say is kill yourself nobody likes and nobody ever will


this is chartanon everybody ATTACK

who are these guys?






You know we can all see the number of posters itt, right?

They are poser disposers.

>newfags raid /metal/
>don't know how to sage
>bump the thread to the top of Yea Forums


fuck this gay thread
post top tier meal

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waiting for the new album to go on youtube

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You know,
I was going to listen to a genre of music before making a chart.
However you guys fucked up.
I'm not going to listen to a genre of music before making a chart anymore just to piss you guys off some more lmao
You had your chance and blew it. Good job.

> listening to music on youtube

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faker, this is the real chart user here to tell you all that this isn't me, and that I'm gay and love melodeath

you can't stop me

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on my 3rd youtube album today
based as fuck

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>on my 3rd youtube album today
fucking cringe

Just you wait and see what can and can't be stopped.

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Get used to the charts faggots because they are staying. There's nothing you can do about it lmao.

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>he autistically downloads albums he hasn't even heard yet or even worse, pays money for some streaming service that only has popular metal albums
unbased, bluepilled, untrve and dare I even say cringe

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enjoy your 128kbs faggot

You must be very stupid to whine over a chart.
Stop being a pussy.

>downloads albums he hasn't even heard yet

That is every single person in this thread though.

>not listening to YouTube's auto-generated music videos for 1080p quality

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I hope this was made by the same dude who made the Demilich cringe piece.

>autistic man tricks himself into thinking he can tell the difference between 128 and 320
it's over. stop replying. I btfo'd you
not us based tubechads

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based and autogeneratepilled

I listen to an album on YouTube before downloading it.

I think you meant to post "arise"

Krisian are good enough.

To the average person 192 cbr is transparent to lossless faggot.

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Shut up
Brazilians are fucking stupid and can't make metal.
Go back to where you belong.

Varg is a tubechad himself. He has a 7 Aryan children and his own property. I wonder what the losers in this thread have?

"tubechad" suggests something other than what you probably had in mind.

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you need a hearing test if you think youtube quality is fine, I met you use apple earphones as well faggot
yet most videos aren't even above 480p

>the average person

Stay average, faggot.

Any Sepultura from Bestial Devastation to Chaos A.D. is great. I just picked my favorite one.
Roots is pretty good too, very underrated.

Fucking stoner bands are shit. So many over weight crust-dreadheads in my area. They're all bartenders too and play in the same 5 bands and jerk each other off.


Disposable income and peace of mind.

You are probably a self-hating brazilian. Go drink your söy somewhere else pussy.

nigger most are at least 720p nowadays

>this amount of cope
enjoy your 9.99 subscription streamcuck, better delete some files on you computer too and make room for that album you're downloading entirely in .wav

I do like Chaos A.D but can't get into Roots except a couple of songs. Anything later than that is worth ignoring.

what's worse is retards on slsk who convert youtube audio to 320kbps and make it sound even more tinny and shit wasting my goddamn time

>he's a genetic dead end

lmao I don't even fucking stream, also my pc has 912GB poorfag

>make it sound even more tinny and shit
that's a good thing

You could have at least said "piece of mind" you fucking dork


If you physically respond to innocuous Yea Forums comments, you probably need therapy of some kind.

this is literally you right now. stop replying, you got owned, get over it.

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>t. youtube.com/watch?v=L34S4Tt1EuQ&t=1s

This is outdated, it even says so on the image itself. The audio quality on YouTube is independent of the resolution now - actually, choosing a lower res might make it pick a higher bitrate audio stream.

ITT: """"""audiophiles""""""" getting butthurt trying to cope wasting money

You got me there.

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I can easily tell the difference between 320kbps and lossless. I got hearing damage too.

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Cryptic Writings is THE best Megadeth album and FUCK anyone who doesn't agree with me in the ASS

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what headphones do you use

>what is slsk

Name one reason not to sample new music on youtube before buying or torrenting it

>you got owned
how? you are the loser here, I have superior listening equipment so I can enjoy high quality riffs while poorfags like you listen to shitty youtube riffs in 480p with apple earbuds kys

Agreed. Nice solid guitar sound.

Some old ass Audio Technica AD700s into some no name DAC.

>moving the goal post
then why did it matter that most "weren't even above 480p"

ha! suck on those trips bitch!

>I can easily tell the difference between 320kbps and lossless
Wrong. No one can, maybe unless that 320kbps was made with some ancient version of the codec.
I'm not the one who said that.

>this much projection
enjoy spending so much money on things the human brain can't even consciously perceive! meanwhile my fellow tubechads and I will be listening to the newest albums completely FREE
you got destroyed, its over, don't reply to this loser

is it babby's first day on da internets?
>what is slsk

Sure is summerfag in here.

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>this much cope
lol why are streamcucks and slskfags such sore losers? this is the last post where I will acknowledge you pathetic fags. just admit that you lost, I destroyed you. get btfo'd

Are you retard

Dude literally everyone is disagreeing with you, stop embarrassing yourself

>i troll u xd

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fuck it, I'm making a poll

Comparing the same albums side by side I definitely hear a difference but I guess I'm full of shit.

Bro go to the gym you can do this you can be a fucking sick warrior cunt if you wanna

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Streamfags get out. Soulseek and youtube are objectively superior to getting jewed out of 10 dollars a month

>not being so patrician that you don't listen to albums that aren't on YouTube or streaming services normally


Isn't YouTube technically streaming?

I guess, but I mean't payed streaming like Spotify, Apple Music etc.

If you don't give a shit about the quality of the music, YouTube is fine.
If you want the best listening experience, downloading albums is better.
There really is a difference.


maze of torment is better than chapel of ghouls

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Tbh I've found the difference to be more in the quality of the rips themselves than the quality of the audio, a 100% flac rip is as good at it gets and can be turned into any lossy format just fine. Often times I get transcodes and such where there is a noticeable difference, and for obscure items finding those flac rips is basically just a holy grail

Full house, wigga!

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Ah shit

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The more coffee i drink the more metal i enjoy. Why does this happen?

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looks like that user was wrong after all

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Drugs and music go hand in hand

coffee is a drug?

that poll is retarded though. you can use multiple ways of listening to music and enjoy them all.

sorry tubefag but you lost

Caffeine is a mind and body stimulant and causes dependency and tolerance, so yes it's a drug. And i absolutely love coffee.

us tubechads were too busy listening to the hottest new albums in glorious 1080p to vote in your obvious rigged poll

stimulants are drugs. so are depressants like alcohol


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>i absolutely love coffee
same i drink it at least three times a day

I drink 8 cups every day but I’m thinking of stopping because my anxiety just can’t take it anymore

Yeah, ever quit caffeine cold turkey? Not a fun time.

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>obvious rigged poll
cope harder faggot

>tfw completely straight edge
begone you disgusting addicts

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>tfw too autistic to use soulseek

but soulseek is for autists

Use Deezloader Remix then. Or Usenet. Or FTP.

I just realised that Noisecore in todays Zoomer meme terms is just deep-fried Grindcore.

what the fuck

I want dark-world.ru back

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Metalarea.org is pretty good.


Is that some norwegian band?


Who /midpaced/ here?

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Wouldn't that make you pee a lot? When I drink coffee, I have to piss right away.

Is this supposed to be mid paced death metal? In that case, yes. I prefer that speed.

So I'm listening to this and some tracks seem to end abruptly, like instead of instruments fading away just a cut to silence, is the album like that or did I download a fucked version?

forgot pic

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is this how they teach acronyms in american education?

Some of them do end like that.

no don't worry, they're supposed to end abruptly

Is there a reason for that?

it's just how the band intended it to be, i think it fits the album quite well

l reason I know of. not that common either. the only other place I can think of it happening is in Pull Me Under

forgot to set reply

The songs are also really short for black metal as I recall, and devoid of any frills or extras except keyboards in maybe one or two songs. They wanted to make a record that was short and to the point. The abrupt endings work well in that context like alright; song is over now and off it goes.

that's what I meant it's like Reign in Blood in that sense

I downloaded a few albums where the songs don't actually start at the beginning. They start a few seconds before at the end of a song. Shit's annoying. I don't know if it's done on purpose or not.

Some retard probably downloaded a single file of the entire album and cut it himself

What difference does it make if you listen to whole albums at a time?

Sometimes I like to listen to certain songs.

Yeah it's pretty clear what they were going for, only for a few seconds in Blashyrkh they stop for a while. Killer album


metal, with all of its shitty production, unironically sounds better in 128kbs, especially if you have neutral or bright headphones and good hearing.

If you something dark, but also rare and expensive like a HE-500 then yeah, metal generally does better in 192kbs+ quality

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based af

/metal/ for this feel?

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Who else is ready to bump this in the whip?

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