neurosis good
I'm starting to think Times of Grace is better desu
>tfw tried getting into Neurosis but it never clicked
Kinda weird cause I feel like I should like them based on the other music I like.
Good record. Not sure why some describe this band as Sludge, however
It's atmosludge
I just put it on for another listen. Track one is closer to NIN than Eyehategod. You're a retard.
Let's get something straight, faggot, Sludge should sound like Black Sabbath had a baby with Black Flag, and come from the Southeastern USA.
theres good sludge that isnt from the usa, boris for example
wow, no need to be a rude cunt about it, it's atmospheric sludge/post metal hope you get cancer faggot
Boris certainly not Sludge, baka. Do you even have ears & a brain?
You are a fucking retard who needs to learn his genres, first week into metal?
Burden of proof is on you. Boris aren't Sludge.
Downloaded this album few days ago, is it like tool? New to metal, especially prog
>is it like tool?
Neurosis are honestly a genre of their own
Neurosis definitely qualifies as sludge, they are an extreme metal band with a lot of hardcore influence but they don't play fast like thrash. Their first two albums literally are post hardcore.
its a lot like city by strapping young lad but chopped and screwed
If Neurosis is not sludge then Burzum is not black metal
this, dudes a fucking retard
Boring album, they better though.
one of those bands people pretend to like
or you just have no taste, normie
wow another non metal fan listening to a textbook "metal for non metal fan" album and thinking it's great
go ahead and lecture me on how this album is so much better than all the metal albums you haven't heard and call me an elitist for telling you it's not that great
Seeing them in concert next month. What can I expect?
Too bad it's their only good album, I used to really love this one. Haven't listened to it in a few years though.
>too bad it's their only good album
are you generally retarded or just have no taste in music?
*a better sludge album coming through*
lol no
shut the fuck up, name one band that sounded like Neurosis before 1992
Edward's Way. You might not have heard of them.
>Edward's Way
no results on google, are you making this shit up?
No. I said you might not have heard of them. I don't know why they'd be on the internet at all since their guitarist died years ago.
bullshit, go kill yourself schizo
My dad and I used to listen to this when we went skating