>Avatar better than Aliens
Remind me why I should trust his opinions on music again?
>Avatar better than Aliens
Remind me why I should trust his opinions on music again?
Other urls found in this thread:
because movies arent music you mong.
>more 9s than Captain Beefheart and The Velvet Underground combined
but if you have good taste in music then you have good taste in film and vice versa
um, no you just went full retard,
Both are shit
Really retarded post
who is this?
why does this guy need to assign a numeric value to all these things? what does it even mean?
because he's autistic and autists like putting things in order and having hierarchies for things. Things can't be chaotic or enjoyed on their own merit, it all has to be put in a big spreadsheet and ranked
Real patricians know that Alien Saga is peaking right now with Prometheus and Covenant
Maybe there is correlation for certain styles of music and movies but the last film buff i met liked electro swing.
Piero "Why Can't I Marry a 12 Year Old" Scaruffi
yeah, does seem like an autistic tendency
it really bothers me that there is an increasingly strong tendency in music criticism (if you even want to call it that) towards reducing the artifact to a numerical value or like/dislike
people praise this guy on here and i can understand that he is perhaps a good source of unique or interesting music but the actual content of his written reviews is almost on par with any pitchfork writer or fantano review
it peaked with AVP
This man is a pretentious dork
When did he ask why he can't marry a 12yo?
>Why are there age limits? why can't i marry a 12-year old?
This. This right here.
He's top of both his greatest director and greatest actor list
the correct opinion
nice samefagging. fuck off back to twitter
he doesn't even rate jazz albums because he said comparing rock albums to jazz albums is the same as comparing a rock album to your favourite cake or something like that
sounds pretty based to me
he has rated jazz though