What are the best songs to twerk to?

What are the best songs to twerk to?

Attached: 1561096972282.webm (640x800, 1.37M)

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Sun Kil Moon - I Love My Dad


mute button


Whitehouse - Wriggle Like a Fucking Eel

Patrician choice
Also good


some 808 beats like on Drake's In My Feelings


why the fuck is my face involuntarily disgusted (cringe) when watching this webm?


GOAT and your MOM - Quack Like a Duck


music from the land of twerk itself


Absolutely disgusting

why do woman do this?

Libido Airbag - Demonic Twerking (from the album Testosterone ZONE)

Attached: tumblr_lqnjq3plBG1qkvuhoo1_1280.jpg (576x366, 39K)


Can someone explain women?
How can they be so carefree, so uncaring about anything but themselves, so ignoring to the grand problems of the world?

Kraf Twerk songs


Attached: Schopenhauer.jpg (300x358, 15K)

god shut the fuck you cant comment on women until you have consensual passionate sex with a woman you love

what an embarrassing thing to say

god shut the fuck up you cant comment on women until you have consensual passionate sex with a woman you love

what an embarrassing thing to say

Is this that mysterious shit? I listen to albums that people actually play. And you actually hear it. You know, driving your car you hear another car playing it. Go to the barber shop, you hear them playing it. You know, turn the radio on, and you hear them playing it. It's playing everywhere - it's called great music. It's called albums that you actually hear the songs. Not no mysterious shit, and you never hear it

god shut the fuck you up cant comment on women until you have consensual passionate sex with a woman that loves you

Because they're solipsistic teenagers. That's their peak level of maturity.

god shut the fuck you up cant comment on women until you have consensual passionate sex with a woman that loves you

women be shoppin kek

god shut the fuck up you cant comment on women until you have consensual passionate sex with a woman that loves you

Have your white knight badge and chill already.

What are the grand problems of the world we should be worrying about oh enlightened one?

thats a question only you can answer user

goddamn is as if you faggots are begging to be called incels or whatever

god shut the fuck you up cant comment on women until you have consensual passionate sex with a woman that loves you

I love ladies butts and watching them jiggle and squish, but twerking just looks so goofy and retarded that it puts me off. Much prefer to see her ass jiggle walking down the street or getting fondled by some other chick.


The mental image of this has me hysterically laughing

>it took me like a decade to realize the video of that song was a warriors reference