I think this is called growing up, but back then (when it comes to the big 4) for me it was always
Nirvana > Pearl Jam > Soundgarden > Alice in Chains at 15, now at 21 it's Alice in Chains > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam > Nirvana.
I think this is called growing up, but back then (when it comes to the big 4) for me it was always
Nirvana > Pearl Jam > Soundgarden > Alice in Chains at 15, now at 21 it's Alice in Chains > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam > Nirvana.
for me it was
Nirvana > Soundgarden > AiC >>>> Pearl Jam
And now it's
Nirvana > AiC > Soundgarden >>>>> Pearl Jam
It was for me
Soundgarden > Alice in Chains >Nirvana > Pearl Jam
Now it's
Soundgarden >>>
I don't really listen to those other bands any more..
So you've always had shit taste?
>taste is objective
Alice In Chains>Local H>Melvins>Mudhoney>the rest
>Local H
Anyway, I think the big 4 all have their... use?
If you want amazing lyrics and feel so bad that it starts feeling good, you usually go for Alice in Chains when Layne was still there (or Mad Season)
If you want an uncalculatable performance experience, you usually go for Pearl Jam (especially their Unplugged)
If you want a cute boy and soulful voice with a lot of depth behind it, you go for Cornell.
If you want... uh... to remember your teens, you go for Cobain. I don't know. The only stuff of his I still like is the Outcesticide stuff (Help Me I'm Hungry, Do Re Mi, Talk To Me etc.)
Sorry, brain fart. Incalculable.
>discover Nirvana
This shit is fucking gay, I'll keep listening to metal
>discover Alice In Chains
This shit rules
>discover everything else
Mudhoney and Green River were way better than Nirvana, not totally my thing but cool enough. Soundgarden and Pearl Jam had phases of spending a lot of time in my Walkman, but overall bands I hardly ever listen to years later. Grunge to me is blah.
Alice in Chains>soundgarden>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>babea in toyland>screaming trees>>>>>>>>>>>>>nirvarna>pearl jam
Bruh, someone put on a grunge mix at work the other day and I cringed the entire time. I can't fucking stand any of this cornball Seattle greasy ass bullshit anymore. Yarl-ing fuckin flannel trash bruh. I don't give a fuck how important this scene was 30 years ago, this shit did not age well.
Not really. Mudhoney, Nirvana. And that's about it. If you don't quote mudhoney in a grunge list there's something wrong with you.
>I think this is called growing up, but back then (when it comes to the big 4) for me it was always
>when it comes to the big 4
Real dyslexia hours, my dude.
it was
Nirvana > AiC > Pearl Jam > Soundgrden
now it is
AiC >>> Nirvana > Soundgarden > Pearl Jam
But honsetly I didn't listen to any of those for at least five years.
>Pearl Jam > anything
Pearl Jam has some riffs despite cringe vocals
Nirvana has.....
Meme factor, nobody who's really into rock music likes Nirvana.
>implying this performance wasn't kino
Kurt's suicide was unironically an incredible achievement.
Think about it. He killed himself at the height of his fame. Young, beloved, forever good-looking and with a (back then) net worth of 150 million USD. He has achieved EVERYTHING an artist would want to achieve. Sure, there were things planned like Do Re Mi and work with R.E.M., but it wouldn't have gone anywhere. He met Burroughs, his favorite author, so even his childhood dream came true months before he killed himself.
He was depressed. Bipolar. Suffered body dysmorphia. Had a trapped nerve. Scolliosis. TMJ. Larynghitis. Bronchitis. Probably brain damage from the OD in Rome. Shit and puked every night. A heroin and coke addiction. He only suffered by the end. He wouldn't be remembered as cool and what not if he ended like Staley (although I prefer his voice over Kurt's by a mile, but the thing is just that Layne's death was so sad it was actually too sad to reach the mainstream. Kurt's was a poetic end to a story.)
I mean...if you LIKE Kurt Cobain, I guess. To me he's an ugly faggot with no good music who couldn't sing or play guitar and is only revered due to meme magic and fake sentimentality from posers who own less then 20 rock albums on vinyl most likely.
his Outcesticide stuff was on par with Layne's junkhead era, unfortunately it wasn't what got him popular so he backstabbed his values and went for pop stuff. Kurt could make cool shit when he wanted to, but it wasn't bringing in the money. But yeah you don't have to like Kurt obviously, it's just that he's done a lot more than the official albums.
I can't really rank them, ranking bands is a bit of an early teens thing.
I had the Kurt Cobain look when I was 12-15 and got tons of pussy( I'm 6'3" and a complete douchebag ) but his music is utterly depressing. Now at 30, I used to listen to Soundgarden a lot ever since I heard Rusty Cage on Road Rush 3, but after the guy committed suicide I kinda stopped listening to them.
I'll listen to AIC from time to time. and Pearl Jam they have some good tunes but they're too generic for my taste I'd rather listen to STP.
if I ever had to rank my most played grunge songs it would be
Rusty Cage( good vibes )
Negative Creep live
School live
Heart Shaped Box( ultra depressing )
AIC - Rooster
AIC - I stay away
Smashing Pumpkins - Today, One, basically all the Siamese album
Tad - Greasebox
This sounds like bullshit I would record for a joke when shitfaced drunk....you've got to be kidding me. It's worse than their studio albums, this is complete garbage. Was this supposed to be impressive musically? You don't even play music do you, holy shit.
>they're too generic for my taste
>names the most generic songs
oh boy
oh and STP - Plush
When I got into it, it was Nirvana > PJ > SG > (never listened to AIC)
Now it's SG > AIC > PJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nirvana
which one?
Cornell didn't 'really' commit suicide. He overdosed on his anxiety medication and lost control of himself. It wasn't really voluntary; in his intoxicated state of mind it just turned out that way. Consider an accidental non-voluntary "suicide" - he had no real intention to kill himself.
>I can't really rank them, ranking bands is a bit of an early teens thing.
so is posting on Yea Forums
what the fuck is this entire post desu
It's most likely that he always had the intention to kill himself but he kept it under control, but on the medication his inhibitions were lowered and he didn't think twice like he usually does.
didn't he hang himself by his belt? I mean same can be said about Cobain, I'm having all kinds of flashbacks of having conversations like that when I was like 15 haha. It's fascinating stuff isn't it? only Vedder has been left alive, he was always too generic for this.
blogging about my life mainly
The new Soundgarden album was almost ready for post-production and he seemed genuinely looking forward to it. Overdose on anxiety medication can sometimes induce suicidal thoughts, and I guess that's what happened.
Yeah, a belt. Drugs do crazy things, lads. Be a Vedder - stay generic and don't do drugs.
I'm surprised Cornell lived for so long, I've seen some interviews of his where he seems a depressed about being still alive when all the grunge legends have died.
Vedder did a shit ton of drugs in the 90s, and I remember when the magazines were covered with "WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN EDDIE VEDDER?" when Kurt killed himself. Shit must have been harsh, now that he's the last man standing even more.
To be honest, without sounding like a conspiracy nut (especially since Soaked on Bleach retards get on my nerves, they just don't understand Kurt would kill himself, same idiots who won't understand that Layne simply died because of a broken heart and being a fucking junkie, not some CIA shit) - I actually believe Cornell didn't commit suicide. His wife is just way too shady, in particular her family. Cornell was her literal cashcow, as he gave her several millions to fund some of her parents' stuff, even though they would have only needed something in the five figure range and threatened to divorce him and take the kids if he wouldn't. Some musical projects he didn't even want to do, yet she insisted he should to make more money. She's very, very, very suspicious. What gets me is that Chester Bennington killed himself on Chris' birthday and has a genuinely grieving widow unlike Cornell's hag who couldn't even fake tears.
At least Cornell's second best buddy Brad Pitt is investing his own money to give him a kickass documentary this year.
>tfw no Kurt bf
why are there only pictures of him kissing guys but not Tracey or Courtney's bassist
nirvanna > Sound garden > alice in chains > stone temple pilots > local h
I doubt it honestly
but yeah he seemed to look forward to it
Nirvana used to be first on my list of favorite grunge bands, followed closely by AiC. Now, I pretty much only listen to AiC out of all of those bands while only occasionally listening to Soundgarden. I liked the first Pearl Jam album a lot, but after that I just didn't really care for them. Nirvana still has its place but I honestly can't stand some of the vocals now. I cringe at how I used to love the B-sides and terrible vocals on radio appearances the Nirvana did.
When I began listening to grunge in 04 it was
>pearl jam>soundgarden>alice in chains>stone temple pilots>screaming trees>nirvana
And because Im not a faggot I still rank them like that.