This album came out over 7 years ago

This album came out over 7 years ago.

Attached: the money store.jpg (600x600, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And still nothing has come close to topping it

Hoo boy you shouldn't have posted this one, friend

except this

babys first death grip.
its okay I understand
try this one

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I genuinely feel old knowing this--even though I'm not really old. It's just the time passing by.

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>tfw time passes

One of their best, a decade defining album

I was 13 when vaporwave came out. I'm now 20, with a job, car, dog and engaged.

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>I'm now 20, with a job, car, dog and engaged.

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Funny how no one likes it anymore.

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well, it's definitely a product of its time

I'm happy for you but still, getting engaged at 20 is the biggest and cringiest red flag of all time.

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Scratch that, bigger red flag is you being engaged and hording a meme stash. Marriage doa.

I know

U suck buddy
Engaged at 20 HOLY SHIT

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It is unfortunate we live in a culture where earlier marriages are not usually feasible, I agree with you there, but 20 isn't too late.

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I'm bounce In Woop WOOP

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If you get engaged before 55, you're loser and you deserve to be fried in boiling oil

Okay dude, freaking scratch that, you're freaking EFFED. What the flip?????? This guy is totally flipped up

You been out of highscool for 3 years

>Wipe the bum
>dont matter where you're from
>when you do the deed
>you gotta wipe the bum

Very brave, getting engaged in the current year.
With a girl, right?

It's my cat really

I'll never forget the first time I visited Yea Forums every thread was just lyrics to the money store in all caps

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Yeah nobody cares fag

I care though

No you don't

yeah you're right

user are you okay

wtf, you guys don't like it anymore? It's one of their best.

don't worry user, i know how you feel. i wish we could go back...

Sucks that I got into Death Grips too late, that sounds fun.

you're underage

No, I'm not.
my tribute

>engaged at 20
wtf is wrong with you? fucking kek