Ideal qt thread! rec, make friends, h8, just don't be ir8

Ideal qt thread! rec, make friends, h8, just don't be ir8

pic related for template

Attached: qt template.png (1254x720, 178K)

Other urls found in this thread:

woah, blast from the past

no not again please


Attached: yos.png (1264x707, 1.06M)

i cant do this because it doesnt work on my ps4

Give an updated version that allows me to make a modern art hoe and soft boy and maybe I'll make one

i'll dig around again for something up to date

Attached: my booty valentine.gif (407x407, 2.62M)

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i literally look like girl on left

>tumblr nose

wtf this shit takes too long fuck this

Doesn't count if you're a dude

But do you like prog

yes i can be your gf

yikes and reported

you'll be missing out
pic related is the only good one I found so far, still looking one for guys

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Dude, where's Viper - You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack?

been years since I last listened to it desu

A very very old qt chart, looks like I made this back in November 2011 lmao

Attached: me and her (2).jpg (1044x646, 231K)

only doing ideal gf cause this shit takes too long and I already feel disgustingly gay making this

Attached: hipster_girl_1.png (493x677, 75K)

You should.

Attached: qt1.png (1254x718, 1012K)

didn't know these go that way back, started lurking mid 2012. do you still enjoy all of those records?

shitty character creator. barely any choices

I think the ones with the grid in the middle and the two hipster doll dress up on either side were from mid 2012, they started around late 2011 though
Yeah but I haven't listened to a lot of those in a long time, I think the only one I slightly have grown less fond of is that VSnares record; the gimmick of classical samples and breakbeats has worn thin and he has much better records, though I can understand why at 17 when I made that I would have though omg most epic thing ever

not many good options out there, lots of them look too polished, and the ones that have a similar cartoony aesthetic have even less choices.

i can't into breakbeats at all
>i haven't listened to a lot of those in a long time
damn, but you're still into noise pop/rock and shit like that right?

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Oh, sup?

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nothing much, going to sleep now. have a goodnight. hoping euros will keep this thread alive

Attached: goodnight daily.png (426x364, 83K)


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but do you have a penis tho

i'm a girl.

post feet




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dope. what did you think of the new low life album

It grew on me, I've been giving it regular spins since it released. But the dumb autotune number is still grating to my chaste ears.

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I responded to you because you're a female music enthusiast, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not like a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D