Top 100 Best Traditional Heavy Metal Albums

I sure hope some of you are familiar with Traditional Heavy Metal, because I'm not.
This is probably going to be one of the toughest charts to make because no one seems to care about traditional that much.
Regardless, we will attempt to find the best Traditional Heavy Metal albums.
Let's get started.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mercyful Fate
Iron Maiden
Angel Witch
Armored Saint

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#1-7: Iron Maiden’s first 7 albums
#8-100: who gives a shit

Should we add Motörhead? They are a rock and roll band after all.

this one for sure

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This is what the chart looks like so far.
I will continue to add more bands.

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Heaven and Hell (the band and the album)

First six Sabbath albums obviously
Also Holy Diver, The Last in Line and Dream Evil by Dio

There are far too many as "traditional metal" spans so much ground I'm not even going to attempt to make a list, NWOBHM, early power metal, speed metal, trad doom, etc all have bands who fall under the banner and so does a lot of stuff that crosses over into hard rock and comprises of many bands who have a number of albums out in the double digits's far too much for a single Yea Forums style chart to cover with any justice

If you're going to attempt it though all this belongs and even more from some of these bands, and you'll need some Scorpions, Saxon, Manowar, Helloween, Grim Reaper, Savatage, Tokyo Blade, Blitzkrieg, Loudness, King Diamond, Jesus Christ there's so many bands...we're talking about pretty much the golden age of metal before it was really separated by distinct and drastic sub genres, and even bands who just followed suit in those sounds

Just give me the most essential bands from the golden age, I guess.

You want to trawl through German metal, Scorpions and their peers, that'll be twue as m8.

I thought Sabbath was considered doom metal.
We will add them for now, I guess.

I know basically all those albums are essential, but maybe we should limit the amount of releases per band? I mean, there are 28 albums on the chart but only 6 bands.

they're both

Heavy Load
Manilla Road
King Diamond
Grim Reaper


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Pentagram is doom though. Trad doom but still 100% doom.

doom metal did not exist in the 70s, it is still trad metal

If we can find bands that are better than the ones already in the chart.

But if we're picking something by Pentagram we'd have to pick something from the 80's. The term doom didn't exist but it's retrospectively seen as doom metal and not heavy metal. I wouldn't necessarily be totally against including Pentagram but then we'd also have to strech the chart to include proto-thrashy stuff like Venom as well.

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Ozzy and Dio solo both have multiple (mostly early) albums you could add to the chart. 2 pretty glaring absences.


We definitelly could. So far 1/4th of the chart is filled and we've only scratched the surface of essential bands.

>Rocka Rolla

Trad is actually my favorite metal sub genre by far
Some Stuff I'd rec (only 1 per band unless its really necessary):

Hard Rock/ Proto Metal
>Deep Purple - In Rock
>Uriah Heep - Demons and Wizards
>Night Sun - Mournin'
>Sir Lord Baltimore - Kingdom Come
>Captain Beyond - s/t
>Legend - From the Fjords
Early Metal
>Black Sabbath - Paranoid (+first 6)
>Judas Priest - Sad Wings of Destiny (+Stained Class and Killing Machine)
>Rainbow - Rising
>Budgie - Never Turn Your Back on a Friend
>Iron Maiden - s/t (+first7)
>Angel Witch - s/t
>Saxon - Wheels of Steel
>Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations
>Satan - Court in the Act
>Tank - Filthy Hounds of Hades
American Heavy Metal and USPM
>Manilla Road - Crystal Logic
>Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead
>Manowar - Into Glory Ride
>Jag Panzer - Ample Destruction
>Omen - Battle Cry
>Brocas Helm - Black Death
>Riot - Thundersteel
Early Speed Metal
>Motorhead - Overkill (+Ace of Spades)
>Venom - Welcome to Hell
>Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac
Early Doom
>Pagan Altar - Vol 1
Pentagram - s/t
Other stuff from the 80s
>Mercyful Fate - Melissa
>Dio - Holy Diver
>Judas Priest - Screaming For Vengeance (+Painkiller and Defenders of the Faith)
>Heavy Load - Stronger Than Evil
>King Diamond - Abigail
>Slough Feg - Traveller
>Dawnbringer - Into the Lair of the Sun God
>Eternal Champion - The Armor of Ire
>Demon Bitch - Hellfriends
>Satan's Hallow - s/t
>Summerlands - s/t

Good luck with the chart!

good list

Extremely based post. Pick a different Uriah Heep album though (if we're including them).

I probably put in a few albums that don't represent the band's best work.
I am going to follow this anons advice.

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You're definitely going to have to limit it to 1-2 albums per band.

>not giving a shit about Judas Priest

I think trad metal / heavy metal-heavy metal is my favorite, ultimately.

Keep in mind that posting the name of an album helps me a lot.
That way I don't have to guess which albums are the best from a bands discography.

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Never turn your back on a friend by budgie is solid for NWOBHM too

I plan on adding the Hard Rock/ Proto Metal and Rival stuff that user suggested.
Is everyone ok with that?

Oh never mind you put it in a diff category

Im the long list user, I guess the chart is looking good (maybe some stuff i wouldn't consider essential but mostly agree), are you planning on dividing the chart into sections? Or just everything together in alphabetical order?

Welcome to Hell from Venom has to make this in my estimation, lads.

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Are we including power metal in this chart? I'd recommend either of Awaken the Guardian or The Spectre Within by Fates Warning, and Irae Melanox by Adramelch.

I plan on dividing the albums in alphabetical order.
I'm going to include the revival and proto metal you suggested.
What does everyone think so far? We only need a couple albums to reach 100.
If you know any better albums to replace on the chart with, let me know.

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We're almost done the chart guys.
All we need now is a couple of suggestions and that should be it.

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KIng Diamond's them

I need one more album and we should be finished.

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The wait is killing me.
I'll have to pick a random album soon.

>luchando por el metal
based as fuck

People better not freak out over Black Sabbath being on the list.
It's both doom and traditional.
It's just waiting to happen.

I know you already have Sabbath but fucking Heaven and Hell m8

I don't know what you guys are doing but I am about to pick a random album.

Put Eternal Champion, Death SS, Root, Brocas Helm, and Visigoth
Save Helloween for the power metal chart

Whoa there.
We only need one of those bands.
Unless everyone else agrees to replace them with something else.
Which band do you want to add and which album in particular?

Speaking of power metal, maybe we should work on that next?

So Helloween is more power metal than traditional?
Should we replace them? Let me know.

Now is not the time to bail out of this. We're so close to being done.

Well, it looks like i'll have to wait even longer before more people show up to give their suggestions.
Carry on.

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Helloween was when "power metal" basically meant traditional heavy metal with more speed but not qualifying as being thrash metal because it wasn't aggro really or had any punk influence. I think they count as traditional metal, some might not.

Everyone in this thread just died for no reason. What happened?
Anyway, I just removed Helloween.
Now we need four more albums.

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I'm just throwing some names out there, Krokus, Queensryche, Dokken, Metal Church, UFO, Lizzy Borden, Y&T, Warlord

Would you guys mind picking the best bands out of this list?
I don't know.

Theres no Ozzy up there? Gotta have something from his solo works

Happy pride month op!

I'm done.
I don't know what the fuck you guys are doing but I am NOT waiting anymore.
This is the chart whether you like it or not.
Until next time.

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I sure hope you faggots actually show up and start replacing shit.
I don't know where to start.

>person who knows jack shit about heavy metal making a heavy metal chart

Look who's talking.
All you did was complain and not do anything to help.
You are no better.

What's the most recent album on there?

I don't know.
I didn't pay attention to the dates.

Oh It's gotta be Judas Pries. Change Queensryche to their Operation Mindcrime.

>I sure hope some of you are familiar with Traditional Heavy Metal, because I'm not.
We've seen how "familiar" you are with all these other genres

Nah just keep the Queensryche album you have it sounds pretty good

I don't care.
This is what the board is intended for.
To help each other out and learn about new music.
Unfortunately, it's just filled with shitposters.
I'm just trying to help.

Well, spamming /meal/ with your woe-is-me replies isn't helping

That’s the gayest thing I’ve seen since I accidentally walked in on OP’s dad bumming a trucker
>fucking heavy metal

Look, I'm sorry.
I won't do that shit again.
People keep on insulting me first while they can obviously just filter me out.
It's ridiculous.
I made the tripcode for a fucking reason.

People keep insulting you because you made the tripcode and because they know they'll get a response out of it. You don't have to reply to every single post about you, especially if it's something meaningless like "ur gay lol".
I get that it's /meal/ and people always fall for shit bait, but you've been actually getting trolled for days now and it doesn't look like it's going to stop.

It sure seems that way, doesn't it?
I'm actually having fun making these charts.
I wish we could just get along better.

he's not the one making the charts is he? That's like if some faggot made a solo-project that everyone hated and then defending it by saying "Well I didn't see YOU writing it with me!"

Ok, enough drama.
Let's actually get back into the chart.

>I wish we could just get along better.
In that case:
Stick to making charts
Stop replying to every post on /meal/
Take a break, both in general and in-between charts. There's no need for you to make a chart every single day. And you clearly need to take a break from /meal/ for a little while so you can calm down.

You make an excellent point.
I'll keep my posts to a minimum on /metal/.
I won't respond to shitty bait.
Hopefully the other anons will accept me with open arms now once I do this.

I hope so too
These charts are important, so just ignore the haters

They aren’t though there is a whole slew of charts for metal that already exist

Here's the thing,
I enjoy making these charts. I'm not breaking any rules. It may be pointless but who cares?It's fun.
If people are really getting butthurt about it, they should do some reevaluating.

but demons and wizards is extremely based.
what would you recommend?

I need to go though a bunch of suggestions for the chart. This might take awhile.

To really get the feeling and vibe I recommend looking through 80s Dungeons and Dragons illustrations like by Larry Elmore, Jeff Easley, and Clyde Caldwell. Also watch the Conan the Barbarian 1982 movie and The Road Warrior.

Replace Judas Priest - Firepower with Black Sabbath - Heaven nor Hell. If you don't want to add yet another sabbath album, replace it with Sabotage.

Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime is better than The Warning
I also feel like Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard of Ozz is missing but I don't really know at the moment what it should replace

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The only real heavy metal track on Demons and Wizards is Easy Living. Everything is pretty hippie-dippie. I'd pick Look at Yourself or maybe The Magician's Birthday.

Not really adding anything here, just trying to trim some fat:

Replace W.A.S.P. - The Last Command with The Crimson Idol
Replace Uriah Heep - Demons and Wizards with Look at Yourself
It's debatable if we need 3 Manowar records
I've never even heard of that russian band. Maybe I'm just a mega-pleb put 3 records by them seems excessive
Remove or replace Scorpions - Fly to Rainbow
Remove Rocka Rolla, Killing Machine, and Firepower
Remove Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

Or, you know, stare at a dog turd for an hour or two

UFO phenomenon
UFO-lights out

This is a slight improvement. Let's make it the best as possible.

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>Bathory - Bathory
>Trouble - Psalm 9
>Bulldozer - The Day of Wrath
>Megadeth - Killing Is My Business... and Business Is Good!
>Helloween - Walls of Jericho
>Destruction - Infernal Overkill
>Whiplash - Power and Pain
>Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
>Saint Vitus - Born Too Late
>Sodom - Obsessed by Cruelty
>Voivod - Killing Technology
>Pentagram - Day of Reckoning
>Kreator - Terrible Certainty
>X-Japan - Blue Blood

>Traditional Heavy Metal

but maiden and accept are mid tier at best

No one ever reads the threads.

Everyone look at this. This is the latest version of the chart.
Post your suggestions here.
Pretty please.

none of those are trad you retard

I never would have thought Bathory was traditional. This made my day.



Is anyone going to post more suggestions? If not, this will be considered done.

You didn't consider my suggestions

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Oh shit.
I’ll replace those albums right away.

Im the user who posted the list yestarday. I could suggest more upgrades if the thread is still alive tonight

lmao. we’ll have to wait and see if the thread survives

I like Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Witchfinder General, and Uriah Heep a lot, but tbqh I don't really care that much about metal as a genre until it goes extreme and the Slayer/Celtic Frost influence seeps into genres like sludge, black, death, and grind. That's where it gets really interesting to me. But I grew up on punk, so...

tbqh I've always semi-secretly really liked Twisted Sister...

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Have any other charts made recently?

Been made*

Bumping hopefully someone will dump some charts

You want to see all the charts I've made so far?

It keeps getting better.

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This looks pretty good.
What else is there to change about it?
I'll just have to wait a few hours before someone actually suggests something.

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Anthem is missing on this chart, even their recent albums have that good trad sound in them. I specifically suggest the first 4 albums, especially Gypsy Ways.

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Take a look at the chart first.
Are their albums any better than the ones currently on the chart?
If they are, you are gonna have to tell me which albums to replace.

Heaven and Hell can be easily taken out. I mean, we get it, Sabbath is awesome, but this particular album is quite forgettable in comparison to their earlier albums.

The Devil You Know can be taken out as well, for the same reason

Deep Purples in between two Dio's

Traveller is the best album on that chart. Put Down Among The Deadmen on there too

this, shits really bugging me

Pentagram and Dokken look bad the shitty artwork. You can change that Dokken to their Beast from the East album.

OCD fix applied.

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This. Even Rob Halford admits it's shite.

lucifer's friend - lucifer's friend
black sabbath - sabotage
deep purple - in rock
scorpions - taken by force
don't forget the first one which sounded like proper heavy metal


Lonesome Crow
Fly to the Rainbow
In Trance
Virgin Killer
Taken by Force

iron maiden
Fear of the Dark
Brave New World
Dance of Death

judas priest
Angel of Retribution

pentagram - first daze here

black sabbath - mob rules

listen to it in the background while doing something else. it will click on you

>he forgot gojira

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add the first 4 albums by megadeth and metallica. don't skip them because genre autists label them as thrash. they fit great on this chart.

I am about to post some charts that I've made since this guy want's to see them.
Get ready.

is any other music as good as traditional heavy metal? i expected pink floyd and led zeppelin to be as good but with less distortion, but they aren't t b h.

Replace motorhead bomber with rock n roll

Black Metal 1/8

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Brutal Metal 2/8

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Death Metal 3/8

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Doom Metal 4/8

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Grind 5/8

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Raw Black Metal 6/8

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I'm the list user from yesterday

>Aria (the Russian band) is over represented, 1 album would be good IMO
>Armored Saint is over represented
>I wouldn't remove Heaven and Hell
>Maybe 1 more Brocas Helm album (could be into battle)
>Not a fan of Dokken but its OK i guess
>Maybe 1 more Heavy Load (Death or Glory)
>Them and Abigail is OK for King Diamond, Conspiracy isn't as good
>Manilla Road is way underrepresented, you could add Open the Gates and the Deluge (at least)
>I would replace Kings of Metal with Hail to England
>I prefer Queensrych s/t than Operation Mindcrime but i guess its more essential
>Maybe remove 1 Savatage
>Maybe add 1 Saxon
>V8 is a great addition, whoever suggested it is based as fuck
>Not a fan of Wasp but OK i guess]\
>Maybe add more NWOBHM, something like Jaguar
Also some hidden gems that aren't necessarily essential but would fit into the chart if other anons agree
>Sortigele - s/t
>Attacker - Battle at Helms Deep
>Liege Lord - Freedoms Rise
>Martyr - For the Universe
>Tyrant - Too Late to Pray

What other charts have you made?

Sepülchral Thrash Metal 7/8

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Thrash Metal 8/8

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Let me know what you guys think of the charts I posted so far.

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I’m digging them. What’s your next one gonna be?

I understand the doom one, but there is like 5 different genres in that chart

My next chart is going to be technical / brutal death metal. I plan on adding caverncore and death/doom on it to make it more badass. I just hope other people are ok with it.
I know,
The chart isn't separated by sub-genre. That's why it looks totally fucked.
It represents the best albums across all doom sub-genres.
Hopefully that makes sense.

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isn't that black metal?

I just posted all my other charts.
I am going to follow your advice for the Traditional Heavy Metal chart.
After that, I think it will be done.

I'm procrastinating on the chart. It will be finished soon.

op can you do nu-metal?

someone else already made one
check it out

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this again

Yet another big improvement. I don't think the chart will get better than this.

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Pretty good chart fren, thanks for making it!

thanks. I might start making a new chart later

sup chart user

Wheres the Tygers Of Pan Tang

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Hello there, friend.
It is only a matter of time before the chart is improved.

Melodeath chart when?

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